The Colonel’s Corner

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America is the only place on earth founded and dedicated on the principles laid out by God. We are under attack because of it. We will win. We must put on the armor of God every day and fight his battles.

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Репост из: Brunobarking
From a 45,000 foot view:
IMO we are witnessing a reverse Cuban missile crisis, circa 1962.
Just as 60 years ago Russia had their missiles in Cuba pointed right at our border?
Now we have US DoD funded BIOWEAPON research labs at Russia’s border.
President Kennedy called Russia’s bluff in 1962 and Russia backed down and removed the missiles from Cuba, avoiding the PRECIPICE of WW3.
In 2022? Putin, like Kennedy, tried diplomacy first… Russia delayed and delayed and delayed the invasion of Ukraine.
But Biden called Putin‘s bluff.
Putin had no choice but to go into Ukraine strategically and surgically remove the labs.
Ukraine has “sicced” its homeland Nazi militia dogs on the Russians in a fire fight.
Innocent civilians are caught in the middle tragically because the FALSE FLAGS are flying. Operation Northwoods, never retracted, is in full effect.
FOLLOW who is “saber-rattling” for war and who’s NOT #FutureProvesPast

Репост из: Dschlopes
The irony here is beyond absurd…


Репост из: Captain Keshel's 2024 Election HQ
Not even close.

The Maricopa Audit had plenty of issues given that it was the first of its kind, with no lessons learned or continuity plan.

Furthermore, five months elapsed from the end of the election to the beginning of the audit. Anyone expecting an audit of the original materials is mistaken. Evidence showed tampering.

It was not a recount. So of course the tally will reflect something close to the certified totals. But even with all of the manipulation, Logan’s report, combined with the signature match report revealed 74,000+ ballots that can’t be counted (outright disqualified), 250,000 plus corrupted ballots images (federal violation), and another quarter million plus mismatch between final voting records. The independent canvass confirmed the ugliness of the election. There are also about different types of ballots being used in an election riddled with mail in garbage and harvesting.

Bottom line, Maricopa can’t be certified. There are also a dozen razor thin races there that can’t be certified either. Trump put a record GOP vote gain on the board in a county that has been GOP red since 1952, including when Trump won it in 2016 with fewer votes than Romney in 2012.

I guess 96 mile car parades are the indicator you’re going to lose a county for the first time in 72 years.

Trump in Arizona by 6%, minimum.

Репост из: Captain Keshel's 2024 Election HQ
I am absolutely going to maintain the pace here on Telegram - which I believe is best for collaboration and rapid dissemination of information. I am working on a book about Veteran lessons, and I've also decided to start writing longer articles for depth, for those interested in a variety of topics.

I have decided to start a SubStack for the more inquisitive among you, and it is a way for you to support my work (I am grateful). First article drops tomorrow at 0800 Central.

Here is a preview of my SubStack (Captain K's Corner):

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Welcome to Captain K’s Corner

I’m guessing you already follow me on Telegram, or maybe even Twitter, which suppresses content so badly it forces liberty-minded people to abandon the platform in droves.My brand on Telegram is elections and liberty issues. That will probably be my main brand here. I view Telegram as more of a messaging device, made to drive action and spread in formation rapidly. If posts are too long, or if, God forbid, they elongate themselves so as to require multiple posts, they can get lost in translation. Most people are looking for something quick and actionable.There are others who seek depth. Brevity requires sacrificing depth for speed and action. This platform will allow me to expand my thoughts on various subjects. While I still intend to drive you into action, I’ll be able to reflect more deeply on experiences and also on current issues that are present in the world today. I will not be bound by any particular topic. My account here will cover liberty, elections, funny stories, veteran topics, fitness tips, business guidance, travel experiences, and maybe even jokes. If that sounds like something you’d like to read about, I believe you will enjoy my channel.Rest assured, there will be no pulling of punches, nor will there be complaining without solutions.

Capt. Seth Keshel

Such a copy cat :-)

Репост из: Captain Keshel's 2024 Election HQ
Imagine an election victory so historically strong and leaps beyond the previous popular vote record...

And your response is to threaten anyone who wants to look at it, rather than dunk it in the faces of your enemies - which would be the “own” of all time.

Репост из: StormyPatriotJoe ️️️ Channel
Makes me think OAN should go to the
Trump Plus platform

Let’s see what happens

Репост из: StormyPatriotJoe ️️️ Channel
Barry & Sean Penn CV19 today.


Репост из: anon_fa_mous
Google is destroying anything related to TroeishCHYNA as we speak. They don't want us snooping around this area.

I've been looking everywhere and it's common knowledge this is where the criminals of Kiev, Ukraine hang out. It's known as the ghetto of the city.

Here's an excerpt from an article I was able to pull from the wayback machine and it describes the area:

"Every Kyivan has some opinion on the Troieshchyna neighborhood, and it’s usually not a good one. If its critics are to be believed, drug dealers hang around every corner, people get robbed left and right and young children run are around with alcohol and cigarettes."

Here's a walkthrough of the area:

Репост из: anon_fa_mous
Google is destroying anything related to TroeishCHYNA as we speak. They don't want us snooping around this area.

I've been looking everywhere and it's common knowledge this is where the criminals of Kiev, Ukraine hang out. It's known as the ghetto of the city.

Here's an excerpt from an article I was able to pull from the wayback machine and it describes the area:

"Every Kyivan has some opinion on the Troieshchyna neighborhood, and it’s usually not a good one. If its critics are to be believed, drug dealers hang around every corner, people get robbed left and right and young children run are around with alcohol and cigarettes."

Here's a walkthrough of the area:

Репост из: anon_fa_mous
When I woke up in 2020 I had a vision of what is going to lie ahead for us. The people who worship lucifer will begin to share their ways to the world as their network is exposed.

A lot of these fans who idolize actors and artists will still follow them when they find out the disgusting acts they do. The line between good and evil will be so clear people can cross it.

Just don't be surprised when their fans actually like the things they do. In the end God Winds and we're already on the correct side but expect more of this public display.

Репост из: TheStormHasArrived17
Just in case anyone thinks Phil Fraudlewski is legit, here is proof of him pushing a doctored photo claiming that DJT was promoting Meticore products on Dr. Oz’s show 🤦🏻‍♂️

This is the same guy who claims he is part of the Q team. What a fraud, LOL.


Репост из: Just Human ️️️
Devo Sec of State Pompeo

'The State Department says it’s paying more than $2 million per month to provide 24-hour security to former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and a former top aide, both of whom face “serious and credible” threats from Iran.

The department told Congress in a report that the cost of protecting Pompeo and former Iran envoy Brian Hook between August 2021 and February 2022 amounted to $13.1 million. The report, dated Feb. 14 and marked “sensitive but unclassified,” was obtained by The Associated Press on Saturday.'

Репост из: Jon Herold
In addition to Pompeo still receiving 24 hour security, when Trump left office he extended secret service protection to Mnuchin, Meadows, and O’Brien for 6 months.

Still trying to see if it was extended but these are all major players in Devolution.


Репост из: Forecast 432Hz Channel
*India is discussing how to set up a rupee-ruble payment mechanism to enable it to trade with Russia, to circumvent the U.S. sanctions regime.

ICYMI India abstained from voting on the March United Nations (UN) General Assembly Resolution demanding an end to Russian offensive in Ukraine. @Forecast432Hz

Репост из: USMortality
All-cause excess mortality in the 25-44 aged, is getting worse and worse...

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