Abdulaziz Khalmukhamedov | 🇹🇷

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contact: @bdlzz6

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We are offering three free SAT registrations to support students preparing for the SAT. This giveaway is open to everyone, with three winners selected at random.

To enter:

1) Follow these five Telegram channels: @feruzkarimovblog, @uzadmit_consult, @shakhzod_president, @bdlzzkh, @satreg

2) Share this post in a group or on your channel

3) Send proof of your shared post to @satregadmin

4) Ensure you are subscribed to all five channels to qualify

5) Complete all the required actions above to be eligible for the prize

The giveaway ends on November 20th at 12:00 AM (Uzbekistan time)

Best of luck!

Видео недоступно для предпросмотра
Смотреть в Telegram

This MUN will be at another level🤫

Hurry up!!!

💼 Esteemed Delegates,

🎉 We are pleased to announce that registration for the IHT MUN is now open. The MUN conference will take place on 20-21 April at the International House Tashkent Lyceum under TIIAME. The registration form provides more information about the event, including committees, languages, and participation fees.

‼️ Spots are limited, so we highly encourage you to fill out the form as quickly as possible. The registration link is in IHTMUN's profile header.

⚡️ Thank you for your time! We look forward to seeing you at IHTMUN 2024.

Registration link:

#ihtimun #mun #unitednations #register#tashkent #uzbekistan #conference #debate #socials #diplomats

Siz kutgan yangilik: to'rtta SAT 1500 + ustozlardan BEPUL SAT Marathon 🎉

✈️ Top Scorers jamoasi siz uchun Katta, Bepul SAT marathon tashkil qilayapti.

Marathonda 4 kun davomida to'rtta SAT 1500 + ga ega ustozlarimiz o'zlarining 1500 + olish yo'llari , ishlatgan kitob, resource, methodlari va siz ham qanday qilib SAT 1500 + ga erishishingiz mumkinligi haqida dars o'tishadi.

Marathon kimlar uchun

1. SAT haqida ko’p ma’lumoti bo’lmagan lekin ko’proq o’rganishni xoxlagan
2. SAT ga tayyorlanishni yaqinda boshlagan va 1500+ olishni xohlovchi
3. SAT anchadan beri o’qib yurin, lekin 1500+ ga erisha olmagan va 1500+ xohlovchi barcha uchun.

Marathon yopiq kanalda olib boriladi. Yopiq kanalga obuna bo'lish uchun, pasdagi botdan foydalaning:


"Top Scorers" marathon - sizning SAT 1500 + tomon yo'lingiz !

piece of masterpiece😇

как вообще у вас дела? го в комментах пообщаемся

возобновляю канал по просьбе некоторых людей


Do you know where I can find promo codes for registration in British Council IELTS?

Репост из: ZE Academy
🥳We are glad to announce that ZE Academy launches the SAT course with Ms. Sevinch who scored an incredible 1510 on the SAT and won a full ride scholarship from NYUAD!

👩‍🏫Sevinch is a highly qualified teacher with enormous experience in this exam. She will cover all the themes in mathematics, reading and writing sections in several months, comprehensively. With her attitudes of teaching she will find an individual approach for every student and help them to accomplish high scores.

❗️Don't miss your opportunity for a successful future and kickstart your journey towards academic achievements. Your trip to study abroad starts here, with "ZE Academy"!

📥 For more information, leave "➕" in the comments below or DM to @zesupport , after which we will contact you as soon as possible!

📞 (97) 445 05 35
📍 Location: Badamzar branch



You don't know how to register?
Facing some problems during the registration process?
Want to pay cheaper?

💬 Then, this service is for you 💬

🤝 What do we offer?

Cheap prices 103$ 88$
Fast registration
Security of your account details

🟡 What do we require? 🟡

🔐 Your account details (email and password)
💸 Payment (88$ or 1.020.000 UZS)

Want to register?
🧑‍💻 Then, text to me @bdlzz6

Available test centers for August test:

Presidential school in Bukhara
Presidential school in Navoi
Presidential school in Termez

Available test centers for October test:

Presidential school in Bukhara
Presidential school in Navoi
Presidential school in Nurafshon
Presidential school in Andijan
Presidential school in Termez

Стипендия Университета короля Абдулазиза 2023-24 в Саудовской Аравии

Степень: бакалавриат, магистратура, PhD.
Приемлемые страны : все страны.

