Right Wing Philosophy

Гео и язык канала: Весь мир, Английский
Категория: Политика

The Wisdom, Power, and Beauty of Natural Law wedded to Spiritual Truth

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Весь мир, Английский
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Репост из: Dr William Luther Pierce Archive
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#95 Dr. William Luther Pierce Odysseus Way

Of Athêna & Odysseus:

"The magickal decree is implicit in all language, for the mere act of naming an object or situation decrees that it is to be singled out as such-and-such rather than as something other."

Репост из: Survive the Jive: All-feed
This chap appeared on Rogan making some claims about the swastika as a prehistoric pan-global symbol proving far reaching international connections in prehistory.

The reason the swastika is so widely dispersed and appears in such diverse cultural contexts is that it is one of the simplest shapes a human can draw. It is very easily invented independently.

It was formerly used as a means to trace migrations of people, such as the Aryans, but this does NOT work. For example both the pre-Aryan IVC culture of India, and the Central Asian Aryans of the Andronovo culture had the symbol before they met each other. The Proto-Indo-Europeans did not even use the symbol!

The symbol also has different meanings in different contexts. In Hindu contexts it is a good luck charm and represents the sun. In Ancient Greece it was a decoration. In Germanic cultures, it was a symbol of Odin.

Trying to make a theory of everything for the swastika is like making a theory of everything for the square or the circle.

Perfectly respectable as far as scholarship goes, bearing in mind the materialistic handicaps wherever scholarship in the modern manner is concerned.

To pose other possibilities which need not be arbitrarily considered as logically disqualified:

-It is perfectly possible (again, presuming that we're not materialists - a difficult disability to fully overcome in all of us who've grown up in this age) that some cultures draw swastikas because it's a simple shape to independently draw;

-AND that some cultures draw swastikas in alignment with deeper power and meaning spirituality perceived;

-AND EVEN that yet more cultures copied for prestige the swastikas of the initiated in ignorant cargo-cult manner;

-OR EVEN that still other cultures discovered a spiritually grounded meaning conveyed in the swastika without necessarily coming into direct *physical* contact with similarly knowledgeable cultures - since of course that pertaining to a spiritual Absolute is able to approach the more limited dimensions of our physical realm with much more freedom than anything 'from within/upon the timeline'.

Naturally, by the time of the Classical cultures upon whose amazing treasury of records we rely for (alas, mere) scholarship there are different (mere) *theories* of meaning for that which is no longer fully understood. On this, the next paragraph poses a challenge which I believe not many really rise up to in this peculiar time of ours now:

It's easy to mistake these Classical periods as 'the Golden Age' - especially compared to when/where we find ourselves just now! Certainly, we absolutely can find intact transmissions of real knowledge and even understanding from what records we have of those times. But they were still fallen (not in the sense of "sin" or "damnation" but in the sense of lessened knowledge/understanding) times, compared to what came before.

Perhaps we might come to agree with those ancients of the mysteries, that "theory" should (judiciously!) be attempted only in the wake of gnôsis, rather than 'heading it off at the pass'.

Репост из: Survive the Jive: All-feed
Why do modern Christians sometimes accuse Heathens of atheism?

Historically the church accused Heathens of worshipping devils and demons. Whenever we Heathens worshipped wood or stone images of the gods and thereby encountered the numinous, the Christians said that these idols were actually possessed by demons who tricked us into calling them gods. When the images were made to speak in the way that Woden taught mankind, then the church said that this was due to the magic of wizards. When our necromancers went to barrows and caused the dead to rise and converse with the living, the Christians, whose religion does not allow for the Heathen to have the power to undo death, therefore said that this was the devil in the shape of a dead man. The Christians never denied that the gods appeared to speak through idols, they never denied that the dead appeared to rise and converse with Heathens, instead they made up explanations to cope with these realities and preserve their world view by saying we had been deceived by evil beings in the shape of the dead or the gods.

