𝐈. Because of @telegram's new policy. I declare that the channel owner has no connection and linkage with the real Lee Jeno, this channel is purely for role playing purposes only.
𝐈𝐈. If you're homophobic or hate lgbtq+, rprl area, sara, grammar police, hate my fc or like to plagiarisme and feel distrubed with h-words or toxic phobic, and like to send a negative thingy in my board, secreto or anything. please DO NOT INTERACT!
𝐈𝐈𝐈. This channel might contain harshword, lgbtq+, and have bad grammar. If you feel uncomfortable, please leave this channel and remove @presidyent from your channel.
𝐈𝐕. Please don't copy anything in here or plagiarisme. All content on this channel is from social media like pinterest, twitter, instagram, tiktok, etc.
note; i will use ( 이젠,) on ur anonymous board.
𝐈. Because of @telegram's new policy. I declare that the channel owner has no connection and linkage with the real Lee Jeno, this channel is purely for role playing purposes only.
𝐈𝐈. If you're homophobic or hate lgbtq+, rprl area, sara, grammar police, hate my fc or like to plagiarisme and feel distrubed with h-words or toxic phobic, and like to send a negative thingy in my board, secreto or anything. please DO NOT INTERACT!
𝐈𝐈𝐈. This channel might contain harshword, lgbtq+, and have bad grammar. If you feel uncomfortable, please leave this channel and remove @presidyent from your channel.
𝐈𝐕. Please don't copy anything in here or plagiarisme. All content on this channel is from social media like pinterest, twitter, instagram, tiktok, etc.
note; i will use ( 이젠,) on ur anonymous board.