𝐖armest greetings to all beautiful
souls around here! Since August 1st is 𝐊im 𝐂haewon Birthday, We’re decided to invite all of you and spread this twibbon.
We would be very grateful to those of you who are willing to help celebrate her birthday by using this twibbon and put #FairyChaewonDay on your display name.
We present you a
PNG Twibbon and
Animated Twibbon. If you have any problem to use the twibbon or you need some help on adding the twibbon to your picture, you can contact our bot
@tawon_bot and we’ll help you right away!
https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=1Aj_1fXwCRLWRxMYDY_HHcekKbTU9dVm6Lastly we would like be very thankful to those people who have helped in promoting our Twibbon and also thank you so much to
@SinbThetic for helping us make this wonderfull and cute twibbon!
We hope you’re having fun and enjoying the rest of your day, have a pleasant day! ♡
𝐖arm regards,