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Репост из: ⋆ 𝔈phemeral.
On this beautiful day, precisely on May 17, 2021. The long awaited comeback from 𝗔𝗘𝗦𝗣𝗔 is finally out today, with ‘𝔑ext 𝔏evel’ as the title song! Congratulations to them for already worked very hard and put so much effort for preparing this comeback and doing their best. I won't forget to congratulate all of their RP-ers, especially me, Ariette, Bellevia, Wineyra, Elleanne, Winyela, Karlotta, Annette, Michiko, Jeyara, Amora, Rylie, Riesca, Kirein, Sofia, Chava, Marshella, Kadellana, Thysegra, Natha, Nedive, Yebita, Karen, Conelly, Gamila, Sekar, Aericha, Kayee, Alcasya, Neyyara, Kalila, Fidelta, Kayena, Hanzell, Karisha, Rawnie, Neysha, Anette, Winiferd, Kayelav, Georgia, Fawnia, Kaesha, Isabelle, Anasya, Gedrea, Kania, Cheesie, Shula, Cassandra, Raseciana, Pagi, Vianca, Ainsley, Hujan and Mabel.

So what are you waiting for? Let's streaming and sending lots of love for them on their amazing comeback. Enjoy our comeback this time!

Репост из: 𝐀𝐫𝐠𝐚 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐝𝐨𝐦
𝗙𝗜𝗡𝗡𝗔𝗟𝗬! 𝕬espa 에스파 ‘Next Level’ MV is out! 𝔗he long term of waiting has already been paid. Surely the explosion is worth the waiting session we’ve been through. Eventually, a new explosively bop song from 𝒯 he 𝒞harismatic, 𝒜espa has been released!

Apparently, the song’s called "𝕹ext 𝕷evel" similarly with them as a group that is rising to the 𝙉𝙚𝙭𝙩 𝙇𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙡. As they have released the Music Video too, so please look forward to it.

and also for 𝕬espa rp-ers congratulations for your comeback especially for Riesca, Shiela, Anasya, Ceverlyn, Mea, Yavanna, Ainsley, Zaclesa, Cloviea, Nadifha, Kaesha, Jijel, Sekar, Audie, Karisha, Rawnie, Zaclesa, Cloviea, Astrid, Shabita, Winellie, Jeylafie, Chilya, Wilyela, Alcasya, Bening, Keira, Sephora, Denallie, Adelia, Alvina. Happy comeback guys! keep loving 𝕬espa yap!

for y'all don't forget to stream this nice song and hearing the song. i hope y'all love this song and always keep support 𝕬espa! and for the last time, happy comeback too 𝕬espa!

Репост из: sk8.
finally aespa 에스파 'Next Level' MV has released today at 18.00 KST (16.00 WIB)! happy comeback for aespa members — Karina, Giselle, Winter & NingNing. 🖤🖤🖤

and not forgetting they duplicates, congratulation aespa rp-ers! especially for Me, Magnolia, Jeyki, Astrid, Arllodie, Ariette, Anoya, Acilla, Alcasya, Belle, Calandra, Dorothy, Gaia, Geya, Hanin, Heather, Hera, Jara, Jeylafie, Kaesha, Kayena, Kaluna, Karen, Leona, Mea, Mieko, Naazima, Neysha, Pyonie, Shula, Sofia, Sekar, Shibel, Vani, Yavanna, Winjie and Wiesy.

hopefully this comeback will give a bunch of effect for aespa in the future, more people knowing & listen to aespa's songs, and gain more loves from MYs cause they deserve it. ey, Next Level is out now! have you watched? dont forget to stream y'all ㅋㅋㅋ

Репост из: Seirenca. #WeGo

Репост из: Train Wreck.
Aespa 'Next Level' MV is out now. Happy comeback for Aespa and Aespa rpers, especially Denasya, Eloura, Dhira, Keivy, Kinandita, Anne, Kania, Shenna, Isabelle, Jolene, More, Kanaya, Karaissa, Hileen, Haneen, Geshara, Shakinan, Maisy, Aurora, Jevinca, Nadifha, Marianne, Anasya, Hasya, Winisha, Cheryl, Karindra, Kaseva, Sabin, Calina, Mabel, Sofia, Karlotta, Minerva, Zebiyaf, Hemera, Alcasya, Carlatte, Edith, Elleanne.

Finally “Next Level“ MV is out now!!
Happy comeback for AESPA and all AESPA rp-ers especially for :

Alcasya, Elleanne, Gretta, Nizia, Sofia and Jeylafie.

