Fellowship of the Flurks

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Категория: Блоги

We go through the shit, memes and news so you don’t have to. Just sit back and enjoy whats coming!
“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is a success.” – Henry Ford

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Репост из: Bellum Acta - Intel, Urgent News and Archives
🇮🇱❌🇱🇧❗️ — Over the past minutes, Israeli Air Force warplanes started a massive bombing campaign against Southern Lebanon!

Репост из: Bellum Acta - Intel, Urgent News and Archives

🇮🇱❌🇱🇧❗️ — Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announces the start of the Military Operations inside Lebanese Territory!


🇮🇱 In Statement, the Israeli Army said:

The IDF is now attacking Hezbollah targets in Lebanon to damage and destroy the organization's terrorist capabilities and military infrastructure.

The terrorist organization Hezbollah turned South Lebanon into a war zone, and for decades armed the homes of the citizens with weapons, dug tunnels under them and used them as human shields

The IDF is working to create security in the north that will allow the residents to return to their homes, and to achieve all the other war goals

This is Zo me

Репост из: Disclose.tv
NEW - Electric vehicle sales in Germany dropped 69% year-on-year in August, the European Automobile Manufacturers' Association said Thursday.


MORE - Germany's largest car manufacturer Volkswagen is reportedly planning to cut up to 30,000 jobs, Manager-Magazin reports.


Репост из: Demographics Now and Then
🇹🇭👶Thailand is on track to fall below 500,000 births for the first time in its recorded history. Births down more than 11% in the first eight months of 2024. TFR is likely to be below 1.0. Note: Thailand had more than 1M births every year from 1963 to 1983.

Репост из: ⚡Silver Stackers⚡(uncensored)
Fiat currencies are hot garbage, but also are in demand because of legal tender laws and foreign reserve demand.

For this reason, people from the vast majority of White countries have a historically rare opportunity... to acquire Silver and other rare commodities at distressed prices, in the middle of an asset bubble.

Imagine living during the Mississippi or South Sea bubbles, being paid with paper currency, and being able to trade it for many multiples the usual amount of Silver or gold.

The only difference between then and now is that this bubble is worldwide and significantly longer lived; but the ending will be much the same as each time before.


Репост из: ⚡Silver Stackers⚡(uncensored)
Precious metals are reacting to the upside after yesterday's fed meeting confirmed for normies (who still believe the fed controls long-term interest rates, they don't, they just follow the market rate on 2-year treasuries) that a new rate cutting cycle has begun.

Tldr; precious metals have performed well during rate cutting cycles (2000-'08) as well as rate hiking cycles (late 60's+70's).

Metals initially surged higher on yesterday's news, then got smashed down, and now have rebounded upward again.

This type of volatility speaks to the instability of fiat currency which metals are priced in; and is less representative of the metals themselves doing anything to deserve wild swings up and down.


Репост из: Noël le Pen🙊
That's really thicc

Репост из: Rabbitse7enteen

Репост из: NightNation.Review • Main Channel •
“When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.”

- Socrates

Репост из: The End Times

Репост из: The End Times
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It's not the century, it's the origin

Репост из: Working Men Memes
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Perfectionist Vs Optimalist

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