Университет короля Абдулазиза (КАУ) был основан в 1967 году как государственный университет в Джидде, Саудовская Аравия. Times Higher Education поставила этот университет на первое место среди арабских университетов . Университет короля Абдулазиза вошел в число 200 лучших университетов мира по четырем основным рейтинговым таблицам.

Университет короля Абдулазиза предлагает все академические программы, включая естественные науки, инженерию, гуманитарные науки, искусство, информационные технологии, деловое администрирование, компьютерную инженерию и области науки для магистров и докторов наук.

Финансовое покрытие:
-Ежемесячная стипендия в размере 900 Sr
-Ежемесячная стипендия 1000 Sr только в течение одного семестра между деканатом и студентом, а также в случае желания двух сторон можно заключить договор также и на другой семестр.
-Пособие на подготовку при первом приезде в размере 1800 Sr.
-Медицинская помощь.
-Предоставление жилья и удобств.
-Может быть предоставлено пособие на питание.
-Предоставление кандидату авиабилета в обе стороны ежегодно.

Дедлайна нет.

Подробнее: https://dsa-scholarships.kau.edu.sa/Content.aspx?Site_ID=211995&lng=EN&cid=267119&UrlSer=1

Репост из: Feruz Karimov
Admissions, and how to start your application journey part 1

" College admissions is the hunger games mmorpg 17 year old children play in which they role play as ceos, philanthropists and lincoln douglas debate enthusiasts "

First, start with building up your college list: what colleges you want to apply to?

1. Get to know yourself, put together a list of wants and must-haves
2. Compile the BIG college list (10-20 colleges)
3. Research, narrow down your college list (8-15 colleges)
4. Categorize, prioritize your college list (6-10 colleges)

Second, it is time to work on your application. The cornerstone of any good college app is

Your SAT score is also a large factor in your college application: the SAT is a reading, writing and math test that is used to determine which human being is better than another ( joke ).

SAT scores help colleges compare students from different high schools. Your scores show your strengths and readiness for college work. But remember standardized test scores are just one part of your college application, along with grades, course rigor, and recommendations.

Besides doing well in academics students nowadays also have to pretend give a shit about helping people

Your volunteer experience shows that you can get along with others, make a commitment, and that you have the attitudes and skills employers want in a potential employee. Employers will also be able to see that you can manage your time and complete your tasks.

Extracurriculars: unfun activities students do for the sole purpose of looking good for college. If you want to look best for college you will need to pick the most unfun extracurriculars. The easiest way to do this is by picking the activities adults do not do in their free time.

What Are the Best Extracurriculars for College?

1. Leadership Work and Positions
2. Part-Time Jobs
3. Sports and Athletic Participation
4. Academic Clubs and Teams
5. Artistic and Creative Pursuits
6. Volunteering and Community Service
7. Internships

Part 2 coming soon...

really interesting platform for preparing

Репост из: Feruz Karimov | IELTS 7.5
The Ultimate Digital SAT Practice Platform - TestNinjas

All the practice questions you need to achieve a perfect score
Prepare with confidence using questions written by alumni from top universities

— All question types

We've analyzed every type of question and created thousands of practice questions for each type.
Never worry about running out of practice material on a particular area again.

Focus on weak spots

Don't waste time on subjects you are already acing - focus on the ones that are giving you trouble.

Detailed explanations

Every question comes with a detailed explanation of why the correct answer is correct and why the other choices are incorrect.

Join our community

Join thousands of students already preparing for the SAT using Test Ninjas and aim for perfection.


It would be one of the best MUNs I’ll participate in!

Всех с наступающим Рамадан Хайитом🌙 Желаю провести этот священный праздник в благополучии и в кругу семьи🙏🏻
Happy Ramadan🌙

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