Behind Breivik suicide
Aldri før har Anders Behring Breivik vist følelser på denne måten – verken overfor psykiateren som behandler ham, fengselsbetjentene eller besøksvennen han har tilbrakt hele 700 timer sammen med
Never before has Anders Behring Breivik shown emotions in this way - neither towards the psychiatrist who treats him, the prison officers or the visiting friend with whom he has spent a total of 700 hours.
En etter en har de fra vitneboksen her i Ringerike fengsel fortalt at de ble overrasket over at terroristen tirsdag gråt da han forklarte seg samme sted.
One by one, those from the witness box here in Ringerike prison have said that they were surprised that the terrorist cried on Tuesday when he explained himself in the same place.
Like said before NO ONE IS KNOWING IF HE IS CRYING IN THE CELL, when no one is watching
Like no one know what he is thinking ...
Dette er viktig for å avklare om Breivik har soningsskader eller ikke og om selvmordstankene han forteller om er reelle.
This is important in order to clarify whether Breivik has punishment injuries or not and whether the suicidal thoughts he tells about are real.
NO ONE KNOW IF SOMEONE WILL DO OR NOT SUICIDE! Remember that! Be happy that prisoners maybe talk about that, because otherwise people cannot trust other to talk about such things ... in most of the cases, because it's just a tabu topic ...
Hun bekreftet også at Breivik flere ganger hadde sagt at han hadde selvmordstanker, men sa at hun ikke opplevde dette som et reelt dødsønske.
She also confirmed that Breivik had said several times that he had suicidal thoughts, but said that she did not experience this as a real death wish.
Breivik never wanted to die (especially die in a 💩 way), even if he was ready to die multiple times before the attack.
No matter what, suicide wish for criminals is not an excuse for abusing human rights or get parole!
Aldri før har Anders Behring Breivik vist følelser på denne måten – verken overfor psykiateren som behandler ham, fengselsbetjentene eller besøksvennen han har tilbrakt hele 700 timer sammen med
Never before has Anders Behring Breivik shown emotions in this way - neither towards the psychiatrist who treats him, the prison officers or the visiting friend with whom he has spent a total of 700 hours.
En etter en har de fra vitneboksen her i Ringerike fengsel fortalt at de ble overrasket over at terroristen tirsdag gråt da han forklarte seg samme sted.
One by one, those from the witness box here in Ringerike prison have said that they were surprised that the terrorist cried on Tuesday when he explained himself in the same place.
Like said before NO ONE IS KNOWING IF HE IS CRYING IN THE CELL, when no one is watching
Like no one know what he is thinking ...
Dette er viktig for å avklare om Breivik har soningsskader eller ikke og om selvmordstankene han forteller om er reelle.
This is important in order to clarify whether Breivik has punishment injuries or not and whether the suicidal thoughts he tells about are real.
NO ONE KNOW IF SOMEONE WILL DO OR NOT SUICIDE! Remember that! Be happy that prisoners maybe talk about that, because otherwise people cannot trust other to talk about such things ... in most of the cases, because it's just a tabu topic ...
Hun bekreftet også at Breivik flere ganger hadde sagt at han hadde selvmordstanker, men sa at hun ikke opplevde dette som et reelt dødsønske.
She also confirmed that Breivik had said several times that he had suicidal thoughts, but said that she did not experience this as a real death wish.
Breivik never wanted to die (especially die in a 💩 way), even if he was ready to die multiple times before the attack.
No matter what, suicide wish for criminals is not an excuse for abusing human rights or get parole!