Фильтр публикаций

I looked into the mirror and understood
Revelation knocked on the bathroom door
The winds ceased crashing into the window
And stood still
It occured to me
That I can only kill him
Through killing myself

- M e, 2 0 2 2

Inner Man - Charles Simic

It isn't the body
That's a stranger.
It's someone else.

We poke the same
Ugly mug
At the world.
When I scratch
He scratches too.

There are women
Who claim to have held him.
A dog
Follows me about.
It might be his.

If I'm quiet, he's quieter.
So I forget him.
Yet, as I bend down
To tie my shoelaces,
He's standing up.

We caste a single shadow.
Whose shadow?

I'd like to say:
"He was un the beginning
And he'll be in the end,"
But one can't be sure.

At night
As I sit
Shuffling the cards of our silence,
I say to him:

"Though you utter
Every one of my words,
You are a stranger.
It's time you spoke."

I don't know who needs to hear this

The fucking speaker

I may know how to play that song


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My absolute favorite from them (Zenith)

S also stands for "Weave some melodies with the winds and send them to the neighbor's daughter's bedroom "(to harvest her discharge)

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