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EdXposed Official Channel / EdXposed 官方频道
Xposed's official successor
Xposed 的官方接任者
Provide Android framework solution [root/unroot]
提供 Android 框架解决方案 [root/非root]
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检测新的SafetyNet算法与设备的兼容性( https://t.me/EdXposed/71

1,“The root certificate is correct.”
2,“ Attestation Security Level”不是“SOFTWARE”

如果满足上述所有条件,请检查“Root Of Trust”-“Device Locked”,如果为“ true”,则表明您的设备未解锁并且可以绕过SafetyNet

如果您不满足上述条件,则Google可能会继续(未验证)使用旧的SafetyNet机制,仍然可以在EdXposed中使用Pass SafetyNet选项。

作者: vvb2060

源代码: https://github.com/vvb2060/KeyAttestation

en_US/软件下载地址: https://t.me/EdXposed/72

Check your device's compatibility with the new SafetyNet algorithm( https://t.me/EdXposed/71 )

Compatible if ALL the following conditions are met:
1, "The root certificate is correct."
2, "Attestation Security Level" is NOT "SOFTWARE"

If you meet ALL the above conditions, check "Root Of Trust" - "Device Locked", if "true", your device is not unlocked and can bypass SafetyNet

If you do not meet the above conditions, Google MAY(Unidentified) use the old SafetyNet mechanism, you can still use the Pass SafetyNet option in EdXposed

Author: vvb2060

Source code: https://github.com/vvb2060/KeyAttestation

zh_CN: https://t.me/EdXposed/73

谷歌更新了 SafetyNet 的检测方法,似乎没有再通过 SafetyNet 检测的可能了,和 SafetyNet 说再见吧

Google updated the SafetyNet detection method, and it seems that it is no longer possible for us to pass SafetyNet, just say GoodBye to SafetyNet.



The Xposed implementation compare, u can see this column to choose the implementation that works best for you(version 20200301). :)

Репост из: 不靠谱的喵(>^ω^
更新:标记 天鉴SPatch 为 开源 状态( https://github.com/lianglixin/SPatch ),标记 傀儡术PuppetKiller 为 停更 状态
目前已知的几种 Xposed 实现方案的「作者是个人还是公司、是否开源、是否商业化」的总结

鉴于阻止运行的前车之鉴「2.3.2之后(不含2.3.2)的阻止运行你敢用嘛?」( From @LetITFlyW

建议各位有使用 Xposed 的需求的朋友在条件适宜的情况下拥抱开源或者虽闭源但非商业化的实现方案。

另:在任何情况下均不建议关注「某个 Xposed 实现方案的作者」的「推送过多次广告文章」的微信公众号。

Original XposedInstaller(dvdandroid material design) / 原版 XposedInstaller

For some modules that detect XposedInstaller(such as HushSMS), you can install this to pass.
对于一些只认原版 XposedInstaller 的模块(例如 HushSMS),可以安装此管理器

EdXposed core features is compatible with this.
EdXposed 核心功能与此管理器兼容

App Fucker / 应用转生

An easy way to use Xposed Framework for unroot/locked devices
Support Android 5~10
*No module or app limits*
(Chinese display language only)

一个帮你免解锁,免刷机,免 root 使用 Xposed 框架的应用
支持 Android 5~10

Author / 作者

Package Name / 包名

Latest Version / 最新版本
6.2.2-45 (20200219)

Change log / 更新日志
- Optimization modules list storage mode
- Add modules activation scope
- 优化模块启用列表储存方式
- 增加模块作用域,您可以自主选择模块对哪些APP生效

EdXposed-YAHFA-v0.4.6.1 (4502)-kixfxvgy-release.zip
EdXposed Canary v0.4.6.1 (4502) (YAHFA)

If you got in to any issues, "remove EdXposed Magisk module" - reboot - "reinstall EdXposed" first
如果你遇到问题, 请先尝试 删除 EdXposed 的 Magisk 模块 - 重启 - 重装 EdXposed

Change Log / 更新日志

SandHook: https://t.me/EdXposed/59

EdXposed-SandHook-v0.4.6.1 (4502)-kixfxvgy-release.zip
EdXposed Canary v0.4.6.1 (4502) (SandHook)

If you got in to any issues, "remove EdXposed Magisk module" - reboot - "reinstall EdXposed" first
如果你遇到问题, 请先尝试 删除 EdXposed 的 Magisk 模块 - 重启 - 重装 EdXposed

Change Log / 更新日志

YAHFA: https://t.me/EdXposed/60

EdXposed Manager v4.5.4 (45401)

Change Log / 更新日志

- Hotfix: Disable minify to fix not active
- Translation update and correct
- Add option to change status bar color
- Remove unused code to reduce size
- Optimize option ordering to prevent misoperation
- Merge support to about
- Add CDN to optimize loading speed
- Add One UI detection
- Fix community link
- Delete temp packages after slient install
- Fix log unreadable (need EdXposed v0.4.6.1_4494 or above)
- Add option to disable modules custom log (need EdXposed v0.4.6.1_4494 or above)

- 关闭 minify 以修复未激活的问题
- 翻译更新和修正
- 添加选项来更改状态栏颜色
- 删除无用代码缩减包体
- 优化选项位置防止误操作
- 合并支持与关于页面
- 添加 CDN 提高加载速度
- 添加 One UI 检测
- 修复社群链接
- 静默安装之后删除临时安装包
- 修复日志无法读取 (需要 EdXposed v0.4.6.1_4494 或更高版本)
- 添加选项以禁用模块输出的日志 (需要 EdXposed v0.4.6.1_4494 或更高版本)

ZH: 你是否在更新 Riru 至 19.6 版本之后遇到了 "EdXposed 已安装但未激活" 的问题?

