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BrīvvalstsTV ziņās 4.aprīlī plkst.20.00 stāstīsim par jaunu slavenā vīrusa reklāmas kampaņu Lietuvā un pētīsim, kur paliek izlietotās sejas maskas. Virs 35 cikliem PCR tests spēj atrast jau mirušu vīrusa daļiņas, kas vairs nav spējīgas ne replicēties, ne inficēt kādu citu – apstiprina ASV galvenais infektologs Dr.Fauči.
Studijas viesis Edgars Kramiņš dalīsies pārdomās par šo laiku, kad no graudiem tiek atdalītas sēnalas un mums esot jābūt gataviem tam, ka graudu būs daudz mazāk nekā sēnalu. Savukārt, Viesturs Rudzītis analizēs melu propagandu un tās izplatību.
Kopā mēs varam!!! /Dr.E.Mednis/ #AgenskalnaKlinika #GribuSportot #KopaMesVaram #DziveBezBailem

Dr. Eduardo Carlos Herrera Cotrina

May he Rest In Peace ❤️

Lima, Peru

Eduardo a young doctor from Lima passed away a few short weeks after receiving the Sinopharm injection.

On February 14, He shared an article on Facebook that criticized doctors who denounce and warn about the danger of the Covid Vaccine.

On February 22, he shared a photo of himself receiving the injection.

On March 16, Peru's medical college reported his death claiming Covid took his life as they always do.

#Sinopharm #Death #Peru #COVIDVACCINEVICTIMS


Šeit ļoti ilustratīvs piemērs manis iepriekš rakstītajam. vakcīnas NAV drošas. Tās NAV izpētītas. Un cilvēki mirst no tām. Neatkarīgi no ticības tām, ādas krāsas, reliģiskās piederības un vecuma (šajā gadījumā jaunības). Padomājiet PIRMS vakcinācijas. Palūdziet savu ģimenes ārstu, vai jebkuru citu personu, kura Jums piedāvā vakcinēties, Jums izsniegt uz rokas vakcīnas anotāciju. Un pajautājiet vai pētījumi uz dzīvniekiem ir bijuši un kad beigsies trešās fāzes pētījumi konkrētajai vakcīnai. Domājiet PIRMS!!!
Kopā mēs varam!!! /Dr.E.Mednis/ #AgenskalnaKlinika #GribuSportot #KopaMesVaram #DziveBezBailem

Te solītais buklets

Šobrīd valdība izvērš ļoti aktīvu mārketinga kampaņu vakcīnām. Interesanti, kas ir mērķis. Respektīvi kāda mērķa labad ir jāuzspiež tautai (to dara gandrīz katra valdība pasaulē) neizmēģinātas, līdz galam netestētas, neviens nezin par iespējamām blaknēm un tām, kas būs pēc gada, diviem, pieciem un desmit. Neviens nezina kā tās ietekmēs mūsu organismu, kā būs ar auglību, kā būs ar imūnsistēmas darbību. Šobrīd zinātnieki visā pasaulē brīdina par iespējamu neauglību pēc mRNA vakcīnām, dažādām neiroloģiskām slimībām, autoimūnām saslimšanām. Daudzi ir miruši pēc pirmās vai otrās devas. Un valdības, joprojām "nespēj sasaistīt" šīs nāves ar vakcīnu. Toties, ja cilvēks ir testēts pozitīvi pret Covid, tad gan nāves gadījumā viņš tiek ierēķināts no Covid mirušo statistikā, neņemot vērā patieso nāves iemeslu. Bieži vien tas, iespējams, nav saistīts ar šo slimību. Retorisks jautājums - kādēļ pasaules valstu valdības tērē milzu naudu Covid mārketinga kampaņām? Kādēļ un kam tas ir izdevīgi. Kam ir vajadzīgs šis Covid kults? Kas ir tā patiesie organizatori? Un kā vārdā viņi darbojas? Šeit piedāvāju Pasaules ārstu alianses sagatavotu bukletu, kas rosina domāt. Kas rosina izvērtēt. Jau pirms laiciņa publicēju Vakcīnealitātes izveidoto bukletu jauno vakcīnu sakarā. Šis ir loģisks un vērtīgs turpinājums. Domājam, domājam, domājam. Un glābjam savus tuviniekus un draugus. Lai vēlāk nav žēl un sirdsapziņas pārmetumi, ka varējām darīt, bet nedarījām. Pārfrāzējot visiem zināmo teicienu - izglāb draugu, neļauj vakcinēties.
Kopā mēs varam!!! /Dr.E.Mednis/ #AgenskalnaKlinika #GribuSportot #KopaMesVaram #DziveBezBailem

