· 👠 II. Embarking on a beautiful journey, a girl steps through each moment with traces of courage and joy. She navigates the corridors of life with enthusiasm, weaving experiences that craft her own narrative. Every second is embraced with curiosity and a desire to explore the wonders of the world around her. 🎀
This enchanting expedition is her life story, and each page is a fragment of the adventure that molds her into a resilient and vibrant individual. ⭑
< 🐻 > ....
PROFILE NEEDS ⠀ #CANDY provides custom moodboard, loveboard basic, moodboard script and moodboard deco
⠀ #BONBON provides wording needs
⠀ #HONEY provides custom art commiss
⠀ #BABY providing custom manips
⠀ #SYRUPY sell empty channels
#DELIGHT provides couple icons and other evidence of customer needs/proofneeds
INRUSH ORDER start 1.000 - 5.000 tergantung orderan dan deadline yang diberikan.