Фильтр публикаций

Riassunto di The Open League

USDt-TON raggiunge i 200 milioni in circolazione, The Open League estiva con 13 eventi IRL Bootcamp in 13 città, lancio della stagione 3 di The Open League, risultati della stagione 2 e molto altro ancora!

Unitevi a @league per ulteriori dettagli.

Resumen de The Open League

USDt-TON alcanza los 200 millones en circulación, la Liga Abierta de Verano: 13 Bootcamps en vivo en 13 ciudades, lanzamiento de la Temporada 3 de TOL, resultados de la Temporada 2 ¡y mucho más!

Únase a @league para más detalles.

🔥Tonkeeper Support

Friends, as you see our community is growing, especially in the last few days.

Along with that, the load on our support team, which is always ready to help you, is also growing.

We see increasing in questions related Notcoin last days, and due to the large number of requests, we are taking a bit longer to respond than usual.

We kindly ask you to take a look at posts above or use a chat search to find the answer to your question.

You can contact Notcoin support @not_support_chat or use the Notcoin guide.

And we also create a separate chat where you can find answers to frequently asked questions.

We are gradually adding information there and maybe the answer to your question is already there.

And of course we have FAQ on the website, where we have answers to the most popular questions about Tonkeeper.

Tonkeeper Team ❤️

Presentazione di DYOR

Con DYOR, una piattaforma nativa di analisi dei dati e degli asset su TON, adesso potete esplorare i dati completi sui token, con le prossime funzionalità per gli NFT e le DApp. Dal suo lancio DYOR vanta oltre 1 milione di visualizzazioni e ha attirato più di 100.000 utenti unici solo nell'ultimo mese.

Consultate la loro nuova roadmap e continuate a seguirci per il lancio imminente della loro Telegram Mini App.

Presentamos DYOR

Con DYOR, una plataforma nativa de análisis de datos y activos en TON, ahora puede explorar datos completos sobre tokens, con próximas funciones para NFTs y dApps. Desde su lanzamiento, DYOR cuenta con más de 1 millón de vistas y ha atraído a más de 100.000 usuarios únicos solo el mes pasado.

Eche un vistazo a su nuevo roadmap y manténgase atento al lanzamiento de su Mini Aplicación de Telegram que llegará pronto.

Tonkeeper lanza una gran actualización

Tonkeeper introduce el estándar W5 en Tonkeeper Pro con transacciones sin gas, tarifas más bajas y una nueva interfaz de complemento para desarrolladores. La nueva función Tonkeeper Battery permite el uso inmediato de stablecoins y NFT sin KYC, gestionando automáticamente las tarifas de la blockchain. Para más detalles, consulte esta publicación en el blog.

¿Quiere ganar parte de un pool de premios de $100.000?

¡Únase al concurso de desarrolladores de Tonkeeper!

Tonkeeper rilascia un importante aggiornamento

Tonkeeper introduce lo standard W5 su Tonkeeper Pro con transazioni senza gas, commissioni più basse e una nuova interfaccia per i plugin degli sviluppatori. La nuova funzionalità Tonkeeper Battery permette l'uso immediato di stablecoin e NFT senza KYC, gestendo automaticamente le commissioni della blockchain. Per ulteriori dettagli, consultate questo articolo sul blog.

Volete vincere una parte del montepremi di 100.000 $?

Partecipate al concorso per sviluppatori di Tonkeeper!

Utilice Toncoin y USDt-TON con más de 100 millones de minoristas en todo el mundo

Oobit, respaldado por Tether, ahora permite pagos instantáneos con criptomonedas en TON. Similar a Apple Pay®, puede agregar Toncoin y USDt-TON a su rutina diaria. Toque y pague en más de 100 millones de minoristas en todo el mundo.

¡Descargue la aplicación de Oobit y comienza a pagar con Toncoin y USDt-TON hoy mismo!

The Open League Digest

USDt-TON reaches 200 million in circulation, Open League Summer - 13 IRL Bootcamps across 13 cities, TOL Season 3 launch, results for Season 2, and much more!

Join @league for more details.

Utilizzate Toncoin e USDt-TON con oltre 100 milioni di rivenditori in tutto il mondo

Oobit, sostenuto da Tether, adesso permette di effettuare pagamenti istantanei in criptovalute su TON. In modo simile ad Apple Pay®, potete aggiungere Toncoin e USDt-TON alla vostra routine quotidiana. Tap & Pay (Tocca e Paga) in oltre 100 milioni di rivenditori in tutto il mondo.

Scaricate l'applicazione di Oobit e iniziate a pagare con Toncoin e USDt-TON oggi stesso!

Introducing DYOR

With DYOR, a native data and asset analysis platform on TON, you can now explore comprehensive data on tokens, with upcoming features for NFTs and dApps. Since its launch, DYOR boasts over 1M views and has attracted more than 100,000 unique users last month alone.

Check out their new roadmap and stay tuned for the launch of their Telegram Mini App coming soon.

🔈TON Society Voice Chat Today

At today’s late night show we will dive into the TON Summer Bootcamps which are coming to 13 cities already next week as well as other latest news in the TON Ecosystem.

⏰ Today, 19:00 CET. Set a reminder.