*Šī ir 1.aprīļa ziņa. Bet skaisti ir pasapņot. 😁❤️❤️❤️
Kopā mēs varam!!! /Dr.E.Mednis/ #AgenskalnaKlinika #GribuSportot #KopaMesVaram #DziveBezBailem

Репост из: Antra Dimantra Berica
Šodien Ministru Kabinets paziņoja, ka atzīst par nepamatotiem uzliktos absurdos ierobežojumus, ar kuriem Latvijas iedzīvotajiem bija jāsaskaras šo ilgo peļņas laika periodu. Ministru Kabinets atvainojas visiem Latvijas iedzīvotājiem, kuri saskārās ar veselības problēmām, dēļ psihi degradējošās informācijas sludināšanas masu mēdijos. Ministru Kabinets atvainojas visiem tiem, kuri ir zaudējuši savus tuviniekus dēļ nepareizas slimības diagnozes noteikšanas, saistībā ar attiecīgo vienīgo slimību. Ministru Kabinets atvainojas visiem Latvijas iedzīvotājiem par morālo un materiālo kaitējumu, kas nodarīts, pārkāpjot Latvijas konstitūciju un vispārējās Cilvēktiesības.

26. Indeed, the horror stories are already coming in at warp speed, but the politicians are not the least bit concerned, the medical establishment is brushing them aside as unrelated or negligible, the media is ignoring it, the drug companies are steaming ahead at full speed, and those who raise a red flag continue to be bullied, censored, and punished. Clearly my life and my wellbeing are not their primary concern. I will not be their next guinea pig in their laboratory. I will not risk being the next “coincidence”.

27. Although many people have died shortly after getting injected — including perfectly healthy young people — we are not allowed to imply that the injection had anything to do with it. Somehow this is anti-science and will cause more people to die. I believe that denying any possible link, abusing people who speculate that there might be a link, and demonstrating not the slightest curiosity to even explore if there might be a link is what is anti-science and could very well cause more people to die. These same people believe I am obligated to get injected as well. No freaking thanks.

28. I am repulsed by the religious, cult-like worship of a pharmaceutical product, and will not participate in this ritual.

29. My “healthcare” provider keeps badgering me to get injected, yet they have provided me no information on this treatment or any possible alternatives.Everything I know I learned from others outside the establishment. Informed consent has become conformed consent. I decline.

30. I see all the lies, corruption, propaganda, manipulation, censorship, bullying, violation of medical ethics, lack of integrity in the scientific process, suppression of inconvenient adverse reactions, dismissal of legitimate concerns, hysteria, cult-like behavior, ignorance, closed-mindedness, fear, medical and political tyranny, concealment of protocols, lack of true concern for human life, lack of respect for basic human rights and freedoms, perversion of the Torah and common sense, demonization of good people, the greatest medical experiment of all time being conducted by greedy, untrustworthy, godless people, the lack of liability for those who demand I risk everything… I see all this and I have decided they can all have my place in line. I will put my trust in God. I will use the mind He blessed me with and trust my natural instincts.

Which leads to the final reason which sums up why I will not get “vaccinated.”

31. The Whole thing Stinks.

Kopā mēs varam!!! /Dr.E.Mednis/ #AgenskalnaKlinika #GribuSportot #KopaMesVaram #DziveBezBailem

19. The medical establishment is not informing people about any of this. They have become marketing agents for an experimental drug, serving huge companies and politicians who have made deals with them. This is a direct conflict with their mandate to concern themselves exclusively with the wellbeing of the people under their care. Since the medical establishment has become corrupted, and has become nothing more than a corporate and political tool, I do not trust the experimental drug they want so badly to inject me with.

20. We are being pressured in various ways to get injected, which violates medical ethics and the foundations of democratic society. The best way to get me not to do something is to pressure me to do it.

