Two Angels 👼👼
An older angel sternly looks at his subordinate.
- Report. In two words.
- Alive. Goes to work. Hopes for something.
- For what?
- Hard to say. I've shown him a happy dream twice — he doesn’t see it. Says he’s tired at work.
- What’s at work?
- Like everyone else. The boss. The hustle. The smoking area. The gossip.
- Is the boss tough?
- Well, the boss is just like any other. He’s afraid of it for some reason...
- Have you driven the fears away?
- Of course. Even on the way to the office. I flapped my wings over his head. Even had to flap him in the ear to get him to notice the sun.
- A pretty stranger on the way? With heels. The scent of exciting perfume?
- Come on... I bumped into him in the subway.
- And?
- Nothing. “Sorry” and back to his thoughts.
- And after work?
- Stores. TV. Dishes to wash. Internet. Sleep.
- Did you break the TV?
- Of course. Bought a new one for some reason...
- Did you disconnect the Internet?
- For five days in a row. He just stayed late at work. They allow it.
- So. What about the weekend?
- Sleep until noon. Cleaning the apartment. In the evening — friends, useless talk, vodka. Home after midnight. In the morning with a headache, under the blanket. Or to the TV. Or to the computer.
- And her?
- She’s very close. Three houses away. They go to the same supermarket for groceries.
- Did you bump into her in the queue?
- As it should be. And beyond the instructions — at the bus stop, on holidays.
- Checked the lines of fate?
- Yes, they line up! That’s the thing… It’s the city... The lifestyle... I just can’t anymore! Impossible task!
- Talking nonsense! Where’s your list of strong measures?
- Here it is, boss. Flu with fever and delirium. Dislocated joint, fracture. Car accident. Bankruptcy. Fire. Riots in the streets. Financial crisis. Civil war...
- Enough. By the power of Love, extreme measures are authorized. Just choose one. Carry it out!
- Got it, boss!
Moral: See and use all the opportunities that God gives you, and then your angel won’t have to resort to extreme measures! 🙏