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#VideoLyrics🎼🎤 #John Legend - All Of Me❤️

🔘 John Legend - All Of Me Lyrics

What would I do without your smart mouth?
Drawing me in, and you kicking me out
You've got my head spinning, no kidding, I can't pin you down
What's going on in that beautiful mind
I'm on your magical mystery ride
And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me, but I'll be alright

My head's under water
But I'm breathing fine
You're crazy and I'm out of my mind

'Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me
I'll give my all to you
You're my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I'm winning
'Cause I give you all of me
And you give me all of you, oh

How many times do I have to tell you
Even when you're crying you're beautiful too
The world is beating you down, I'm around through every mood
You're my downfall, you're my muse
My worst distraction, my rhythm and blues
I can't stop singing, it's ringing, in my head for you

My head's under water
But I'm breathing fine
You're crazy and I'm out of my mind

'Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me
I'll give my all to you
You're my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I'm winning
'Cause I give you all of me
And you give me all of you, oh

Give me all of you
Cards on the table, we're both showing hearts
Risking it all, though it's hard

'Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me
I'll give my all to you
You're my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I'm winning
'Cause I give you all of me
And you give me all of you
I give you all of me
And you give me all of you, oh

Muloqot uchun yangi iboralar to'plami

🚩Mavzu: Munozaraga oid jumlalar

💥 Enough of it - Bu yetarli bo‘ldi
💥 go into details - tafsilotlarga urg‘u bermoq
💥 Let's clear it up - Keling oydinlashtirib olamiz
💥 Let's drop the subject - Keling mavzuni o‘zgartiramiz
💥 Mind one's own business - Birovning ishiga aralashmaslik
💥 no matter - ahamiyati yo‘q
💥 point of view - nuqtai nazar
💥 pro and con - rozi va norozi
💥 say one's say - fikrini bildirmoq
💥 side against - qarshi tomonni qo‘llamoq
💥 Ask me another - Osonroq narsa so‘ra!
💥 Eat one's words - gapini qaytib olmoq
💥 So what? - Nima bo‘libdi?
💥 speak one's mind - fikrini bildirmoq

Muloqot uchun yangi iboralar to'plami

Useful Phrases

💥 Meet up with friends - Do'stlar bilan uchrashmoq

When will you meet up with your friends in Tashkent? - Toshkentdagi do'stlaringiz bilan qachon uchrashasiz?

💥 Chat to people online - Odamlar bilan online (Internet) da suhbatlashmoq

I don't like chatting to people online -Odamlar bilan online(Internet)da suhbatlashishni yoqtirmayman.

💥 Go to the exhibitions - Ko'rgazmalarga bormoq

I don't like going to the exhibitions. I feel bored there. - Men ko'rgazmalarga borishni yoqtirmayman. U yerda zerikaman.

💥 Do some gardening - Biroz bog' ishlarini qilmoq

I enjoy doing some gardening - Bog' ishlarini qilishdan rohatlanaman.

💥 Have a lie-in - Uzoqroq yotoqda qolmoq (Kech turmoq)

Tomorrow is Sunday so I will have a lie-in. - Ertaga Yakshanba shuning uchun kechroq turaman.

💥 Have people round for dinner - Kechki ovqatga odam taklif qilmoq.

I will have 10 people around for dinner tomorrow - Ertangi kechki ovqatga 10 ta odam taklif qilaman.


🚩Mavzu: “O‘qimoq" — "Read", "Study"

💥 o'qimoq

👉 1) (yozilgan narsani) read;
tovush chiqarib o'qimoq — read aloud;
ichida o'qimoq — read silently, read to oneself

👉 2)ma'ruza o'qimoq — give lectures; lecture;
doklad o'qimoq — read a paper

👉 3) (bilim olmoq) study;
universitetda o'qimoq — study at the university, attend the university, be a student;
maktabda o'qimoq — go to school, be at school
nomoz o'qimoq — pray, offer prayers;
la'nat o'qimoq — curse, damn;
she'r o'qimoq — recite poetry;
birovning fikrlarini o'qimoq — read smb's thoughts

