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Happy 200 juta @mouwland

Репост из: 𝘼rtages, TOMORROW.
hi hellooo! since there's still none of details for our discount, here we bestow how Artages’ first ever discount will be! get your ears all ready, deaaar.

dengan minimal pembelian 15k (multiple icons), tiap icons bisa dapat potongan harga langsung, loh! tiap icons sudah diatur dengan range harga :

1. icons that started from 4k-6k will get 2k discount!
2. icons that started from 7k-9k will get 3k discount!
3. icons that started from 10k-etc will get 4k discount!

jaaadi, perlu kamu hitung dulu jumlah dari icons mu SETELAH terkena diskon, dan jumlahnya harus mencapai batas minimal which is 15k! but we're really sorry, for this discount batch we don't accept a recolor. harus NO RECOLOR kalau mau ikut ke diskon nya, yaa! if you still want to do a recolor, it we will count it without a discount. kalaau masih ada yang belum dipahami, you can reach us through @artagesbot! boleh nanya tentang penjelasan diskon ataau apapun, yaa!

Репост из: 𝘼rtages, TOMORROW.
ପ. for the fellow mutuals or anyone who might glances upon this message, can you do some clicks and forward this one to your business channel? it helps us a lot anywaay. thank you a million! .ଓ

lustrous day, gaiety souls! 💐 the message we spelled earlier is all about Artages that will open for a various catalogues we owned till we drop! means there's no limit for the slot we service here. and yippie! this new batch existed here with a heap of discounts that which is certain you will get cherish to it. here's the explanation for our discount this time, read it first if you get yourself want to be part of our first ever discount! fret not, you don't have to wait more longer because it will be opened exactly tomorrow, 7th of July at 4PM WIB. and we wouldn't be tired to guide all of you to read the regulations before other things. the catalogues already arranged neatly here, just pick which one your favorite is. see ya, lovelings! ♡🌥

Репост из: Dibya - close trade
Aku tau kalian orang baik, boleh tolong fw in ga? Nenek ku lagi butuh donor darah secepatnya yaaa, kalo ada yang bisa kontak ke @ASINCHOI plissss 😔🙏

Ini ya kalo yang mau di fw.

Репост из: DAGANG FESS

1. Setiap 1 BA Profneeds hanya boleh memilih 1 "jenis Icons"
Contoh: BA 1 mencalonkan Jenis Shapes Icons, BA 2 mencalonkan Jenis Icons Ganteng. Jadi Icons yang kalian calonkan ke DF & THE SEVEN REALMS harus bertema jenis yang telah kalian pilih.

2. Setiap BA Profneeds hanya bisa mengirimkan 2/3 Icons yang telah kalian pilih (sesuai jenis yang kalian pilih, contohnya: Shapes/Ganteng/Scenery, Dll.)

3. Karena kali ini bertema, "bazzar," maka icons yang didaftarkan harus diberikan potongan harga. Untuk potongan harga harus berbentuk nominal harga Rp. ..000
Contoh: Icons A atau B (Per 1 Icons) potongan Rp.5.000, dari harga Rp.15.000 menjadi Rp.10.000 .
Notes: Tidak boleh berbentuk diskon persenan ataupun minimal pembelian (nominal/jumlah icons) diskon 50% / potongan Rp.5.000

4. Setiap BA Profneeds yang mendaftar event kali ini, harus memberikan 1 freebies template icons Free For PU Only. Contohnya: @contohtemplate
Template freebies tidak boleh DIPERJUALBELIKAN oleh pengguna.
(Template ini bisa dibuat apabila sudah fix diterima dalam event.)

Cara kalian mengirimkan/mencantumkan template Free For PU, hanya dengan mencantumkan copy link postan template di CH kalian masing-masing pada format yang kalian kirimkan nanti.

Yang mau di fw/mutualan bisa ke @Artloud_Bot dulu ya.

Показано 15 последних публикаций.


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