21. The government has sealed their protocol related to the virus and treatments for THIRTY YEARS. This is information that the public has a right to know, and the government has a responsibility to share. What are they covering up? Do they really expect me to believe that everything is kosher about all this, and that they are concerned first and foremost with my health? The last time they did this was with the Yemenite Children Affair. If you’re not familiar with it, look it up. Now they’re pulling the same shtick. They didn’t fool me the first time, and they’re definitely not fooling me now.

22. The government can share our personal medical data with foreign corporations, but they won’t share their own protocol on the matter with us? I’m out.

23. The establishment has recruited doctors, rabbis, the media, and the masses to harangue people who don’t want to get injected with a new drug. We are being called the worst sort of names. We are being told that we believe in crazy conspiracies, that we are against science, that we are selfish, that we are murderers, that we don’t care about the elderly, that it’s our fault that the government continues to impose draconian restrictions on the public. It’s all because we don’t want to get injected with an experimental treatment, no questions asked. We are even being told that we have a religious obligation to do this, and that we are grave sinners if we do not. They say that if we do not agree to get injected, we should be forced to stay inside our homes forever and be ostracized from public life.

This is horrific, disgusting, a perversion of common sense, morality, and the Torah. It makes me recoil, and only further cements my distrust of these people and my opposition to taking their experimental drug. How dare they?

24. I know of many people who got injected, but none of them studied the science in depth, carefully weighed the potential benefits against the risks, compared this option to other alternatives, was truly informed, and decided this medical treatment was the best option for them. On the contrary, they got injected because of the hype, the propaganda, the pressure, the fear, blind trust in what “the majority of experts” supposedly believed (assuming THEY all studied everything in depth and were completely objective, which is highly dubious), blind trust in what certain influential rabbis urged them to do (ditto the above), or hysterical fear that the only option was getting injected or getting seriously ill from the virus. When I see mass hysteria and cult-like behavior surrounding a medical treatment, I will be extremely suspicious and avoid it.

25. The drug companies have a long and glorious history of causing mass carnage with wonder drugs they thrust on unsuspecting populations, even after serious problems had already become known. Instead of pressing the pause button and halting the marketing of these drugs until these issues could be properly investigated, the drug companies did everything in their power to suppress the information and keep pushing their products. When companies and people have demonstrated such gross lack of concern for human life, I will not trust them when they hype a new wonder drug. This isn’t our first rodeo.

9. The executives and board members at Pfizer are on record that they have not taken their own treatment, despite all the fanfare and assurances. They are claiming that they would consider it unfair to “cut the line”. This is a preposterous excuse, and it takes an unbelievable amount of chutzpah to even say such a thing. Such a “line” is a figment of their own imagination; if they hogged a couple of injections for themselves no one would cry foul. In addition, billionaires with private jets and private islands are not known for waiting in line until hundreds of millions of peasants all over the world go first to receive anything these billionaires want for themselves.

10. The establishment media have accepted this preposterous excuse without question or concern. Moreover, they laud Pfizer’s executives for their supposed self-sacrifice in not taking their own experimental treatment until we go first. Since they consider us such fools, I do not trust them, and do not want their new treatment. They can have my place in line. I’ll go to the very back of the line.

11. Three facts that must be put together:

Bill Gates is touting these vaccines as essential to the survival of the human race.
Bill Gates believes the world has too many people and needs to be “depopulated”.
Bill Gates, perhaps the richest man in the world, has also not been injected. No rush.

Uh, no. I’ll pass on any medical treatments he wants me to take.

Vaccines: Mainstream Media Has Become a Shocking Exhibit of Intellectual Bigotry and Thought Coercion

12. The establishment has been entirely one-sided in celebrating this treatment.The politicians and media are urging people to take it as both a moral and civic duty. The benefits of the treatment are being greatly exaggerated, the risks are being ignored, and the unknowns are being brushed aside. Because they are being deceitful and manipulative, I will not gamble my personal wellbeing on their integrity.

13. There is an intense propaganda campaign for people to take this treatment.Politicians and celebrities are taking selfies of themselves getting injected (perhaps in some cases pretending to get injected), the media is hyping this as the coolest, smartest, most happy and fun thing to do. It is the most widespread marketing campaign in history. This is not at all appropriate for any medical treatment, let alone a brand new one, and it makes me recoil.

14. The masses are following in tow, posting pictures of themselves getting injected with a drug, feeding the mass peer pressure to do the same. There is something very alarming and sick about this, and I want no part of it. I never took drugs just because “everyone’s doing it” and it’s cool. I’m certainly not going to start now.