150ta so'z - Beginner darajasi, ya'ni odatiy suhbatlar uchun yetarli
- 800ta so'z - Elementary darajasi, ya'ni chet elga borib, bemalol
sayohat qilib, u yerdagi insonlar bilan suhbatlashish uchun yetarli;
- 2000-3000ta so'z - Intermediate darajasi, ya'ni talaba darajasi
hisoblanadi. Ushbu darajada siz bemalol gaplashishni boshlaysiz,
bemalol yoza olasiz, bemalol kitoblar o'qiysiz, bemalol filmlarni
tomosha qilib, tushunishingiz mumkin. IELTSdan 5,5 - 6 ball,
CEFRdan B2 darajasini olishingiz mumkin;
5000 ta so'z boyligi - Advanced darajasi, ya'ni o'qituvchi
darajasi. Har qanday o'qituvchi ushbu darajada bo'lishi shart hamda
5000 ta so'z bilishi shart. Ushbu darajada IELTS 7,5 - 8 ball,
CEFRdan C1 darajasini egallash mumkin;
- 10.000 ta so'z - Proliciency darajasi, ya'ni professorlar darajasi.
Ushbu darajada siz bemalol ilmiy ishlar qila olasiz, dissertasiya yoza
olasiz hamda ilmiy-texnik kitoblami o'qishingiz mumkin. IELTS 9
ball, CEFR dan C2 darajasini olishingiz mumkin.
Agar soatiga 300tadan so'z yodlashni boshlasangiz atiga 20 soat
ichida siz bemalol 6000 ta so'z yodlab, Advanced darajasini
egallashingiz munkin.
Lug'at yodlash jarayoni 3 qismga bo'linadi:
So'zlarni tanlab olish,
ularni eslab qolish,
ularni mustahkamlash.


All these words mean : very good
Bu so‘zlarning hammasi juda zo‘r degan mano beradi👇
👌The best
👌Mind blowing


⚽️Sports and Acts♀️

1. ⚽️ Football - Futbol
"Soccer" in America
2. 🏀 Basketball - Basketbol
3. 🏈 Rugby - Ragbiy
"American football"
4. ⚾️ Baseball - Beysbol
5. 🎾 Tennis - Tennis
6. 🏐 Volleyball - Voleybol
7. 🏉 Handball - Qo'l to'pi futboli
8. 🎱 Billiard - Bilyard
9. 🏓 Table-tennis - Stol-tennisi
10. 🥅 Gate - Darvoza
11. 🏒 Hockey stick - Hokkey tayog'i
12. 🏏 Baseball stick - Beyzbol tayog'i
13. ⛳️ Golf Course - Golf maydoni
14. 🏹 Arrow - Kamon
15. 🎣 Fishing rod - Qarmoq
16. 🥊 Boxing glove - Boks perchatkasi
17. 🥋 Karate - Karate
18. ⛸ Skates - Konkiy
19. ⛷ Skiing - Chang'ida uchmoq
20. 🏂 Snowboard - Qor taxtasi
21. 🏋️‍♀️ Weightlift - Tosh ko'tarmoq
22. 🤺 Fencing - Qilichbozlik
23. 🤼‍♂️ Wrestle - Kurash
24. 🧘‍♂ Yoga - Yoga
25. 🏄 Floating - Baydarkada suzmoq
26. 🏊‍♀️ Swimming - Suzish
27. 🚣‍♀️ Boating - Qayiqda suzmoq
28. 🏇 Horsing - Ot minmoq
29. 🚴‍♀️ Cycling - Veloseped minish
30. 🏆 Cup - Kubok
31. 🤹‍♂️ Joker - Masqaraboz
32. 🎨 Painting - Rasm chizmoq
33. 🎤 Singing - Qo'shiq aytish
34. 🎧 Listening - Eshitish
35. 🎮 Game - O'yin
36. 🎲 Backgammon -Narda
37. 🎳 Bowling - Bovling
38. 🏁 Race - Poyga
39. 🃏 Cards - Kartalar
40. ♠️ Spade ♣️ Club
♥️ Heart ♦️Diamond


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#VideoLyrics🎼🎤 #Alec Benjamin - Let Me Down Slowly

Idioms telling people to hurry up

💡Collocations of the day 👌

✳️ Bugungi postimizda 'right' (to'g'rilik, adolat, huquq) so'zi bilan bog'liq collocationlarni o'rganamiz.

