Forward from: The Crowhouse
There is a lot of talk coming from Jewish sources of "freeing Iran from its government" (much like the "free Palestine from Hamas" rhetoric israel has been using to to carry out its genocide in Gaza) and of reinstalling those who are claimed to be "the Iranian Royal Family"
So who was the the Shah of Iran and what happened to make Iran into the country it is today?
In a nutshell:
Iran was once a thriving western democracy until President Mohammad Mosaddeq one day decided Iranian oil resources should be used to benefit the Iranian people and not be under the control of the British Government. So western Governments then conspired to overthrow him. To achieve this objective, in 1954 MOSSAD/CIA forces staged a covert attack upon Iran. In typical MOSSAD/CIA form they first began by targeting children and bombing school busses in order to raise the ire of the Iranian population. They also dropped flyers over Tehran implicating President Mosaddeq in the attacks. A western backed coup ensued and the democratically elected Govt of Mossaddeq was overthrown and he himself was executed. The CIA has the event listed on their website under the title "All the Presidents Men" as the agency's first successful coup of a foreign Government.
It was then that the "Shah of Iran" was installed. This so called Shah was a western puppet and brutal dictator who catered only to western interests, allowing foreign companies to grow exceedingly wealthy via their exploitation of Iranian resources. The Shah himself also accumulated massive wealth from his compliance to western demands while allowing the people of Iran to starve in abject poverty in what is now recognised one of Iran's most darkest times in its entire history. There is not a family in Iran to this day who does not recall having a family member taken and tortured or murdered by Iran's brutal and sadistic MOSSAD/CIA trained "Secret Police".
This brutal tyrant "Shah of Iran" was eventually deposed by the people which then saw the installation of the Ayatollah's which set the perfect stage for the future war planned where Christians and Muslims would kill each other off leaving the Jewish usurpers to make their big grab for power and control of this world. We are seeing this being played out before our very eyes right now in israels genocide of Palestine and now Lebanon being done in order to fulfill their ambitions to establish "Greater Israel" in the region, and in their relentless attempts pass themselves off as victims in a conflict they have deliberately created, designed to drag Christian nations into a massive war of east against west. The only winner in the end being the illegitimate state of Israel.
The below link will show you Google image results of Iran in the 1950's before the overthrow of Mosaddeq.
Thanks for reading.
So who was the the Shah of Iran and what happened to make Iran into the country it is today?
In a nutshell:
Iran was once a thriving western democracy until President Mohammad Mosaddeq one day decided Iranian oil resources should be used to benefit the Iranian people and not be under the control of the British Government. So western Governments then conspired to overthrow him. To achieve this objective, in 1954 MOSSAD/CIA forces staged a covert attack upon Iran. In typical MOSSAD/CIA form they first began by targeting children and bombing school busses in order to raise the ire of the Iranian population. They also dropped flyers over Tehran implicating President Mosaddeq in the attacks. A western backed coup ensued and the democratically elected Govt of Mossaddeq was overthrown and he himself was executed. The CIA has the event listed on their website under the title "All the Presidents Men" as the agency's first successful coup of a foreign Government.
It was then that the "Shah of Iran" was installed. This so called Shah was a western puppet and brutal dictator who catered only to western interests, allowing foreign companies to grow exceedingly wealthy via their exploitation of Iranian resources. The Shah himself also accumulated massive wealth from his compliance to western demands while allowing the people of Iran to starve in abject poverty in what is now recognised one of Iran's most darkest times in its entire history. There is not a family in Iran to this day who does not recall having a family member taken and tortured or murdered by Iran's brutal and sadistic MOSSAD/CIA trained "Secret Police".
This brutal tyrant "Shah of Iran" was eventually deposed by the people which then saw the installation of the Ayatollah's which set the perfect stage for the future war planned where Christians and Muslims would kill each other off leaving the Jewish usurpers to make their big grab for power and control of this world. We are seeing this being played out before our very eyes right now in israels genocide of Palestine and now Lebanon being done in order to fulfill their ambitions to establish "Greater Israel" in the region, and in their relentless attempts pass themselves off as victims in a conflict they have deliberately created, designed to drag Christian nations into a massive war of east against west. The only winner in the end being the illegitimate state of Israel.
The below link will show you Google image results of Iran in the 1950's before the overthrow of Mosaddeq.
Thanks for reading.