15. Those who raise concerns about this medical treatment are being bullied, slandered, mocked, censored, ostracized, threatened, and fired from their jobs. This includes medical professionals who have science-based concerns about the drug and caregivers who have witnessed people under their charge suffering horrible reactions and death shortly after being injected. When the establishment is purging good people who risk everything simply to raise concerns about a new medical treatment — even if they don’t outright oppose it — I will trust these brave people over the establishment every time. I cannot think of a single similar case in history when truth and morality turned out to be on the side of the establishment.

16. This is the greatest medical experiment in the history of the human race.

17. It is purposely not being portrayed as the greatest medical experiment in the history of the human race, and the fact that it is a medical experiment at all is being severely downplayed.

18. Were they up front with the masses, very few would agree to participate in such an experiment. Manipulating the masses to participate in a medical experiment under false pretenses violates the foundations of medical ethics and democratic law. I will not allow unethical people who engage in such conduct to inject me with anything.

Pieņemoties spēkā vakcinācijas propagandai mums katram ir jāspēj pieņemt savs un pamatots lēmums vakcinācijas sakarā. Mums ir jānoformulē sava attieksme - vai mēs katrs personīgi vēlamies piedalīties medicīniskā eksperimentā brīvprātīgi un bez samaksas. Un jāspēj sakārtot savas prioritātes - salikt savas vēlmes prioritārā secībā. man personīgi pirmajā vietā ir sava veselība. Jo, ja es nebūšu vesels, tad es nevarēšu palīdzēt citiem. Es nebūšu spējīgs dot citiem. Lai kā man gribētos ceļot un baudīt ārzemju jaukumus, kalnus, sauli, sniegu kalnos un citas burvīgas lietas, es esmu gatavs paciesties, līdz es varēšu ceļot brīvi, bez testiem, bez vakcīnām, bez kaut kādām koncentrācijas nometnes izziņām(zaļajām pasēm) un citām cilvēku brīvību ierobežojošām lietām. Un tas viss tādēļ, kas ES ESMU VESELS un VĒLOS BŪT VESELS.
Šajā sakarā pievienoju ebreju rabīna Chananya Weissman uzrakstīto 31 punktu kādēļ viņš nevakcinēsies. Es viņam pievienojos par visiem 100%:

1. It’s not a vaccine. A vaccine by definition provides immunity to a disease. This does not provide immunity to anything. In a best-case scenario, it merely reduces the chance of getting a severe case of a virus if one catches it. Hence, it is a medical treatment, not a vaccine. I do not want to take a medical treatment for an illness I do not have.

2. The drug companies, politicians, medical establishment, and media have joined forces to universally refer to this as a vaccine when it is not one, with the intention of manipulating people into feeling safer about undergoing a medical treatment. Because they are being deceitful, I do not trust them, and want nothing to do with their medical treatment.

3. The presumed benefits of this medical treatment are minimal and would not last long in any case. The establishment acknowledges this, and is already talking about additional shots and ever-increasing numbers of new “vaccines” that would be required on a regular basis. I refuse to turn myself into a chronic patient who receives injections of new pharmaceutical products on a regular basis simply to reduce my chances of getting a severe case of a virus that these injections do not even prevent.

4. I can reduce my chances of getting a severe case of a virus by strengthening my immune system naturally. In the event I catch a virus, there are vitamins and well-established drugs that have had wonderful results in warding off the illness, without the risks and unknowns of this medical treatment.

5. The establishment insists that this medical treatment is safe. They cannot possibly know this because the long-term effects are entirely unknown, and will not be known for many years. They may speculate that it is safe, but it is disingenuous for them to make such a claim that cannot possibly be known. Because they are being disingenuous, I do not trust them, and I want no part of their treatment.

6. The drug companies have zero liability if anything goes wrong, and cannot be sued. Same for the politicians who are pushing this treatment. I will not inject myself with a new, experimental medical device when the people behind it accept no liability or responsibility if something goes wrong. I will not risk my health and my life when they refuse to risk anything.

7. Israel’s Prime Minister has openly admitted that the Israeli people are the world’s laboratory for this experimental treatment. I am not interested in being a guinea pig or donating my body to science.

8. Israel agreed to share medical data of its citizens with a foreign drug company as a fundamental part of their agreement to receive this treatment.I never consented for my personal medical data to be shared with any such entity, nor was I even asked. I will not contribute to this sleazy enterprise.