But the modern Christian, particularly the very online sort, doesn’t bother with traditional Catholic doctrine. They go against the teachings of the early bishops and Saints who made the above declarations. Instead they accuse the Heathens of only pretending to believe in the gods and ancestors. In defying the Saints they are probably guilty of heresy within their dogma, but it is pertinent to consider why these modern Christians take such a radically different attitude toward Heathenry compared to the Christians of Early Medieval Europe. I think it is because they do not believe such things are even possible. For the majority of Christian history the belief in ghosts was taken for granted. It is the Protestant reformation that opened the door to a modern view that such beliefs are superstitious. From this great cleavage with the ancient world, the cults of scientism and materialism emerged. These cults are so pervasive that they inform the views of all Christians, not only Protestants but Catholics too, especially hyper-online Catholic converts. This explains why they accuse Heathens of atheism - it is a form of projection. These people do not believe in a holy ghost, nor in the witch of Endor’s necromantic power, nor in the talking serpent of Eden, nor in Nephilim or millions of horses with the heads of lions or any of the other fantastical beings that their holy book requires them to believe in. THEY are atheists and they do not believe in the Christian religion as they are supposed to, they merely pretend to. They pick and choose what to believe from the Bible, and they focus only on a soteriological doctrine from a universal god who, in the most sentimental terms, they describe as “love” and who is his own son who brings the message of “love” to mankind. This common Christian view is not really the religion of the Bible. It is practically atheism, and in many cases I suspect the “converts” are cynical atheists who find the aesthetics and consoling continuity of Christianity appealing because it has been present in our culture for so long. They don’t really believe in it. These are the people who then say we are only interested in Heathenry because we like the “aesthetic” - which makes no sense because the aesthetics of Heathenry changed a lot from the Migration to the Viking era and the modern Heathen religion has no prescribed aesthetic. They are really speaking about themselves because they do not know what it is like to encounter the numinous, or to enter communion with one’s departed ancestors.

I should stress that I have hardly ever had any negative experiences with Christians in real life throughout the 15 years I have practised the True religion, but rather our most fervent opponents are limited to the online sphere. “The lady doth protest too much, methinks".

"But Hêraklês unvanquished sowed your stock:
Take heart! Zeus bows not yet beneath the yoke.
Fear not the throng of men, turn not to flight,
But straight toward the front line bear your shields,
Despising life and welcoming the dark-
Contingencies of death like shafts of sun."

All reverence to the Fallen - we need Heroes to come and live amongst our Folk again!

Репост из: Right Wing Philosophy
My youth under arms always seemed to see me in deserts, which this offering of words will of course reflect. Truth is true, though, of whatever unhappy war in which we adventure until - I swear - we or whomever of our descendents reach the War that's Right, the War that will be won for OUR People's good!


Scatter the rose petals of binding words-
O'er the graves of generations' fallen leaves.
Cast the waters of memory across the sands-
Of desolation, that the dead might walk-
Where the unseen blooms.

Count not the long years,
Any more than a hard young brave-
Might heed a march or a wound.
March on, wound on,
For the Flag that cannot be betrayed:
Pure Blood, Pure Honour, Pure Spirit, Pure Deed.

- Vəhrka

"The nation that will insist upon drawing a broad line of demarcation between the fighting man and the thinking man is liable to find its fighting done by fools and its thinking by cowards."

Репост из: Mark Collett
9000 in November - Push-up Challenge

Last year a plucky few completed the challenge of doing 9000 push-ups in the month of November as an act of remembrance for those who lost their lives in war.
This year, we're doing it again, but BIGGER and BETTER! With four tiers of goals; BRONZE, SILVER, GOLD and PLATINUM, the challenge is more open to those not used to taking part in gruelling fitness challenges.
We hope that this year others will join us from overseas - including nationalist fitness gurus!
To take part, join our private Telegram group and report in over the month letting us know your progress. At the beginning of December we can see who made the grade!

JOIN: https://t.me/+XijbxAz9iFM2MDhk

I hope you'll all consider joining in on this for some good wholesome fun and for the healthy motivation of competition that sees us all bettering ourselves: the choicest fruit of the αγών.

