Репост из: The RQCK
Recently, my Frontier of Patriots and I have reached the entrance to our hollow, yet also flat, Earth.
We survived on stale hard-tack, Skittles with extra Red 40, and the highly oxygenated water within the Earth.
We arrived in Agartha and met with a German PatriQt who wishes to not yet be revealed to be alive to the world.
More to come in 2 weeks.
I am Thomas.
I. Am. Q.
We survived on stale hard-tack, Skittles with extra Red 40, and the highly oxygenated water within the Earth.
We arrived in Agartha and met with a German PatriQt who wishes to not yet be revealed to be alive to the world.
More to come in 2 weeks.
I am Thomas.
I. Am. Q.