Strādājot ar saviem pacientiem bieži nākas domāt par medicīnu kopumā. Par tās attīstības virzieniem. Jau savulaik, kad tikko biju pabeidzis Latvijas Medicīnas akadēmiju un sāku strādāt, mans labs draugs un, varētu teikt, dzīves skolotājs Dr. Juris Vecvagars reiz teica: klasiskā medicīna ir laba tikai, lai neļautu tev nomirt. Šī brīža situācija to ļoti skaudri apliecina. Mums ir atnācis vīruss no kura pārsvarā mirst veci cilvēki un cilvēki ar vairākām hroniskām saslimšanām. Arī slimo smagāk, tie, kam ir fona saslimšanas. Bet, domāju, ka ne jau pašā diagnozē slēpjas šī jautājuma būtība. Tā, manuprāt slēpjas ārstēšanā. Daudz esmu par šo domājis. Ar šo es nebūt negribu noniecināt savu kolēģu darbu. Es novērtēju viņu pūles un ieguldījumu cilvēku veselības atgūšanā. Bet tomēr, klasiskā medicīna (farmakoloģiskā) hronisku slimību gadījumā maz ko var līdzēt. Vienīgi apārstēt, nomākt simptomus. Ja pavērojam nozīmējumus, piemēram bronhiālās astmas pacientiem - steroīdi, reimātiķiem steroīdi u.t.t. Tad vēl citostātiķi, antibiotikas un citi dzīvību nomācoši medikamenti. Ir, protams reizes, kad to visu, iespējams, vajag. Bet vairumā gadījumu bez tā var iztikt. Vismaz mana prakse to rāda. var izārstēt plaušu karsoni, bronhītu, strutainu angīnu bez antibiotikām, var izārstēt reimatisko artrītu bez steroīdiem, tāpat astmu. Jo katrai slimībai ir savs palaidēja mehānisms. Katru slimību var tulkot. Caur slimību ķermenis runā. Mums tikai jāprot nolasīt šī valoda. Mums jāmāk sarunāties šajā valodā. Un tad jau visu var izdarīt. Tad var tā pa īstam palīdzēt pacientam. Un nevis ārstēt vai izārstēt, bet dziedināt. Tas manuprāt, ir visbūtiskākais. Tas ir tas, uz ko katram ārstam būtu jātiecas. Uz savu pacientu dziedināšanu. Tam, protams, nepieciešams laiks. Laiks sarunai ar pacientu. Kā, mums studentiem, savulaik, Profesors Nikolajs Skuja mācīja: anamnēzes ievākšanai nepieciešamais laiks ir 2-3 stundas. Tad būs sapratne par to kādēļ cilvēks ir saslimis. Un tas praksē apstiprinās - sarunai ar pacientu, laiku nedrīkst žēlot. Tikai tā mēs varam palīdzēt saviem pacientiem. Bet atgriežoties pie šī raksta sākumā minētā - kurp dodas medicīna? Tā, manuprāt, dodas holistiskās pieejas virzienā. Tā dodas "netradicionālās" medicīnas virzienā - homeopātijas, akupunktūras, ajūrvēdas un līdzīgu. Turp, kur pacients ir vērtība. Turp, kur ir patiesa vēlme viņu izārstēt. Turp, kur ir vēlme ieklausīties un saprast. Tādu es redzu medicīnas nākotni. Ļoti skaidri. Un tā pienāks pavisam drīz.
Kopā mēs varam!!! /Dr.E.Mednis/ #AgenskalnaKlinika #GribuSportot #KopaMesVaram #DziveBezBailem

Laikā, kad mums maskas uzspiež ar varu un tās tiek pasniegtas kā panaceja aizsardzībā pret vīrusiem, ir vērts ielūkoties kā tās tiek šūtas - to izgatavošanas procesā. Šeit ir jauks video, kurā tas ir redzams. Ievērojiet, ka zilā virsma ir uz augšu. Baltā, kas tiek likta uz sejas, slauka grīdu. 👍 Labu apetīti un turpinām tās lietot ar lielu uzcītību.
Kopā mēs varam!!! /Dr.E.Mednis/ #AgenskalnaKlinika #GribuSportot #KopaMesVaram #DziveBezBailem

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