首先,使用 Riru Manager 来检测 Riru 工作状态: https://t.me/EdXposed/48

如果你得到了 "Riru not found in memory",请完全重新安装

1) 在 Magisk Manager 中移除 Riru - Core (不
是 Riru - EdXposed)
2) 完整重启
3) 在 Magisk Manager 或恢复模式中安装 Riru - Core
4) 完整重启
5) 你会发现 EdXposed 现在已经激活了
6) 如果问题仍然存在: 再次完整重启
7) 如果多次重启后问题仍然存在: 对 Riru -
EdXposed 也执行相同操作
8) 问题还是没解决? 请带上开机日志来群组 @Code_of_MeowCat 反馈

English: https://t.me/EdXposed/49

EN: Do you have a problem with "EdXposed installed but not activated" after updating Riru to 19.6?

Check the working status of Riru with Riru Manager first: https://t.me/EdXposed/48

If you get "Riru not found in memory", please do clean flash:

1) Remove Riru - Core (not Riru - EdXposed) in Magisk Manager
2) Full reboot
3) Install Riru - Core in Magisk Manager
or Recovery
4) Full reboot
5) You will found EdXposed is active now
6) If problem still exists: Full reboot again
7) If the problem still exists after multiple restarts: for Riru - Edxposed does the same
8) The same problem still hasn't been solved? Please bring your booting log to our feedback grou
p: @Code_of_MeowCat

简体中文: https://t.me/EdXposed/50

Riru Manager v19.4 (97)

Check the working status of Riru / 检查 Riru 的工作状态

If you have problems like "EdXposed installed but not activated", please check the working status of Riru before asking
如果你遇到了类似“EdXposed 已安装但并未激活”的问题,请在询问之前检查 Riru 工作状态

EdXposed Manager : https://t.me/EdXposed/29
EdXposed YAHFA: https://t.me/EdXposed/47
EdXposed SandHook: https://t.me/EdXposed/46

Riru Core v19.6 (27)

If you got in to any bug, "remove Riru" - reboot - "reinstall Riru" first
如果你遇到问题, 请先尝试 删除Riru - 重启 - 重装

Requirement module of EdXposed / 前置模块


Change log / 更新日志
- add nativeForkSystemServer from Samsung Q

- 修复三星设备 Android Q 的问题

EdXposed Manager : https://t.me/EdXposed/29
EdXposed YAHFA: https://t.me/EdXposed/47
EdXposed SandHook: https://t.me/EdXposed/46

v4.5.3 (45300)

Force update / 强制更新
Previous versions will no longer work caused by API format change / 因 API 格式更改,旧版本将无法继续使用
WARNING / 警告:美化版(EdXposed Advanced)管理器因违反代码协议和代码老旧,将在后续 EdXposed 版本中取消支持,请勿使用非官方的管理器

Change Log / 更新日志
- Fix the failure of silent installation
- Fix the failure of hidden module settings
- Add community link
- Translation updates and corrections
- New square icon
- New interface
- Add option to restart to emergency mode
- Optimize restart interaction
- Add settings for pass SafetyNet
- Remove hidden api warning
- Remove confusing display
- Server update: New api format
- Add new bugs for next update (joke)

- 修复静默安装失败的问题
- 修复隐藏模块设置失效的问题
- 添加社群链接
- 翻译更新及修正
- 添加方形图标
- 界面更新
- 添加重启至救援模式(9008)的选项
- 优化重启交互
- 添加设置以通过 SafetyNet 检查
- 移除隐藏 api 警告
- 移除令人疑惑的显示
- 服务器更新: 新的 api 格式
- 添加新的 bug 以供下次更新 (雾)



The server has resumed operation and is currently working well




Due to the upstream maintenance of the server, EdXposed has encountered problems such as error getting the list. Currently, a ticket has been submitted to the service provider and is waiting to be fixed.

因服务器上游维护,导致 EdXposed 出现服务器连接失败等问题,目前已经提交工单,等待修复

How to pass SafetyNet? / 如何通过 SafetyNet?

EdXposed Manager -> Settings -> Turn on the App List mode -> Application List -> Turn on GMS & GSF -> Install SafetyPatch or MagiskHideProp in Magisk Manager(Magisk module, optical) -> Reboot

EdXposed Manager -> 设置 -> 启用应用名单模式 -> 应用列表 -> 启用 GMS 和 GSF -> 在 Magisk Manager 中安装 SafetyPatch 或 MagiskHideProp(Magisk 模块, 可选步骤) -> 重启

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