Okeefe Media

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Empowering citizens through journalism. CEO @jamesokeefeii

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James O'Keefe explains that the purpose of investigative journalism is report on secrets the powerful want kept hidden. #omg #investigativejournalism


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Tim Pool explains how James O'Keefe is "untethered" by recent events creating an opportunity for major impact. #omg #citizenjournalism
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Who needs sunlight? ☀️ let us know✍🏾 jamesokeefetips@protonmail.com #okeefemediagroup #OMG

A few hundred of you in the DMs want to transmit files and video to OMG @OKeefeMedia already

Secure tip drop box is now live!


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If this is you - we’ll ship you a camera. Just fill out this form form.jotform.com/230744866874167

And to sponsor our volunteer army reach out also jamesokeefetips@protonmail.com

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James O'Keefe calls into Timcast and says the first story from O'Keefe Media is coming in DAYS


Are you a citizen journalist? Is your first loyalty to the citizens? Is your first obligation is to the truth?


No ‘J-school’ diploma needed, just fearlessness and integrity.

Fill out our form here form.jotform.com/230744866874167


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We are here to empower citizens through journalism. Subscribe & join us today!

Показано 9 последних публикаций.


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