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🔶 AWS Security Groups Guide

Knowing how security groups & NACLs work together is extremely important for controlling network traffic to your instances & subnets.

(Use VPN if you can’t open it)


🔶🔷 Enrich AWS account data in Microsoft Sentinel

As organisations are integrating Amazon Web Services data sources with Microsoft Sentinel, many are facing a common problem: how to identify AWS resources and handle contextual data such as AWS account information for alerts and incidents?

#aws #azure

🔶 How to list all resources in your AWS account

You may have been there before: you got access to an AWS account and just want to list which resources are configured in it. The seemingly simple task of listing all resources quickly turns out to be complicated.


Для безопасной работы над совместным проектом важно уметь управлять полномочиями и правами доступа. Этой теме посвящён наш вебинар «Тонкости управления пользователями и доступом в облачном окружении». На примере Yandex Identity and Access Management — сервиса идентификации и контроля доступа — мы расскажем, как выстроить процессы так, чтобы все операции над ресурсами выполнялись только пользователями с необходимыми правами.

На встрече мы разберём различные сценарии работы, важные технические особенности сервиса IAM и затронем следующие темы:

• рекомендации по выстраиванию ресурсной модели;
• возможности ролевой модели;
• привилегированные пользователи и безопасность их учётных записей;
• работа с группами пользователей;
• события безопасности, связанные с управлением пользователями и группами.

Вебинар будет полезен архитекторам, разработчикам, специалистам по безопасности уровня middle+.

Зарегистрироваться на вебинар ➡️

🔷 Untangling Azure Active Directory Principals & Access Permissions

Post untangling the question of 'who has access to what' in an Azure Active Directory environment. A PowerShell tool was also released to automatically enumerate this.


🔶 The Danger of Falling to System Role in AWS SDK Client

Writeup of a vulnerability identified in a web application that was using the AWS SDK for Go (v1) to implement an "Import Data From S3" functionality.


🔷 FabriXss: How We Managed to Abuse a Custom Role User Using CSTI and Stored XSS in Azure Fabric Explorer

The Orca Research Pod has discovered FabriXss a vulnerability in Azure Service Fabric Explorer that allows attackers to gain full Administrator permissions.


🔶 tuladhar/cleanup-aws-access-keys

A cloud security tool to search and clean up unused AWS access keys, written in Go, by Puru Tuladhar.


🔶 You should have lots of AWS accounts

Lots of AWS accounts working together in harmony will net you a more secure, more reliable, and more compliant cloud infrastructure.


🔶 Lateral movement risks in the cloud and how to prevent them - Part 1: the network layer (VPC)

Post introducing lateral movement as it pertains to VPCs. It discusses attacker TTPs, and outlines best practices for security practitioners and cloud builders to help secure their cloud environment and reduce risk.


🔶How to detect suspicious activity in your AWS account by using private decoy resources

AWS’s Maitreya Ranganath and Mark Keating describe how you can create low-cost private decoy AWS resources in your AWS accounts and configure them to generate alerts when they are accessed.


Специальный выпуск Monthly Cloud News, посвященный информационной безопасности в облаке

В беседе Антона Черноусова с Алексеем Миртовым и Евгением Сидоровым окунемся в вопросы терзающие безопасников и разработчиков, ведущих проекты в облаке.

Темы августовского выпуска:

🔹 IT-сотрудники хотят в облака
🔹 Лучше ли безопаснику в облаке?
🔹 Обсудим топ-рисков ИБ в облаках
🔹 Утечки статических Сredentials
🔹 DevSecOps как симбиоз полезных практик для разработки
🔹 Audit Trails и все все все...
🔹 Повышение культуры разработки через обучение ИБ



🔶How to setup geofencing and IP allow-list for Cognito user pool

AWS announced a new feature this week that lets you enable WAF protection for Cognito user pools. And one of the things you can do with this is to implement geo-fencing and IP allow/deny lists.


🔷Automating Insecurity In Azure

Slides of the homonym talk at cloudvillage_dc (on Twitter).


🔶Granted Approvals - an Open Source Permission Management Framework

"We’ve designed Approvals so that it only has the ability to assign roles to existing users, rather than create new roles or new users. By design, the blast radius of Granted Approvals being compromised is that existing users in your directory could be granted access to roles, rather than external users being created. Better yet — Approvals is deployed as a serverless application which runs in your own AWS account, so Common Fate won’t have access to any data in your Granted Approvals deployment."


🔶 How to manage Route53 hosted zones in a multi-account environment

How to manage Route53 hosted zones in a multi-account environment so each account has full authority over its subdomain.


Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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