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Репост из: KVLTGAMES
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🎉 The wait is over! "The Great Rebellion" Has Arrived! 🚀🎮



The game will also soon be available via our website and for people who preordered!

Step into the cyberpunk chaos of 20XX with "The Great Rebellion" and redefine the fight against your globalist technocratic overlords! 🤖💥

🕹 Game Features:
- Explore randomly generated levels, with over 1000 hand-crafted rooms rendered in stunning 16-bit-style pixel art!
- Arm yourself with over 60 weapons and unleash mayhem!
- Upgrade your character, find valuable items, and unlock powerful allies!
- Embrace the spirits of European heroes for unique, game-changing abilities!

Dystopian Adventure Awaits!

Become Human 10:28 and send the oppressive Mega-Corporation back underground.

The rebellion starts NOW! 💪🏻🔥

🚨 Spread the Word

🔗 Tag us in your playthroughs:


Репост из: KVLTGAMES
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'The Great Rebellion' is storming onto Steam!
🌟👉 Wishlist NOW:  Steam Page 👈

🚀 Embark on a digital odyssey against the corporate machine in our thrilling cyberpunk adventure! 🌐✨ Hack through the Cyberverse, resist mind control, and rewrite the narrative! 📜🔒

Run’n’Gun with 360° aiming AND twin-stick controls, set in a dystopian Cyberpunk future and featuring a set of Roguelike elements: RPG level-up system, random level generation frrom thousands of hand-crafted arenas, vast array of weapons and items to find, making sure no two playthroughs are the same!

🛒 Wishlist 'The Great Rebellion' on Steam  – let's flood the digital realm 💥🌈

We all know what happened last time; they don't want you playing this game.

🔗 Unite with the Waldgang, defy the Lucis Lux Corporation, and be part of gaming history...AGAIN! 🎮🔥 Spread the word, share the rebellion, and let the storm of steel and laser begin! 🌪🌐

#TheGreatRebellion #WishlistNow #kvltgames #indiegames #dailyvideogamenews #newindiegames #newvideogames 💻🕹

ENTERTAIN: inter + tenere (to hold within)

"Entertainment" used to be in sync with our folkish and local communal notion of spiritual and social guidance. Today it is almost completely desynced from this. Now, it seems that we think of it mostly as "providing amusement or enjoyment." But before the modern world, "entertainment" took the form of ancient parables, folk tales or histories that were unique to a localized people and imbued in those people lessons about life. They taught us which morals, values and insights would help us within the world we found ourselves. They taught us useful boundaries and rules. Sure, there often was a sense of "diversion," the aim being to temporarily "divert" one's attention from the troubles, ailments or problems of the world, but even this sense served a purpose. Just as the body needs a break from work to heal and recuperate, so does the mind, and "diversion tales" performed this task in the context that life offered psychological stress and challenges for us to overcome.

"Entertainment" wasn't what it is today. It wasn't a vacuous series of haphazardly assembled pieces of psychological stimuli meant to temporarily occupy your head. Nor was it a series of unnatural and fanciful notions that a small subset of individuals, themselves detached and out of sync with reality, felt the world should reflect. Most importantly, the institution wasn't controlled, occupied or warped by hostile and resentful outsiders whose intentions were to harm, or to redirect norms, values and morals for their own needs and interests.

Репост из: Primordial Path
The vidja industry is top to bottom infested with depraved mutants that do Slaanesh's bidding on their own accord.

They view everything that is not complete and utter contamination as a literal genocide against them.

Because they know if they don't continue to spread their putrefaction, a healthy social immune system will expel them.

They target vidja not because they love it. But because it has the absolute most influence on society.

Feckless "anti-woke" grifters are utterly ill-equipped to build a meaningful sanctuary let alone mount an offensive.

Many of you chalk this up to this is just the machinations of subversive elites via ESG payouts etc. This is mostly not the case.

I have seen it. Many of these studios and indie devs are working for little to no compensation. Many live in squalor so they can do this.

And their biggest goal is to gain access to the minds and bodies of children.

A righteous charge into art and entertainment must become a top priority. It's a battle that we can win.

Concentrated, devoted effort is required.

Enough current thing bread and circus.

Buy books, buy games, buy art, buy music. Write, publish, design, develop, perform, present.

It is a spiritual and moral obligation to build a juggarnaut to march into the fray.

If you love the arts. If you yourself are a creator of any sort. It is the will of the divine that you have these gifts. And it is their will that you use them.

You belong in the Artkvlt. This is your lane.

Join us.

Репост из: Red Ice TV 🚫 [Censored]
These people, like Gad Saad, basically just tried to delay the reaction to the replacement for as long as possible, to get us to the point we are at now. Almost irreversible. It's because this is about destroying what they hate, not to protect something they love.