Crazy Idea Challenge for Listeners
5 individuals who will express the next Telegram Mini App idea to onboard million users will get a reward from a 30 TON prize pool 🕺

If you want to know more about The Open League, Hackathon, or maybe Notcoin - we are waiting for you at our call! We are ready to answer all your questions.

🙏🙏🙏We have so many news to share with you, Society!

Join the Late Night Show.

🔋 Tonkeeper Battery Update

Notcoin listing is a huge success for new TON users and with Tonkeeper their experience is absolutely incredible.

In just a few hours we've seen over 15000 people charging Tonkeeper Battery with Notcoin to be able to trade, swap and transfer Notcoins, USDT and other assets on TON without having to visit exchange services to buy TON.

Some people got too excited and accidentally overcharged the battery way beyond any reasonable amount. (Hey, TON fees are so low, you probably won't need more than $10-20 worth of charges for many transactions.)

🚀 For those users who have charged battery over $20, we will be issuing Notcoin refunds completely automatically on May 17 while bringing the Battery charge down to $20.

Tonkeeper Battery is transforming the way people get to know crypto: in a friendly, easy to use way accessible to everyone.


Dear friends,

We have resolved an issue related to converting some Notcoin Vouchers that previously could not be exchanged. This feature now functions correctly on both the desktop and mobile app versions.

Thank you for your patience 🤍

Update Tonkeeper to the latest version: 👉 tonkeeper.com

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🔥 Convert NOT vouchers to Notcoin in Tonkeeper

Tonkeeper provides a streamlined and currently exclusive method for burning Notcoin vouchers, accessible through both its desktop and mobile applications.

Mobile App

To convert vouchers using the mobile app, open Tonkeeper and navigate to the 'NOT Vouchers' block located under the Ton Balance. Here, you can exchange and burn up to four vouchers at a time.

Tonkeeper Pro

For those with numerous NOT Vouchers, Tonkeeper Pro simplifies the process by allowing you to convert all your vouchers simultaneously with just one click. The app efficiently manages and queues the necessary transactions for you.

Both the mobile and desktop versions of Tonkeeper send your vouchers to specific smart contracts. In return, Notcoin is deposited into your current wallet. Please note, each voucher transfer requires a gas fee of 0.07 TON.

👉Download Tonkeeper
iOS & Android: tonkeeper.com
Windows, Mac, Linux: tonkeeper.com/pro

🔋 Charge Tonkeeper Battery with NOT

Friends, now you can charge the Battery with Notcoins! TON is not required. So you can charge it up more and swap NOT for TON or USDT without buying TON on the exchange. Open the Tonkeeper app, select Settings and top up your Battery. To charge the Battery you need to send at least 300 Notcoins.

How does it work?

With Tonkeeper Battery you can receive tokens (stablecoins, NFTs etc.) and make payments with a token — without going to an exchange to buy coins to cover blockchain fees. Tonkeeper Battery pays your fees for you, automatically.

You can charge the battery with one tap using in-app purchases, with TON, Stablecoins and Notcoin now! Just open the Tonkeeper app, go to Settings, and top up your Battery using TON, USDT, or NOT.

Tonkeeper Battery is denominated in charges, each charge covers the fee of a simple TON transfer transaction. More complex transactions may consume 5, 10 or more charges.

Download Tonkeeper for iOS, Android or desktop:

Tonkeeper releases a huge update

Tonkeeper introduces the W5 standard in Tonkeeper Pro with gasless transactions, lower fees, and a new developer plugin interface. The new Tonkeeper Battery feature enables immediate use of stablecoins and NFTs without KYC, managing blockchain fees automatically. For details, check out this blog post.

Want to win from a $100,000 prize pool?

Join the Tonkeeper developer contest!

First TON Summer Bootcamps are starting next week 🙏

Prague, Moscow and Hong Kong will kick off the worldwide series of offline events for TON builders on May 24.

🙏3 days of intense ideating and networking.
🙏Mentors from TON Foundation and hundreds of TON enthusiasts.
🙏$5K prize pool for each bootcamp and an opportunity to get the fastest track to The Open League Hackathon.

Register now:

🇪🇺 Prague
🌏 Moscow
🇭🇰 Hong Kong

The full TON Summer schedule is available here.

Pitch. Build. Win. TON.

Use Toncoin and USDt-TON with over 100 million retailers across the globe

Oobit, backed by Tether, now enables instant crypto payments on TON. Similar to Apple Pay®, you can add Toncoin and USDt-TON to your everyday routine. Tap & Pay at over 100 million retailers worldwide.

Download the Oobit app and start paying with Toncoin and USDt-TON today!

La Temporada 2 de Open League ha terminado, ¡y la Temporada 3 ya ha comenzado!

Resultados de @League desde marzo:

▪️ Billeteras Activas Diarias: 311.900 (+725%)
▪️ Valor Total Bloqueado en DeFi: $206 millones (+800%)
▪️ Volumen Diario de Operaciones en DEX: $29.2 millones (+177%)

Mantenga alta la actividad en cadena y proporcione liquidez a través de @Open_League_Bot para ganar su parte de los 30 millones de Toncoin. Resultados con todos los detalles, ganadores de la T2, tablas de clasificación y análisis.

Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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