Don’t forget to streaming and always support AESPA. Have a great day y’all!!!

kurang ajar

Репост из: Неизвестно
HAPPY COMEBACK YH BOTIIIII @Jihfeon @minjeongv @YooKarwina

Репост из: Avizaa
HAPPY COMEBACK SAYANG KU @Jihfeon @minjeongv @YooKarwina ILY

Репост из: Kéisya diving soon.
HAPPY COME BACK HONEY @Jihfeon @YooKarwina @minjeongv

Репост из: Неизвестно
HAPPY COMEBACKKK @Jihfeon @minjeongv @YooKarwina

Репост из: Nightmare
Finally, Next level MV is out!
happy comeback for Aespa and Aespa RP-ers, esp Kaylee, Alcasya, Cloviea, Aericha, Shabita, Ametha, Abina, Karindra, Xanayra, Sabrina and also me.

and also hidden member Ayora, Lacresha, Jira, Renay, Renjana, Milia, Rafael.

enjoy your comeback day and don't forget to streaming y'all!

Репост из: A Weirdo.
Finally, aespa 에스파 'Next Level' MV is release! Happy comeback for AESPA & AESPA Rp-ers especially :

Me, Alcasya, Aleyanna, Alvina, Amara, Amber, Anna, Ariette, Ayisha, Ayora, Azrina, Binbin, Callea, Camellia, Cassandra, Celestia, Cessiey, Debintang, Ester, Evenne, Fidelta, Fayisha, Gaia, Gala, Geanya, Gemala, Geshara, Gwen, Hanzell, Helena, Hemera, Ignecya, Jeyva, Jinan, Jumantara, Kaesha, Kanaya, Karisha, Kalesya, Kaynara, Kheela, Khelani, Keyena, Kezia, Kienetha, Kinelchira, Kirra, Loversha, Makaila, Mielodyn, Moabbe, Moon, Pranara, Rui, Sekar, Senja, Shabita, Snow, Siofra, Uki, Winara, and Arumi, Nadelra.

Once again, happy comeback and enjoy your day y'all!

Репост из: Snowflake.
Aespa Finally come back with 에스파 ( Next Level ). Next Level Music Video is Already ou now in Youtube and Vlive.

Happy comeback Aespa and All rp-ers Aespa especially to :

Ayisha, Genta, Aleyanna, Kajop, Idun, Kkoube, Aruna, Shacey, Bita, Jupi, Gendhis, Muti, Prananda, Redup, Siofra, Jjovanka, Alcasya, Naralya, Nandara, Asenna, Cya, Pejoy, Shannaya, Kiera, Winda, Evonne, Lauren, Karisha, Reachi, Kienetha, Kiseva, Asenna, Kemuning, Lauren, Moa, Mylea, Lena, Ester, Quin, Sekar, Debintang,Kalesya, Pagi

Don't forget to streaming the music video MY!🦋

Репост из: Orphic
Finally today is coming. I've been waiting for this breathtaking MV. 17th May, it's time to celebrate our first comeback; Next Level

Congratulation to me, and these beautiful girl Nicaa, Jeylafie, Ninayya, Bizzal, Naazima, Windira, Ellyn, Karisha, Karen, Ather, Kayena, Alcasya, Maureen, Mikayla, Adisa, Mickey, also Mileav. I'm on the next level yeah 🎉

Репост из: Moon Orch!d
Finally! 'Next Level' MV is out! let's check out his music videos on YouTube and don't forget to keep streaming to support them all. Happy comeback for ÆSPA and all ÆSPA RP-ERS, Especially: Me, Kayena, Loritta, Senjana, Kanaya, Delancy, Wilson, Chava, Mileav, Windira, shebiel, Naazima, Fidelta, Bizzal, Leona, Kemuning, Gheavan, Jecasa, Amber, Pyonie, Ellyn, Kirein, Hanin, Alcasya, Kaluna, Fayisha, Karisha, Menteri, Connely, Metta, Jjevora, Asenna, Magnolia, Mauren, Karen, Sekar, Geya, Mikayla, Kayesha, Kienetha, Chexa, Acilla, Conelly, Zaclesa, Debintang, Kila, Hanzell, Anette, Shannon, Jeyki, Shena, Thysegra, Nadifha, Sephora, Sasa, Cloviea, Wiona, Winellie, Geshara, Shiela, Riesca, Kaynara, Edith, Ignecya, Wineyra, Kaylee, Rawnie, Ovel, Kaesha, Nadisha, Ametta, Laview, Arline, Salju, Abina, Geanya, Cherish, Arllodie, Mea, Ceverlyn, Evonne, Anne, Kineyla, Minera, Kavia, Kalula, Sabina, Popow, Belle, Ther, Kaneyko, Zyvonne, Alvina, Mieko, Naralya, Kathrine, Kieneta, Joy, Nandara, Pejoy, Kayelav, Winppie, Mieko, Karaissa, Winiferd, Anarchy, Mielo, Cheesie, Binbin, Evelyne, Kajop, Airyn, Kacheena, Kezia, Shenna, Isabelle, Christa, Azrina, Anarchy, Neyyara, Clouviette, And Xanayra.

Now the four women with endless talents began to make the stage and the entire audience applauded for their singing and dancing performances. Holding the mic tightly and starting to dance to the rhythm of the music makes each eye amazed.

