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U.S. Patriot. Proudly followed by other Patriots worldwide. Life. Liberty. Justice. United we stand.
-. -.-. ... .-- ..

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"Day light come and me want to go home."

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“You know there has never been a concession, you do know that right? [...] But I never conceded because I saw what was happening and I can’t do it. Because I have a commitment to you and I can’t do it.”

Huge majorities of Democrats favor not only having Big Tech monopolies censor the internet more, but also *having the government* do the censoring. The left's authoritarianism and sycophant class is incompatible with the US Constitution and millions of patriots who love and defend it.

WTP Courage.

I like presidents who don’t start wars and produce historicaly notable peace deals.

We are witnessing the systematic destruction of the Old Gaurd. The 3rd American Revolution. We are returning to the wisdom of our Founders 🇺🇸

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."

— Benjamin Franklin, Founding Father

A critical theater in our Information War:

Q is a successful open source information and intelligence research campaign. A first of it's kind operation, the Q campaign is the largest worldwide collaborative patriot platform ever created.

Uniting a community of millions of international patriots around love of our Constitutions, intellectual sovereignty (liberty), critical thinking, and a desire to audit information in the pursuit of Truth.

The Q campaign ignited the Great Awakening you see whistlblowing and standing up in solidarity by the millions against govt tyranny and corruption all over the world today.

A criminality many Americans are just now starting to realize is the result of a multinational cooperation, as outlined by both Q and the National Democratic Institute's "Call to Defend Democracy:"

Many are also begining to see and *feel* this cooperation and its deeply disturbing agenda, as outlined by Q and Archbishop Viganò:

Having shared this, the Q campaign was designed as a conduit for facilitation. It is We the People in America and worldwide that have always been the plan.

And this is not 'crazy talk' anymore. Devolution is happening now.

The best is yet to come.

If 38 Democrat electors are decertified by no less than 3 states due to forensic audit outcomes, the current 270 Electoral College (EC) majority would be lost.

According to 12A (, the absence of an EC majority would immediately push the Presidential election to Congress, with each state receiving one vote for POTUS and VPOTUS. There are currently 27 R governors and 23 D governors.

Current forensic auditing statuses and electorates:

AZ - 11

PA - 20

WI - 10

TX - 38

GA - 16

MI - 16

CO - 9

Over 1.2 million illegals have flooded into America since Biden-Harris took office. Moderately, 30% of all illegals have C19. Yet, Dems voted AGAINST screening illegals for C19 while forcing vaccination, screening, masking, and loss of liveleyhood on Americans.

"WE THE PEOPLE are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men [and women] who pervert the Constitution."

— Abraham Lincoln

Показано 16 последних публикаций.


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