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Historic, archaeolog8cal & magical ancestral origins

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"Rune symbology class taught to members of the Ahnenerbe at the Ordensburg Sonthofen."

“'At dinner ... he spoke of India and Indian philosophy. This led him to speak of a subject which was a hobbyhorse of his: in a lively manner he described to me the result of researches in German witchcraft trials. He said it was monstrous that thousands of witches had been burned during the Middle Ages. So much good German blood had been stupidly destroyed. From this he began an attack on the Catholic Church, and at the same time on Calvin; before I had caught up with all this he was discussing the Spanish Inquisition and the essential nature of primitive Christianity.'


These words from Foreign Intelligence Chief Walter Schellenberg's memoirs concerning a meeting with Himmler in the Ukraine in the summer of 1942 indicate just how interested the Reichsfuhrer-SS was in such philosophical and metaphysical questions, including early Christianity, Calvinism, the Inquisition ... even the witch trials, on all of which Himmler considered himself something of an expert.”

"Probably one of the most outlandish - yet somehow oddly grand, strangely cosmic - endeavors of the Third Reich in general, and of the SS in particular, was Himmler's search for the Holy Grail.

In order to understand what Himmler was up to, we will have to look at the climate surrounding the Ahnenerbe and at what many readers probably think of as being a purely Christian symbol: the Holy Grail.

As we do so, we will come across a fascinating individual whom history has treated rather shabbily, the young SS officer and historian, Otto Rahn (1904-1939).

It was, after all, Otto Rahn who helped popularize the notion that the Grail was not the special property of the Catholic Church (should it actually exist, and should it ever be found).
For Rahn, the Grail was an emblem set up in opposition to the established Church for, if Rahn's conclusion was correct, it gave them a philosophical and historical edge over organized Christianity."

Wewelsburg ~ Divine Design

“The central focus of the redesign of the castle was the North Tower which would form the nucleus of a sanctuary 1.27 km in diameter. Bartels, in architectural plans of 1941: “The point of departure for the entire design is the centre of the north tower of Wewelsburg Castle, the ground plan of which forms an isosceles triangle. The perpendicular of this triangle points in the same direction as the direction of the main access road, which is to run for two kilometres in a NW direction straight towards the Castle & is to be designed as a magnificent avenue with four rows of trees. To the south it is to link up with an access road to the Rhynern-Kassel Reichsautobahn. The grounds will be enclosed by a circle with a radius of 430 m & completed with a wall with18 towers. In the Castle grounds a large number of buildings will be erected that will exclusively serve the purposes of the Reichsführung of the SS.” (source)

Wewelsburg: the Grail Castle

“...the estate had the shape of a spear, underlining the unconfirmed belief that the site would become the location where the Spear of Destiny would be held. One story goes that Hitler saw his future when he visited the Museum in Vienna where the Spear was on display, and that he became convinced that whoever possessed it, controlled the fate of the world. That the Wewelsburg was going to be the centre of Germany, and of the Aryans, is in evidence as from 1941 onwards, the architects called the complex the “Centre of the World.”

Headquarters relocation...

"On July 29, 1943, the Royal Air Force's firebombing of Hamburg led Himmler to order the immediate evacuation of the main Ahnenerbe headquarters in Berlin. The extensive library was moved to Schloss Oberkirchberg near Ulm while the staff was moved to the tiny village of Waischenfeld near Bayreuth, Bavaria.

The building selected was the 17th century
Steinhaus. While much of the staff was not ecstatic about the primitive conditions, Sievers seemed to have embraced the isolation." (source)

Thule Ahnenerbe

"Formally, the Ahnenerbe was called the Studiengesellschaft für Geistesurgeschichte‚ Deutsches Ahnenerbe - 'Study Society for Primordial Intellectual history, German Ancestral Heritage', but it was renamed in 1937 as the Forschungs- und Lehrgemeinschaft das Ahnenerbe - (Research and Teaching Community of the Ancestral Heritage).