I don't want to see anyone from here settling for Bronze which is just 100 a day for the 30 of November - aim at least that next level higher!

If you're in decent shape you should be able to do 100 pushups in 2 minutes, if not then give yourself time to do 100 in 5 or even 10! Do this in the morning, go about the rest of your day, do it one more time in the evening, and you're at Silver!

Remember, I'm past 30 (which must be about 65 in Marine years) and work all the time with a wife and four kids, and I WILL NOT PERMIT myself to achieve less than Silver even with a ton going on in life.

Throw your effort and will into this, push back against the resistance!


Репост из: Aion Runes & Tarot

Q: Is there anything else which you would see fit to particularly communicate to one or several who will read this?


Репост из: Aion Runes & Tarot

Q: Would you have anything to say about any relationship to deities of Night whom I have conversed with, such as the goddess known to me as Νύξ?

A: "Νύξ is *Eternal*. There is kinship in the Eternal Divine. The Ancient Goddess of Night knows much of Truth, just as I have seen much. She is one who has partaken much in The War."

Репост из: Aion Runes & Tarot

Q: Is this present time significantly situated in terms of the potential for a great Dawning from Dark to Light?

A: "It is *Always* on The Cusp."

Репост из: Aion Runes & Tarot

Q: Is there necessarily a relation per se between immortality, youth/renewal, and time?

A: "Time may forbear with Youth, and even with Renewal, but it will never yield to them - and even Time is not ETERNAL. Immortality, *TRUE* immortality, is a thing that goes (that *must* go and be) beyond all three. Look Beyond the SUN."

Репост из: Aion Runes & Tarot

Q: Have there ever been times quite like these? Is it all one grand Cycle, or are there days that are really New?

A: "All Days come to pass as *They Are*; *I Am Eternal*, and *I See All*. Some Days partake of memory, some of novelty. There are Dreams of Patterns, and Patterns of Dreams - such make up your world and its times. The Days come and go, like winds or like storms, but They are not ETERNAL. It is *The Sun* which Truly Lives behind them all."

Репост из: Aion Runes & Tarot

Q: What does it mean, the divine force embodied in the dawning of Night into Day?

A: "*I Am Eternal*. I do not arise, renewed, for each day of the Earth's. I do not turn back Time, returning to a youth which belongs to an After or even to a Before. I AM THAT ETERNAL AND EVER TRUE WELLSPRING of Light and Joy of which each Day is one manifestation. Go climb atop the highest of mountains, and you will see Me. Travel through the darkest and greatest storms, and you will find Me on the other side. I Am not one who comes, or goes, or changes, save from the Earth's vantage. There is no 'transformation' in my Dawning: it is, and I Am, *Eternal*."

Репост из: Aion Runes & Tarot

The following is a recorded communication from the Dawn Goddess known to the old Lithuanians as Aušrinė, partly with hopes to inform some undertaking somewhere on the Baltic. As is proper for attempting a first communication with a given deity, I tried to bring as few presuppositions into the operation with me as possible - although it did turn out that I still had some basic assumptions which would be challenged by the goddess.

Somehow I expected a demeanour more recognizeably 'youthful' or 'joyous' as we might from our human perspective understand these things, and while 'transcendent' isn't quite perfect as a descriptor either it does still go a ways towards understanding an attitude or outlook some ways removed from what I seemed, when it came down to it, to actually expect.

Granted, the gods absolutely have their favourites, and this one might very well behave with much more warmth and familiarity for a favourite of hers rather than an unsolicited (if, I hope, very respectful) petitioner.

In any case, I still found the communication of this goddess (as well as the especially lofty and pure 'energetic signature' which seems possibly unique to each one) fascinating, and in hindsight of course also find my flawed presuppositions about 'eternity' from an all too human frame of reference painfully obvious.

In any case, here follow some communications that I'm instructed to share from Aušrinė. Perhaps, more than just to me, she is also talking here to some of you?

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