to be in the right - haq bo'lmoq
🔸 There is no doubt that he is in the right on this. (Shubha yo'qki, u bu masalada haq hisoblanadi)
to have right on your side - haq, adolat siz tomonida bo'lishi
🔸I appealed against the decision because I knew I had right on my side. (Men qaror ustida shikoyat qildim, chunki men adolat men tarafda ekanligini bilardim)
to have every right - to'laqonli haqi, huquqi bo'lmoq
You have every right (= you have a good reason) to complain. (Shikoyat qilishingizga to'la haqqingiz bor - asosingiz bor )
to know right from wrong - haqni nohaqdan farqlay olmoq, yaxshi-yomonni farqiga bormoq
🔸 Children of that age don't know right from wrong. (Bu yoshdagi bolalar yaxshi-yomonni farqiga bormaydi)
the rights and wrongs of something - biror narsaning yaxshi va yomon taraflari
🔸We sat discussing the rights and wrongs of the prison system. (Biz qamoq tizimining yaxshi va yomon taraflarini muhokama qilib o'tirdik)
basic/fundamental/inalienable right - asosiy/ajralmas huquqi
🔸Patients have a fundamental right to keep their medical records confidential. (Bemorlar o'z tibbiy tarixini mahfiy saqlanish bo'yicha asosiy huquqqa ega)
to enjoy/retain/have right - huquqqa ega bo'lmoq
You have a right to a trial by jury. (Siz o'z ishingizni maslahatchilar sudida ko'rib chiqilishi huquqiga egasiz)
to know/stand up for/reserve right - huquqini bilmoq/huquqi uchun kurashmoq/huquqini saqlab qolmoq
should stand up for your rights and insist that he pays you. (Siz o'z huquqlaringiz uchun kurashib, undan sizga to'lashini talab qilishingiz kerak)

Muloqot uchun yangi iboralar to'plami

🚩Mavzu: Tashakkur, maqtov, minnatdorchilik.

💥 You are a treasure (= You are precious) - Sen bebahosan

💥 You are healthy - Siz sog'lomsiz

💥 You did it! - Sen uddalading!

💥 You get finished quickly. Well established - Ishni tez tugatibsiz, Yaxshi ishladingiz.

💥 You learn quickly to work - Ishni tez o'rganar ekansiz.

💥 You made my day - Kayfiyatimni ko'tarding

💥 You mean the world to me (You mean a lot to me) - Sen men uchun muhim insonsan

💥 You tried hard - Qo'lingdan kelgan barchasini qilding

💥 You brighten my day - Sen mening kunimni yorityapsan

💥 You care - Senga baribir emas

💥 You’re getting there! - Sen deyarli uddalading!

💥 You’re №1 - sen eng zo'risan, birinchi raqamli

💥 You’re on the mark - Sen hammasini a'lo darajada bajarding

💥 You’re the greatest! - Sen eng zo'rsan

💥 You’re tops - sen buni a'lo darajada uddalading

💥 You’ve got what it takes - Sen buni uddasidan chiqa olasan, qani olg'a

💥 You’ve made progress - Sen buni yaxshi amalga oshiradigan bo'lding

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#VideoLyrics 🎼🎤 #Sia & Zayn - Dusk Till Dawn🌅🖤

🖇 PROVERBS ( maqollar )

1) Easy come, easy go - oson kelgan, oson ketadi.

2) East or West, home in best - o'z uyim o'lan to'shagim.

3) Silence is golden - sukunat oltinga teng.

4) Rome was not built a day - Rim bir kunda qurilmagan yoxud Shoshgan qiz erga yalchimas.

5) A living dog is better than died lion - o'lgan arslondan tirik it afzal.

6) Bad news has wings - yomon xabar tez tarqaladi.

7) No fire without smoke - shamol bo'lmasa daraxtning uchi qimirlamaydi, yoki Bir balosi bo'lmasa shudgorda quyruq na qilur.

8) All is not that glitters - ko'ringan barcha narsa oltin emas.

9) A good beginning makes a good ending - yaxshi boshlangan ish yaxshi tugallanar.

10) Money is a good servant, but a bad master - pul yaxshi xizmatkor, ammo yomon xo'jayin.


#Vocabulary #Grammar

🚩 WITHOUT predlog

✅ 1. Without o‘zbek tilidagi -siz degan qo‘shimchaga to‘g‘ri keladi (antonimi with): 

I cannot do it without your help.  
— Men buni sizning yordamingizsiz  
bajara olmayman. 

He went out without his hat.  
— U shlyapasiz chiqib ketdi. 

✅ 2. Without ko‘pincha gerund bilan birgalikda bo‘lishsizlikni ifodalash  
uchun ishlatiladi va o‘zbek tiliga -masdan deb tarjima qilinadi: 

He can speak English without making any mistakes.  
— U ingliz tilida birorta ham xato qilmasdan gapira oladi. 

I went out without waking him.  
— Men uni uyg‘otmasdan tashqariga  

✅ 3. Without bilan kelgan iboralar: 
without doubt — shubhasiz  
without the knowledge (of) — bilmasdan 
without fail — albatta, shaksiz  
it goes without saying — bu o‘z- 
o‘zidan ma’lum 
without notice — (rasmiy)  
to do without smb. smth. — birov yoki biror narsasiz ham amallamoq 


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