Many of their interests extended beyond science into occultism.

This led to German scientists travelling around the world in search of Atlantis and the Holy Grail, and it is reported that the Ahnenerbe sought "portals" to God."

Репост из: Αρυολογία☀️ (The Indo-Europeans)
In Search of Aryan Origins

SS Dagger of Honour

Репост из: Αρυολογία☀️ (The Indo-Europeans)
In Search of Aryan Origins

“The British German rivalry in the region was evident in some British accounts of the German explorers:

The British in neighbouring India accused the Germans of 'loutish behavior' and branded Schäfer a 'priest of Nazism'

“In truth, says the author, they were jealous of the Germans being in Tibet rather than them.

Back home in Germany Reichsführer-SS Himmler greeted Schäfer and his teammates on the tarmac at Tempelhof Airport in Berlin where he presented Schäfer with the SS skull ring and dagger of honour.

Because of the war Schäfer's account of the expedition was not published until 1950 when it was printed under the title 'Festival of the White Gauze Scarves: A research expedition through Tibet to Lhasa, the holy city of the god realm'.
He received a post in Himmler's Ahnenerbe foundation, dedicated to Ayran research...”

Репост из: Αρυολογία☀️ (The Indo-Europeans)
In Search of Aryan Origins

The 20th century Aryan in Tibet searching for evidence of our ancestors

How similar, we might wonder, was the sight of this modern day Aryan galloping in on horseback to our ancient Aryan kin? :

“One day we saw a queer looking group of horsemen ride into Dekyi-Linka. The ponies were Tibetan, with Tibetan saddles of a poor quality. The riders, however, were distinctively not Tibetan! They had blond hair, blue eyes and dirty unkempt beards. Hunched over their saddles, the three of them, with a Tibetan, rode into the place. We learnt that they were Germans. I think they were probably anthropologists or entomologists of some sort. The British were always conscious of maintaining their prestige in Tibet, and wherever they went it was due to pomp and ceremony. They would not dream of putting in such a ragged appearance as these Germans.” (Source)

Репост из: Αρυολογία☀️ (The Indo-Europeans)
In Search of Aryan Origins:

[The Five Members of the German Schäfer Expedition, 1938: left to right: Geer, Wienert, Krause, Beger, Schäfer]

The Aryan’s greatness is clearly visible in his castles but also modestly hidden in his farming techniques, his folktales and his embroidery. We would have to learn to see what had been hidden from us to grasp the entirely of the Aryan soul and as such when the Reich sent anthropologists to Tibet searching for its origins, this perhaps was no surprise:

“... In contrast to many other photographers, the young Germans were also interested in the unspectacular – handicrafts, agriculture, and trade, among others subjects. Like other Europeans before them, they too were fascinated by nomadic peoples, most especially the Goloks of Eastern Tibet, who were visiting Lhasa on a pilgrimage during Losar, the Tibetan New Year.” (source)

Репост из: Αρυολογία☀️ (The Indo-Europeans)
In Search of Aryans Origins

“Few know of the Ahnenerbe, a secret society created by SS Leader Heinrich Himmler , Hermann Wirth & Richard Walter Darre in 1935. Wirth was a Dutch historian obsessed with Atlantis, while Darre was the creator of the Nazi ‘ Blood & Soil ’ ideology, as well as head of the Race & Settlement Office.

Officially, Ahnenerbe was registered as a study society for primordial intellectual history & German Ancestral Heritage yet its true goal was to research the cultural history & characteristics of the Aryan race in an effort to prove that they were a god-like advanced race from which Germans were descended. (One of Himmler’s dreams was to create a new religion that would replace Christianity in Germany.) For that purpose, Ahnenerbe fulfilled numerous missions all over the world to search for rare relics, mythical places & ancient texts. They had many (50) different branches dealing with more than one hundred research projects.”

Показано 18 последних публикаций.


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