Keep them all supported by streaming MV and also listening to their music in various apps available. I hope all of you who announced their comeback this time are happy, MY! And most importantly wherever you are stay safe and healthy◟❦⊹ ˚˖

Репост из: 𝐒𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐲 𝐖𝐢𝐬𝐡
I’m on the next level, next next next level. Do those lyrics ringing in your ears?

Finally the music video for aespa’s newest album ‘Next Level’ has been released. A moment that MYs have been waiting for. Big congratulations to aespa who has worked hard on this amazing comeback. As a MY and one of Winter’s portrayer, I am very proud of aespa and wish them success in their future careers.

Therefore, I would like to congratulate my roleplayer friends who use aespa members as their muses especially my beloved Winter Castle’s member Carlatte, Febryna, Alcasya, Zebiyaf, and my other friends Awinnie, Wiesy, Winyela, Maureen, Jecasa, Acilla, Winellie, Nadifha, Shabita, Geshara, Zyvonne, Conelly, Bening, Cheesie, Mariposa, Kinelchira, Karisha, Kadelin, Loritta, Chexa, Isabelle, Ceverlyn, Hujan, Evelyne, Geanya, Frely, Mieko, Karen, Vianca, Klarybel, Heather, Leanne, Nandara, Radheya, Sadine, Adeena, Elaina, Cassandra, Pagi, Winppie, Jasmine, Asenna, Kaesha, Mabel, Kaynara, Katharine, Kajop, Kehlani, Wilancy, Shabina, Kalesya, Olivia, Rawnie, Laview, Kalaris, Hileen, Haneen, Shakinan, Maisy, Aurora, Jevinca, Marianne, Anasya, Hasya, Winisha, Keyana, and many more that I may not be able to mention one by one. Let's continue supporting aespa and streaming their music videos. Once again, happy comeback and enjoy your big day guys! ♡︎

Репост из: awinnie
☾❈ ⋆ Ravishing, heavenly, enchanting with heterogeneous sparkling outfits and their awe-inspiring voices. This is it, 𝐀𝐄𝐒𝐏𝐀. The queens who have comeback and are welcomed by the realm have again created an astounding masterpiece make the sphere mesmerized. 𝐍𝐄𝐗𝐓 𝐋𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐋, an 𝐀𝐄𝐒𝐏𝐀 masterpiece title track, 4 endearing and lovely damsels with their gorgeous minds. 𝘊𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘰𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬, girls. Hopefully the world will be more amazed and like your next masterpiece, keep working to show the world that your work is amazing and deserves to be accepted in the world.

And, thank you for working hard. This a prodigious concept that is beyond expectations and this enormous comeback will always be remembered. Girls, we're very proud of you. All of you don't forget to stream this elegant opus and check out this one unforgettable masterpiece. Congratulations on their world-shattering comeback, especially to Me, Willie, Ametta, Narisha, Willona, Baila, Alya, Winellie, Kineyla, Radheya, Mafisya, Edith, Callea, Lailee, Hileen, Haneen, Geshara, Shakinan, Maisy, Aurora, Jevinca, Nadifha, Marianne, Anasya, Hasya, Winisha, Zebiyaf, Hemera, Alcasya, Carlatte, Winona, Arum, Rayhana, Ardeyya, Wynne, Shafira, Deanne, Keishila, Sadine, Aiko, Kavia, Karisha, Kiera, Winppie, Shabita, Karaissa, Nadelra, Kainara, and Wineyra We are very proud, it's your day. Do not forget to be happy. Oh! Congratulations also to the 𝘩𝘪𝘥𝘥𝘦𝘯 𝘮𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳𝘴 like treasures that are so valuable, Cayie and Dayana ★ . ݁ ٬


Репост из: ℳonvillꫀ
𝐌𝐘's, finally! ÆSPA (에스파) - 'NEXT LEVEL' MV's has been released.

Happy comeback for æspa & all æspa rp-ers especially Me, Kalena, Clesa, Frely, Almaresha, Aruna, Akara, Shiela, Ovel, Yavanna, Bellevia, Shabita, Sheila, Sasa, Jaeslyn, Cala, Wiona, Jeylafie, Conelly, Ale, Aericha, Geanya, Mentari, Arllodie, Ariette, Adhira, Gendhis, Maureen, Heather, Kaluna, Fidelta, Hemera, Kemuning, Jesslyn, Jecasa, Alcasyah, Azzaya, Rawnie, Anette, Loritta, Gisella, Maureen, Ather, Ignecya, Fayisha, Cherish, Sephora, Riesca, Arline, Salju, Key, Ceverlyn, Karelya, Kinandita, Siel, Ametha, Edith, Kaynara, Cassandra, Kiseva, Georgia, Nandara, Key, Annette, Wiesy, Moabbie, Lala, Neyyara, Ivy, Vianca, Shakila, Anneliese, Kadelin, Winda, Alvina.

And Also for hidden member Jealia, Bumi, Moshaci.

Please give a lot of love for ÆSPA & don't forget to stream æspa MV's! ♡___♡

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