12 Dec, 19:15
12 Dec, 18:06
12 Dec, 18:04
Oh, looks like there's a new Sykes-Picot agreement! 108 years later.We have some questions:1) Where has Syria gone?2) Do we have to order a new Diercke world atlas now?3) Why do our sometimes very well-informed newspapers (weather, football, lottery numbers, horoscopes) always so politely call these crazy Al Qaeda Islamists "moderate" "rebels", while at the same time insisting on calling the ideologically almost identical representatives of Hamas "terrorists"?4) How is it that (in the same media) it is called a "liberation" when the Syrian people come under the occupation of a marauding Uzbek-Uighur-Turkmen-Chechen jihadist gang?
12 Dec, 17:55
12 Dec, 17:40
12 Dec, 15:22
12 Dec, 14:49
12 Dec, 12:28
12 Dec, 12:23
12 Dec, 12:03
12 Dec, 10:50
12 Dec, 10:30
12 Dec, 10:09
12 Dec, 08:57
11 Dec, 16:30
Me as Fryer, Son of Njœrd, the Son of Odin, Son of Skadi, Grandchildren of Frigga & Brother of my Beloved Sister Freya say NO to those who wouldn't accept Mercy of Odin.
11 Dec, 16:03
11 Dec, 14:39
11 Dec, 13:42
11 Dec, 13:39
11 Dec, 12:56