Репост из: Facts behind Terrorism and Telegram by GRT ( ISIS / Hamas / Gaza - Palestine / Al-Qa'ida )
Terrorism is not just killing people, is "raping people lifestyle" FOREVER! Part 7
Part 1 https://t.me/TerrorismTelegram/693
Jeg er sliten, og trenger hjelp, men jeg skal ha mitt liv tilbake."
"In the time since the July 22 attacks, I have feared who would be No. 78. Although suicide is a taboo subject to discuss, I still want to remind those who fight every day to get their lives back. It is not it's taboo to say you're tired of the fight, and it's not wrong to say you need help. On Monday I'll be admitted to psychiatric treatment, because I'm not going to be number 78. I'm tired, and I need help, but I gonna have my life back." https://perma.cc/9M9C-4QR2
Jeg har ikke forsøkt å begå selvmord, men sliter med tanker om det. All energien min går på å holde meg på bena og virke normal. Jeg har tross alt overlevd Utøya, men gleder meg ikke lenger over hverdagen. Det er vanskelig å utvise empati overfor andre mennesker, også dem som står meg nærmest, sier Pracon.
I have not tried to commit suicide, but struggle with thoughts about it. All my energy goes into staying on my feet and acting normal. After all, I have survived Utøya, but I no longer look forward to everyday life. It is difficult to show empathy towards other people, even those who are closest to me, says Pracon.
Hvis man lurer på om noen har tanker om å ta sitt eget liv, kan man spørre dem. Det er ikke farlig. Man får ikke selvmordstanker fordi noen spør om det. Men man bør helst ha tid til å høre på svaret, og snakke med personen. Dersom det er akutt fare for selvmordshandlinger, bør man hjelpe personen til lege, og i mellomtiden sørge for at personen ikke er alene.
If you wonder if someone has thoughts of taking their own life, you can ask them. It is not dangerous. You don't get suicidal thoughts because someone asks about it. But you should preferably have time to listen to the answer, talk to the person. If there is an acute danger of suicidal acts, you should help the person to a doctor, and in the meantime ensure that the person is not alone
Part 1 https://t.me/TerrorismTelegram/693
Jeg er sliten, og trenger hjelp, men jeg skal ha mitt liv tilbake."
"In the time since the July 22 attacks, I have feared who would be No. 78. Although suicide is a taboo subject to discuss, I still want to remind those who fight every day to get their lives back. It is not it's taboo to say you're tired of the fight, and it's not wrong to say you need help. On Monday I'll be admitted to psychiatric treatment, because I'm not going to be number 78. I'm tired, and I need help, but I gonna have my life back." https://perma.cc/9M9C-4QR2
Jeg har ikke forsøkt å begå selvmord, men sliter med tanker om det. All energien min går på å holde meg på bena og virke normal. Jeg har tross alt overlevd Utøya, men gleder meg ikke lenger over hverdagen. Det er vanskelig å utvise empati overfor andre mennesker, også dem som står meg nærmest, sier Pracon.
I have not tried to commit suicide, but struggle with thoughts about it. All my energy goes into staying on my feet and acting normal. After all, I have survived Utøya, but I no longer look forward to everyday life. It is difficult to show empathy towards other people, even those who are closest to me, says Pracon.
Hvis man lurer på om noen har tanker om å ta sitt eget liv, kan man spørre dem. Det er ikke farlig. Man får ikke selvmordstanker fordi noen spør om det. Men man bør helst ha tid til å høre på svaret, og snakke med personen. Dersom det er akutt fare for selvmordshandlinger, bør man hjelpe personen til lege, og i mellomtiden sørge for at personen ikke er alene.
If you wonder if someone has thoughts of taking their own life, you can ask them. It is not dangerous. You don't get suicidal thoughts because someone asks about it. But you should preferably have time to listen to the answer, talk to the person. If there is an acute danger of suicidal acts, you should help the person to a doctor, and in the meantime ensure that the person is not alone