American Freedom Party

Гео и язык канала: США, Английский
Категория: Для взрослых

Nation! Freedom! Order!
The American Freedom Party is a duly registered party that seeks to put state power back in the hands of the true American Nation.
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Supporting Israel means supporting the destruction of your own people.

Just within the past two decades, over 7,000 U.S. troops have died in conflicts across the Middle East—wars that were fought not for American interests, but to protect Jewish elites who use our military as their personal enforcers, and more broadly, Our Nation as a puppet state.

While our government continues to send billions in aid to Israel, our children are sent to fight and die for a cause that offers no benefit to Our People. We have seen the devastating effects of this policy time and time again, with the loss of American lives in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria—all nations destabilized to serve Israeli geopolitical interests.

The other tragic consequence of these foreign endeavors for Israeli conquest is the massive influx of invaders into Our Nation. By destabilizing the Middle East through these endless wars, the very same Jewish elites who push for American military intervention then exploit these wars as an excuse to flood our homelands with displaced foreigners.

What is the result? Our communities are now dealing with the consequences of cultural erosion, rising crime, and social disintegration, all because we were forced to fight wars that had nothing to do with us. All the while, Israel itself remains shielded from these consequences. Israel destabilizes foreign lands and then brings the fallout to our front door.

Support for Israel ends in the sacrifice and slaughter of our sons and daughters, all in the name of demographic replacement in our own Nations. 🇺🇸

🇺🇸 #EndForeignWars 🇺🇸

It seems as though years of denying the Zionist control over the Western world, and specifically the American government, was not enough to save Mr. Jones, as he has now been taken down by these very same people.

Let this be a valuable lesson for those who feel they can avoid the wrath of our adversaries simply because they kiss the hand of Jewish power. 🇺🇸

Репост из: The Kevin MacDonald Society
The Occidental Observer
James Edwards Interviews Lew Moore

What follows is an interview conducted by James Edwards with Lew Moore, a former congressional chief of staff, speechwriter, and the national campaign manager for Ron Paul’s famous presidential bid. He is also the author of Forerunner: The Unlikely Role of Ron Paul. James Edwards: You served as Chief of Staff for Congressman Jack Metcalf (R-WA) […]

The reason why America was a First World nation was because we had a First World population, and as we continue to be inundated with people from Third World nations we are going to become a Third World nation. …America is on the verge of collapse, as is Europe, as is the rest of the First World. We have to answer the question of whether white Americans and Europeans are going to survive to see another generation. …Desperate situations call for rash action.

James Edwards,
American Freedom Party

🇺🇸 #AFP #Leadership #Quotes 🇺🇸

Репост из: The Kevin MacDonald Society
The Occidental Observer
Antifa Prosecution Chokes at Trial; Virginia Attorney General Candidate Shannon Taylor’s Key Witness Proven Liar

Charlottesville Antifa and their supporters at the University of Virginia and the Prosecutor’s office have finally gotten a little piece of what they deserve. After seven years of specious lawsuits and criminal charges against dozens of men who dared to stand up to Antifa, the corrupt local government, and the University of Virginia (UVA), one […]

Репост из: John Fassbinder AFP
For the record, the answer is Israel.

Репост из: John Fassbinder AFP
Who do you feel is winning the September 10th Presidential Debate?
  •   Donald Trump
  •   Kamala Harris
  •   Undecided
454 голосов

The recent importation of over 20,000 Haitian invaders has brought the community of Springfield, OH to a breaking point. The surge in violence, theft, and social unrest (including pets being eaten) is not just a series of unfortunate events—it is a direct result of policies imposed by Jewish elites, self-loathing White politicians, and other anti-Whites who seek to undermine our way of life.

This isn't simply about "immigration" or "helping those in need". It's about the forced replacement of Whites by non-Whites who have no intention of integrating, who threaten the safety of White families, and who are eroding the very fabric of White society. These are not workers looking for an honest living. These are not future citizens eager to embrace American (White) values. They are part of a deliberate bioweapon meant to destroy Our People and Nation.

We must call this what it is: White Genocide—a form of social engineering designed to dilute and ultimately eradicate our culture, endanger our lives, and ultimately, to not just replace us, but destroy us. The rise in crime, the targeting of the vulnerable, the disregard for our laws—this is the result of policies that prioritize the interests and whims of the Jewish elites over the rights of Heritage Americans.

To protect our communities, to safeguard our Heritage, and to ensure a future for our children, we must take decisive action. The answer is clear: We must demand the immediate deportation of those who have been brought here under the guise of “helping” while only causing harm. We must also call for the repatriation of all "anchor babies" whom were given birthright citizenship by parents illegally in our country.

We must reject any further attempts to flood Our Nation with those who seek to destroy us. Not only do these people not share our blood, but nor do they share our respect for law and order, or our commitment to community. 🇺🇸

🇺🇸 #Springfield #Ohio #AFP 🇺🇸

Репост из: John Fassbinder AFP
Donald Trump once again displays just how little he represents the interests of real Americans, that being Whites.

