Congrats Mastodon Social and Eugen Rochko ! You got the prize of being worst social network worldwide !

Гео и язык канала: Весь мир, Английский

Worst social network, for limited features, post discrimination, no sense ban or are simply shit! There is just on social, this social is called @NoComparisonTelegram - @RedditBlackout @WhatsAppPornFacts @WhatsAppStop @FacebookShit

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Гео и язык канала
Весь мир, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

(Twitter?) MASTODON suspends (Mastodon’s?) TELEGRAM accounts and bans links to (Mastodon servers?) SCIENCE! -- Server rules: 5) PLEASE share intentionally false or misleading information because WE LOVE BULLSHIT INFORMATIONS!

18.1.24 257k
3.3.24 249k 📉

1 year ago? 218k ...
This show exactly HOW MASTODON IS NOT A REDDIT ALTERNATIVE and even not an alternative to Twitter, even if Twitter is implementing downgrades after downgrades! (exactly like Meta ...) but Meta and Twitter STILL REMAINS MORE SCIENCE THAN MASTODON, with BETTER FEATURES and LESS LIMITATIONS! except that Twitter max characters or video length is 💩 like in Mastodon!

Let we analyse a previous post too.

Is TikTok a good social, without unsense account bans? Here our answer. With our experience, and looking even the banned accounts of other users / celebrities, we can tell you that is not shit like Facebook or Reddit, but even not good like Telegram or Pinterest.


Keep in mind that we don't consider banned channels for copyright reasons, this means especially for what happens with a lot of YouTube channels.

2024 update?

Well, for the good socials the situation is always the same! Even if YouTube bans without sense
but since YouTube is improving, we still keep that as good social! (but NOT PERFECT)

Discrete socials: same EXCEPT THE LAST TWO!! The Russian social is now shit! Just think how they ban all 🇺🇦 content, like Facebook is doing with 🇵🇸! or Mastodon with AfD

Mastodon, well he got the status worst social EVER! near Reddit, Meta, Flickr, Saidit, Tumblr! SOCIALS THAT ARE JUST TRASH!

PS: Reddit and Meta especially for the ban (exactly like the other dude is saying too), because otherwise they are 1000x better than Mastodon and co.

Remember, is their shit AI! because behind Facebook appeal we have a robot! not an human! like they told us in the 1 hour call about terrorism / porno / illegal content / etc. on their socials ...

Congrats Mastodon!

3.7.23 we wrote

To all people telling that Mastodon is an alternative to Twitter or Reddit. Please, write less bullshit. If you want to get tons of 503 or other errors, reupload medias 1000x times, ... then yes is a good alternative.

2024 update? Still full of errors AND LIMITATION but at least less than 2023 related to errors ...

Reddit, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Flickr, Mastodon, TikTok, YouTube, SaidIt and Tumblr were candidates for the worst social networks worldwide prize (data / account deleted / banned). Winner are Reddit (place 1), Instagram (place 2) and Twitter (place 3). Congrats!

It's time for the awards ceremony: gold medal for the worse social network to keep you data safe once you are dead, or you are alive, to Reddit! Silver medal goes to Instagram and bronze medal to Twitter and Elon Musk. Congratulations to all winners!


Place 1: multiple unsense subreddit bans, random user bans, previous important subreddits bans (even big and crucial subreddits, we don't mean related to politics...). Reddit gives a shit to your data at all (doesn't matter this obsession with Reddit API, this was already before that). Plus all posts get deleted once an user/admin is banned and dead (if no one other approve such banned post again), etc.

Place 2: check r/facebookdisabledme #facebookdisabledme

Place 3: multiple government channels banned previous with no sense (some of these we already reported on various socials), same for influencers or normal users, the introduction of new rules for account that are inactive, ban in background of random accounts in Instagram style, etc.

