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Planning time
1. 11 am
2. Noon 1:30
3. 5 pm
4. 8 pm



7.4 He who gives up shyness in monetary dealings, in acquiring knowledge, in eating and in business, becomes happy.......

7.3 Never settle for anything less then what you deserve.
It is not pride, it's self respect

7.2 Wise men should never go into a country where there are no means of earning one's livelihood, where the people have no dread of anybody, have no sense of shame, no intelligence, or a charitable disposition...

7.1 One should save his money against hard times, save his wife at the sacrifice of his riches, but invariably one should save his soul even at the sacrifice of his wife and riches.

6.9 Although an ass is tired, he continues to carry his burden; he is unmindful of cold and heat; and he is always contented; these three things should be learned from the ass.

6.19 He who shall practice these twenty virtues shall become invincible in all his undertakings.

6.18: To wake at the proper time; to take a bold stand and fight; to make a fair division (of property) among relations; and to earn one's own bread by personal exertion are the four excellent things to be learned from a cock.

6.17: The wise man should restrain his senses like the crane and accomplish his purpose with due knowledge of his place, time and ability.

6.16: The one excellent thing that can be learned from a lion is that whatever a man intends doing should be done by him with a whole-hearted and strenuous effort.

6.15: Learn one thing from a lion; one from a crane; four from a cock; five from a crow; six from a dog; and three from an ass.

6.14: How can people be made happy in a petty kingdom? What peace can we expect from a rascal friend? What happiness can we have at home in the company of a bad wife? How can renown be gained by instructing an unworthy disciple?

6.13: It is better to be without a kingdom than to rule over a petty one; better to be without a friend than to befriend a rascal; better to be without a disciple than to have a stupid one; and better to be without a wife than to have a bad one.

6.12: Conciliate a covetous man by means of a gift, an obstinate man with folded hands in salutation, a fool by humouring him, and a learned man by truthful words.

6. 11: A father who is a chronic debtor, an adulterous mother, a beautiful wife, and an unlearned son are enemies ( in one's own home).

6.10: The king is obliged to accept the sins of his subjects; the purohit (priest) suffers for those of the king; a husband suffers for those of his wife; and the guru suffers for those of his pupils

6.9: The spirit soul goes through his own course of karma and he himself suffers the good and bad results thereby accrued. By his own actions he entangles himself in samsara, and by his own efforts he extricates himself.

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