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Genesis 49:27 Benjamin shall ravin as a wolf: in the morning he shall devour the prey, and at night he shall divide the spoil.

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Four things I see fake from this "news" post at first glance.
Actor 1 - FAKE
- Look at the neck by collar
Actor 2 - FAKE
-Look at the neck by collar and eye sockets
Clock - FAKE
- no movement of second hand
AP (associated press) - FAKE
- everything about the associated press has been fake since Mockingbird was activated in the 60s

The "tsunami" in NZ is actually underground tunnels and elite billionaire D.U.M.B.S. filling with water .

Mass earthquake activity. The end of the elite's "end of the world" escape plan.

Exhaustive look at why NZ

I urge you to do your own research, but there were over 40 earthquakes today and you will find many of them in proximity to areas considered to be satanic building locations, or in the case of the 8.1 mega quake in new zealand, considered to be a billionaire "safe harbor" located deep under the seabed where billionaires had provisions to last and hide out. Look at some of the march 4th Q posts I put up in the chat and see how many of them line up with things that happened today, including the supposed capitol riot 4th of March Inauguration take down that never happened.

So this is interdasting. Now I'm being targeted and suspended with accounts I have never even used. I created this account to follow folks I like to get information from mainly different military and weather accounts and Elon Musks account. I never once tweeted with it. At this point they have to be flagging me through my IP like Youtube did since I used a completely new email not tied to anything about my old accounts. First amendment rights violations at its finest.

Репост из: Awakened - BROADCASTING

depth:10km,2021-03-04T19:28:30.298 UTC,lat:-29.7466 lng:-177.2237,Kermadec Islands, New Zealand

🌊 TSUNAMI WARNING issued following Kermadecs earthquake. People near coast from the BAY OF ISLANDS to WHANGAREI, from MATATA to TOLAGA BAY, and GREAT BARRIER ISLAND must MOVE IMMEDIATELY to nearest high ground, out of all tsunami evacuation zones, or as far inland as possible.


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Looks like their effects and makeup budget is dwindling...

Watch his neck.

Репост из:
JUST IN - 10-year Treasury yield moves above 1.5% as Federal Reserve Chairman Powell speaks and tries to calm markets about yield spikes.

Means: If this continues, all the bubbles are about to pop.

@disclosetv @disclosetv_chat

Just a sample of today's news to show you what disinformation looks like. No wonder most of the world is still asleep.

Hmm ..dropping rods of God on the capitol building over mainstream media could be a shot heard around the world right? 🤔 I'm not saying that's the plan for today, but I sure wouldn't mind seeing it! 😂

Another "debunked conspiracy theory" was that Official EarthTV can turn on and off the fog depending on what you are supposed to see.

Here's an image of the current EarthTV live feed along with mustang medics live feed. You be the judge...

Also, who finds it interesting that there's a big building with an exit sign on the outside pointing in on the official webcam feed, but that building is no where to be seen on Mustang medics feed? 🤔

Live image capture of the capitol building. I thought all us nazi Trump fanatics were planning another attack on the capitol today? Maybe no one got the memo.....

Репост из: Frogman5326Q
Don Jr. Comms:

2 Decodes.

-Decode 1:
Don Jr. took to Instagram and posted a pic of a dog with the caption, “Me after being an asshole all day”.

The first line in Q Drop 2945 (WE ARE Q) states “You should update your T-banner pic”...

Ted Lieu’s twitter profile banner has a dog that is identical to the dog that Don Jr. posted.

Donny Jr. trolling Pedo Lieu, Kek.

-Decode 2:
Don Jr. also posted a video on Telegram and Twitter, and the sentence started with “Buckle Up”.
Q mentioned “Buckle Up” a few times. Read all the drops.

We are at war.
Stage is Set.
Buckle Up.

Репост из: Frogman5326Q

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