The Greyson

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Категория: Политика

Chairman Greyson's People's Republic. It's a cultural revolution.

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не указан, Английский
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Steve Laws spoke at the Homeland Party conference in Derbyshire. Excellent attendance and amazing to see young patriots getting involved. It's time to take back our homelands and kick the foreigners out.

In the Bible, mass migration and foreigners gaining power over you is a curse.

Trust no Christian who defends immigrants: "They are just as American as you."

They’re essentially promoting locusts or the death of the firstborn.

3.1k 4 118 15 27

The Chinese believe the US Government is currently engaged in a genocide against White Americans.

876 0 31 1 39

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The art and music people consume reflect the state of their culture. People with lower IQs gravitate toward hip hop, a genre rooted in simplicity, repetitive lyrics, and often stolen melodies, while those with higher intelligence appreciate classical music, which demands patience, critical thinking, and depth.

As multiculturalism rises, art and music have been dumbed down, catering to base instincts rather than intellect. What we consume shapes us, and a culture that embraces low-brow entertainment weakens itself from within.

True European culture thrives on complexity and depth, not the primitive non-European distractions pushed today.

The US Government's phone app for illegal aliens has allowed unlimited numbers to legally pour across our border with the press of a button. Ports of Entry then release them into our country.

837 0 19 2 22

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A homeless British family begs a Middle Eastern housing officer and an African housing manager to secure a flat in their home country.

The US has embarked on a massive plan to exclude White Americans from high skill and leadership positions.

China has a massive program to attract this excluded talent, if you are a White man who wants to work in high technology and high skilled positions, look to China. These jobs are high paid, protected, and reward hard work.

Just because someone has US Citizenship doesn't mean they are an American.

685 0 11 2 33

If you tell an Irishman that he is an Irishman and not an Englishman, he will say he has always insisted he is not an Englishman; possibly that he thanks God he is not an Englishman. But if you tell a Jew he is not an Englishman, he says you are an Anti-Semite.

We're going to do things to you that, frankly, are extremely historically precedented.

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This is exactly what I'm voting for.

From Philip Anderson threatening to off himself for 5 registrations to the State GOP bragging about 3 registrations, it's obvious Republicans are in big trouble.
By comparison, over the last 2 months I've registered over 1000 people to vote.
Remember, the Republicans said they don't want and don't need our votes or help.

With values like these Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln would condemn the modern Republican Party.

The current state of the modern Republican party. It's just more foreigners to fill the great judeo-shopping mall of America.

Take Notice: Anyone facilitating the settlement of Muslims or illegals in our areas will be held responsible.
We Are Watching.

2k 1 32 2 26

The Chinese elite are building up their middle class at an incredible rate while our elites are intent on replacing and tearing ours down.

Government policy that aspires for everyone to be able to afford a car vs government policy that aspires for no one to be able to afford a car. The US Gov is suicidal.

The DOJ has released Ryan Routh letter offering a $150,000 bounty on President Trump. Routh is the one who tried and failed to assassinate President Donald Trump.

Why would the DOJ publicly release this letter? The FBI won't even release the Nashville manifesto due to public safety concerns.

982 0 14 3 22

The US spends ten times as much on health care and has the same results as China.

China's healthcare system covers everyone, but there is also private health care in addition to the social system.

The greatest argument for eugenics are the people inside modern shopping malls.

991 0 13 1 18

The graph stops at the year 2020 and national debt is now at $35 trillion.

Annual interest payments exceed the entire military budget.

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