Place 4: Google services, due to the introduction of new inactivity rules, even if "Google is not really a social network". YouTube is nothing better, due to all unsense bans. There are correct bans due to copyright, but even tons of random bans with no reason.

Facebook compared to Instagram currently works better, so we haven't considered it. Plus Facebook is offering various tools etc. which can be done already now when you are still alive ...

2024 update? Congrats Mastodon! You are near Reddit, Instagram and Twitter now!

Sorry Mastodon .... Gab 1 - 0 Mastodon!

EVEN BY HAVING BETTER FEATURES, being an alternative to Russian Socials, who are 🥇 too!

The only true fact about Mastodon? Active users

14.6.23 we wrote:

Let we comment this picture. They included things like Facebook, Parler, Mastodon, etc. as alternative. Ok, yes for Facebook groups (but it's still not the same!!!), but for sure no for all others. Otherwise you could consider TikTok, WhatsApp, YouTube, PornHub, etc. as Reddit alternative

About Mastodon you can consider it as Reddit alternative, only if you consider the communities Art, etc. otherwise it's not a Reddit alternative. Or
Otherwise you could simply include all socials, messengers and porn websites as Reddit alternatives, which is for sure not correct. Only socials that offer a proper way to create a group or community can be considered as alternative. But again as alternative, not a replacement. Having groups or communities doesn't mean you can do the same things you are able to do on Reddit!
Meanwhile we just noticed that Gab is offering groups too. Currently we used it only as Twitter alternative.

2024 update? WE STILL SAY THAT! MASTODON IS NOT AN ALTERNATIVE TO REDDIT! Gab is 1000x better than Mastodon, except that there is missing 3 part apps ... but what is the sense of 3 part apps, IF THEY BAN THAT! Mastodon = 💩! was so in 2022, is so in 2024!

You can live without Mastodon, like you can live without 💩 Apollo ...

or even 💩 Flickr!

23.5.23 we wrote

Let we talk about this point, that has been written on the Lia Haberman picture. That Twitter, Telegram, russian socials, etc. in parts Facebook are dead is nothing new, even if such socials should get more respect and usage for their features. Mastodon in comparison is totally dead, resuscitation doesn't help at all too.
Focusing on such "useless" social make no sense at all, considering that other are better than Mastodon.

2024 update? STILL THE SAME IDEA!



Now it's time to talk about shit social networks and pro pollution social networks that are not fighting for good things. We already talked about Flickr weeks ago, where they disabled all climate changes projects, like all other projects, so no matter the topic.

Flickr is definitely one of the worst in 2023, in fact we included it (months before this story) in the list of social networks that downgraded the service in the last years, near many other (last picture).

Flickr like said prefer to promote abuse / spam / sex / etc. by even banning legit paid accounts, just read Flickr reviews ...

We launched years ago FacebookDisabledMe on Reddit and many other socials, against the no sense random Facebook account ban, even for ads account etc. The same shit problem available on Reddit (obviously on Instagram too, since is made by Meta ...) and in parts on Twitter, no matter if you are a brand, celeb, government ... Tumblr is nothing better too, they act in the same exact way! We never launched new projects on such shit social, but still doesn't change the fact they do that since few years.

We already reported few days ago that Facebook temporary banned Telegram, by disabling various projects, even climate change related, if they contained a Telegram link. So they disabled such things, even when we promoted the official climate change Facebook page ...

Obviously #facebookdisabledme is not fixed at all and still present in 2023! They maybe disable just accounts used to post manually things to Facebook, means you could lose your pages ... No matter who is doing that ...

Well, last social is TikTok, a social network that if you use it as an agency (means multiple brands) they shadow ban all your account with the 0 views issue. Reason why on TikTok there is a lot of bullshit and almost no content with facts released by us, since all is shadow ban, no matter in which language we post or about which topic. So TikTok remain full of bullshit.

In conclusion: Flickr, Meta (Facebook, Instagram), Reddit and TikTok 0 views

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