By proclaiming that Israel's very existence hinges on his election, he continues to blatantly pander to foreign & hostile Jewish interests, all while neglecting the needs and concerns of patriotic Americans. This kind of rhetoric not only reeks of desperation, but also shows just how far he’s drifted from the principles that actually made Heritage America great—an emphasis on putting her founding stock first.

Instead of focusing on the real issues that matter—like securing our borders, protecting our Constitutional rights, and deporting all leeching invaders—Trump is too busy passing radical Executive Orders combating “anti-semitism” designed to throw dissenting Whites into prison, simply for objecting to their own eradication. He’s practically advertising for the Democrats by continuously proving himself to be a puppet for Jewish foreign interests, rather than a strong leader who fights for the American people.

Trump’s loyalty to those who seek our destruction, combined with his weak rhetoric, are not just disappointing; they’re destructive.

2025 Convention Speaker List

The AFP is excited to announce the following speakers for our 2025 National Convention:

🇺🇸 Dr. Kevin MacDonald
Director, AFP

🇺🇸 Thomas Rousseau
Leader, Patriot Front

🇺🇸 John Fassbinder
Executive Director, AFP

🇺🇸 Ralph Brandt
Chairman, AFP

🇺🇸 Michael Hill
League of the South

🇺🇸 Sam Dickson
Lawyer, Philanthropist

🔔 Keynote 🔔
Dr. Tom Sunić

Director, AFP

Join us in advocating for the White worker this Labor Day. 🇺🇸

AFP Leadership Appointment!

The American Freedom Party is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Ralph Brandt to the position of Chairman. Mr. Brandt, a founding leader of The Party with a distinguished record of service and unwavering ideological commitment, steps into this role following the tenure of Mr. William Johnson.

Mr. Johnson, who has dedicated his life to the public advancement of our cause, has chosen to retire from his current role to focus on family and personal development, while continuing to contribute as a member of the Board of Directors. He remains a leader in good standing and is excited to support the Party in a policymaking capacity.

To those concerned about potential changes in the Party's direction, rest assured: Mr. Brandt was chosen precisely because of his commitment to our existing principles and operational model. The Chairman oversees day-to-day operations, while the Board of Directors continues to guide the Party’s overall direction and policy. Our mission remains steadfast, and we are excited to move forward under Mr. Brandt’s leadership without altering the course we have set. 🇺🇸

🔔 💬💬💬💬💬💬🔔
American Freedom Party to Host 2025 National Convention

The AFP is excited to announce our upcoming National Convention for March of 2025.

This exclusive event will feature numerous well-known guest speakers as well as speeches from Party officials.

🇺🇸 The itinerary and distinguished list of speakers will be announced shortly.

🇺🇸 More information, including open registration, will become available in the near future.

We look forward to welcoming you for what promises to be a memorable and impactful convention! 🇺🇸

🇺🇸 AFP Action Report 🇺🇸

AFP Actionforce members distributed promotional materials New Buffalo, MI 🇺🇸

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🇺🇸 #AFP #Activism 🇺🇸

🇺🇸 AFP Action Report 🇺🇸

AFP Actionforce members distributed promotional materials Michigan City, IN 🇺🇸

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🇺🇸 #AFP #Activism 🇺🇸

Репост из: John Fassbinder AFP
Do not let the fear of persecution deter you from advocating for Our People. The enemy will come for each and every one of us without discrimination. It’s simply a matter of whether you were man enough to stand up against them, or if you let the fear silence you, and allowed for them to take everything from you without a fight.

🇺🇸 AFP Action Report 🇺🇸

AFP Actionforce members distributed promotional materials Willowbrook, IL 🇺🇸

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🇺🇸 #AFP #Activism 🇺🇸

The recent protests in the UK are being misrepresented by figures like Tommy Robinson, who frame them as issues of solely "radical Islam" when, in reality, they are fundamentally racial. In fact, the killer that kicked off the protests in the first place, Axel Rudakubana, was a Rwandan Christian, not a Muslim at all.

Simply put, the issue of violence in Britain is not simply one of theological incompatibility, but of racial incompatibility. Were Britain’s entire Middle Eastern population atheist, the violence they commit would persist.

When non-Whites, whether Black or Muslim, have rioted, they have been met with leniency or even praise. However, when native Whites protest the tragic murder of three young White girls, the government responds with harsh repression.

The British government has betrayed its own people, relying on violence, force, and oppression to maintain control over its modern empire. 🇺🇸

🇺🇸 #AFP #Britain #Immigration 🇺🇸

🇺🇸 AFP Action Report 🇺🇸

AFP Actionforce members distributed promotional materials Long Beach, IN 🇺🇸

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🇺🇸 #AFP #Activism 🇺🇸

🇺🇸 AFP Action Report 🇺🇸

AFP Actionforce members distributed promotional materials New Buffalo, MI 🇺🇸

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🇺🇸 #AFP #Activism 🇺🇸

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