It's not only this guy but the "anti-Woke" Conservative Inc. puddle that he's part.

They called us names like nazis, racists, antisemits, and said nothing when people were banned for highlighting the obvious demographic disaster, well over a decade ago, some even longer ago than that.

They do not get to play "we tried to tell you" now, this late in the game.

In essence, the goal of these kinds of works is to dismantle the golem before it harms their interests. Again, ask Gad Saad to acknowledge the role of the Jewish community in bringing about these "concerning forces" and "stifling political correctness" and he will call you a nazi.

^^^Gad Saad's recent posts showcase much of this cuckoo behavior. He is inserting his ethnic egg into someone else's nest here.

By the way, Gad is an expert in evolutionary psychology who applies his knowledge to consumer marketing and behavior. Ask Gad to entertain the notion that Jewish culture uses Jewish victimhood as a "renewable energy source," and he will block you.

Most of these measures are downstream of a top-down agenda to "legitimize" ethnic replacement through historical revisionism. The revolution has already subverted and overturned the traditional order. Now the new order must be presented as if it always was the order. The revolutionary mindset is slowly being done away with and replaced with a new kind of "conservatism" that will defend this new "tradition." It's a lot like a cuckoo bird replacing someone else's egg with its own.


Репост из: GTK Radio (Guide to Kulchur)
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-DECAMERON Film Festival 2023-

► Watch LIVE on Odysee.

► Schedule (updated daily):

► Help me do this.
Support the festival here.

► Separate DECAMERON channel on Telegram: @decameronfilmfestival

► Updates on Telegram (main channel): @guidetokulchur

Репост из: Mark Collett
Join us tonight at 9.30pm UK time for the Jeff Winston memorial stream.
There will be a variety of guests and a showcase of some of the best of Jeff's work.

Репост из: Blair Cottrell 🇦🇺
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One of the most striking features of Jews is the inability to reflect on the consequences of their actions and then alter their future behavior.

Tragic, but true.

Репост из: Generation Identitær Danmark
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I denne weekend mødtes aktivister og talsmænd fra patriotiske bevægelser fra hele Europa, herunder Danmark, og fremsatte deres krav foran Europa-Parlamentet. Remigration er budskabet til politikere og unge i Europa.

'Action Radar Europe' er det første resultat af mødet. I fremtiden vil vigtige begivenheder og aktioner blive offentliggjort her (følg kanalen her). Det er det første skridt i vores europæiske omstrukturering.

Vores modstandere arbejder forenet internationalt. Kun hvis patrioter forenes og arbejder i fællesskab, kan vi besejre globalisterne.

🔗 Alle vores links
Støt med BitCoin: bc1qevlwwrlefv7cvdqkrf5luul5hucdgae3233z8u

There is a lot to talk about regarding this meme, I recently came across on Twitter. (I like the account that posted it. He's been a good friend, so I hope this post here isn't taken as an attack.)

1. It arguably puts on display the extent to which some White Nationalist types live vicariously through the Palestinian struggle. They will literally liken the Palestinians to the Nords in Skyrim.

2. It also displays how people relate more to the fights that are on the screen more so than those in their own nations. (In this case, fights in the Middle East)

3. It displays how young people often no longer get their moral frameworks or perspective lens from our ancient folktales or stories. They get them from Marvel comics and Bethesda games. And the problem here is that even if modern entertainment media, such as Skyrim, are not explicitly hostile, those media were not created to achieve the same ends as our ancient folklore and stories.

The online "metaverse" used to be restricted to the West. Now it's enveloping the entire world.

Just as there are physical demographic changes in our nations, there are ongoing demographic changes to the online world.

Репост из: Thuletide
Napoleon: "Had I been at Martinique, I should also have been on the side of the English, because above all things it is necessary to save one's life. I am for the whites, because I am white; I have no other reason, yet that is reason good enough. [...] It is quite evident, that those who proposed the emancipation of the blacks must wish for the slavery of the whites."

Quoted in Le Consulat et L'Empire, translated by William Hazlitt in The life of Napoleon Buonaparte

Репост из: Saint Harrison
Where does he go to discuss terror and support for Israel?

Of course, the King David Hotel.

Репост из: White Art Collective
It is with an extremely heavy heart that I share the news I’m about to share with you all.

Jeff Winston, director and founder of the White Art Collective, passed away unexpectedly on October 6th 2023.

There are no words to describe the loss that I feel for myself, our 3 month old daughter, and Jeff’s family. He was the love of my life, my best friend, and an incredible father. He inspired me artistically, and showed me what it really means to love and to be loved unconditionally. He was truly one of the good ones.

Although we ask that you please respect the privacy of our family, we greatly appreciate all prayers and support during this difficult time.

Thank you,


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