All that beauty is not given for free, it comes with a price ... 💭
Selca 5k
Half-body 6k - 7k
Real x Idol 8k – 15k
Photo group 3 head 8k (+2k / head)
Photobooth 14k - 20k
Simple 1k
Medium 2k
Full 3k - 4k
Less than 2 hours 5k
More than 2 hours 2k
Here, there is a requirement to see that beauty.. 🏩
– Manips Custom
Name + Username :
Jumlah order:
Pair :
Jenis manips (selca, half-body, photobooth, rl x idol) :
Rasio : (jika tidak diisi akan otomatis ukuran 1:1)
Additional Requests :
Inrush (yes/no) : (cantumkan deadline)
Payment : Qris
– Manips Scribble
Name + Username :
Jumlah order:
Pair :
Jenis manips (selca, half-body, photobooth, rl x idol) :
Theme Scribble:
Design type (simple/medium/full):
Brush Code:
Colour: (disarankan memberikan colour pallete)
Add text:
Rasio : (jika tidak diisi akan otomatis ukuran 1:1)
Additional Requests :
Inrush (yes/no) : Cantumkan deadline
Payment : Qris
Brush code.
'' rel='nofollow'>
@DecoerushBot grab everything you needs!