English :
𖥔 Do make a subscription to our channel at
@BostyStore before you are ordering from us to keep you updated.
𖥔 Payment must be done in the beginning of transaction and maximum payment time for any kinds of services and customers are 1×24H after you send the form. If you surpass this period, your format will be considered as a "failed format".
𖥔 We only accept any payments through DANA and ShopeePay. We do provide QRIS for you who doesn't own any of the payment methods mentioned.
𖥔 It is expected to stay on your screen or not to be slow in responding us when you are buying a verification number and in the process of verifying the number. If there are problems in our services, please report them to our contact person/admins available.
𖥔 Regarding to our premium applications' services, those are all legal and not a mod application.
𖥔 All kinds of orders will be processed approximately 2x24 hours, depends on admins’ hustle and bustle.
Any further information, do can contact us at