In connection with the arrest of Pavel Durov ✈️🔒, I closed my position on TON 🤑 at a price of around $6 and on NOT 🤑 at a price of $0.1126. The loss on NOT is very small, it would have been a profit if I hadn't bought three times more NOT just a few hours before the arrest.
The loss on the TON position 🤑 is significant. However, I consider it too risky to hold the position after such news. I wish Pavel Durov a swift release 🚑⏫. At the same time, I understand that this event will set back the development of the project by at least several years. It's like a virus, psychologically, it will erode confidence in the project. Moreover, I see no other future possibilities to secure the project, except for Pavel leaving the project, which currently seems unlikely, as Pavel is Telegram 📱, his vision of the product.
Wishing everyone a crypto-positive day 🪖🛡!
🟠 Binance Registration Bonus 600💲
The loss on the TON position 🤑 is significant. However, I consider it too risky to hold the position after such news. I wish Pavel Durov a swift release 🚑⏫. At the same time, I understand that this event will set back the development of the project by at least several years. It's like a virus, psychologically, it will erode confidence in the project. Moreover, I see no other future possibilities to secure the project, except for Pavel leaving the project, which currently seems unlikely, as Pavel is Telegram 📱, his vision of the product.
Wishing everyone a crypto-positive day 🪖🛡!
🟠 Binance Registration Bonus 600💲