Фильтр публикаций

🔹 Russian Defence Ministry

RT @Polska_Zbrojna: Buzdygany to nagrody dla osób, które zmieniają oblicze Wojska Polskiego i wprowadzają do niego nową jakość. Znacie kogoś, kto na nią zasługuje? Koniecznie dajcie nam znać!

#Buzdygany2024 #Najlepsiznajlepszych #PolskaZbrojna #WojskoweOskary


Ministerstwo Obrony Narodowej 🇵🇱

Defense Forces on Telegram by @DefenseForcesTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

RT @tvp_info: 🗣️ "Po roku rządów wydajemy o 50 miliardów złotych więcej na zbrojenia niż nasi poprzednicy" - @KosiniakKamysz w "Pytaniu dnia"

Ministerstwo Obrony Narodowej 🇵🇱

Defense Forces on Telegram by @DefenseForcesTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

RT @tvp_info: 🗣️ "Ochrona infrastruktury krytycznej jest sprawą absolutnie priorytetową" - @KosiniakKamysz w "Pytaniu dnia"

Ministerstwo Obrony Narodowej 🇵🇱

Defense Forces on Telegram by @DefenseForcesTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

"L'accordo tra #Israele e #Hamas rappresenta un primo, importante, passo nella direzione da tutti auspicata. Un primo passo ancora fragile, cui ne dovranno seguire molti altri. Ma in tutti questi terribili anni e mesi non abbiamo mai perso la speranza. E abbiamo lavorato anche noi perché finalmente arrivasse. Si tratta, infatti, di un successo della diplomazia internazionale, frutto di un impegno congiunto di molte Nazioni, grandi e piccole, europee, atlantiche e del Medio Oriente. Un impegno silenzioso ma testardo di cui l'Italia è sempre stata attiva protagonista. Ora è fondamentale continuare su questa strada, con coraggio e determinazione. Tutti gli ostaggi israeliani devono tornare a casa e la popolazione civile palestinese di Gaza deve poter tornare a vivere nella normalità, per quanto possibile, e non più sotto le bombe. Ora bisogna lavorare ancora di più, senza mai fermarsi né stancarsi, per raggiungere una vera e stabile soluzione del secolare conflitto in atto in #MedioOriente. La pace resta la nostra priorità, una pace duratura, che veda ripristinate le condizioni di legalità e rispettati i diritti fondamentali. Continuiamo a credere, testardamente, che due popoli e due Stati possano coesistere in un futuro con dignità e rispetto reciproco. Quello che fino a ieri poteva apparire una pia illusione, oggi è diventata una tregua, domani deve diventare una pace. L’Italia, il suo governo e le #ForzeArmate non si tireranno indietro, come non lo hanno mai fatto, per aiutare e consolidare questo percorso". Così Min @GuidoCrosetto

Ministero Difesa

Defense Forces on Telegram by @DefenseForcesTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

🔹 Минобороны России

“Il lancio del primo satellite della costellazione italiana #IRIDE, avvenuto dalla base Vandenberg in California, rappresenta un momento significativo e dimostra quanto il nostro Paese, con le proprie eccellenze - tra cui quella rappresentata da Argotec - e le competenze garantite dalla #Difesa, rivesta un ruolo da protagonista nell'ormai imprescindibile dominio spaziale”. Così Min @GuidoCrosetto

Ministero Difesa

Defense Forces on Telegram by @DefenseForcesTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

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Combat 'All inclusive'

Servicemen of motorised rifle regiment as part of 51st Army demonstrate ways of organising logistics

Recovery station are set up deep underground. There are comfortable sleeping places, a bathhouse, a canteen with a kitchen and many other things necessary for recreation after performing tasks in the front line.

🔹 Russian Defence Ministry

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🏳️ Captured Ukrainian serviceman Igor Stepanko urges his former comrades to ignore the leadership and lay down their arms:

‘I hate my command and I wish all of my guys do not listen to them, they deceive us all the time. They don't tell the truth. They deceive us, I saw our guys, bones, corpses, they don't evacuate anyone, neither wounded, nor killed. Think about it, surrender, they will treat you well here. If you want to live, see your family and parents, I urge you, please, surrender, guys’.

Stepanko himself was lucky: he found a leaflet explaining how to contact Russian servicemen and surrender.

🔹 Russian Defence Ministry

🇱🇹DefMin @DSakaliene met with Dutch, Latvian & Estonian counterparts in The Hague to discuss NATO security, air defence & support for Ukraine. The meeting included discussions on establishing a NATO 3% GDP defence spending minimum to ensure readiness and strengthen deterrence. https://t.co/ieJovSdmVe

Lithuanian MOD 🇱🇹

Defense Forces on Telegram by @DefenseForcesTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

⚡️ С 18.40 до 18.50 мск дежурными средствами ПВО уничтожены пять украинских беспилотных летательных аппаратов: четыре над территорией Воронежской области и один - над территорией Белгородской области.

🔹 Минобороны России

𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐨𝐦 is the name given to the IDF’s preparations for the return of the hostages.

Israel Defense Forces

Defense Forces on Telegram by @DefenseForcesTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

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Bye-bye 👋
A new way of countering russian drones.

📹: @United24media https://t.co/tijvtuDNt2

Defense of Ukraine

Defense Forces on Telegram by @DefenseForcesTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

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Enemy troops cannot hide

Orlan-10 multifunctional UAV teams of the paratroopers from Novorossiysk located an AFU infantry cluster and adjusted artillery strikes.

A UAV operator located a manpower cluster of the enemy and promptly transferred the coordinates to the formation's command. In the shortest time possible, the artillery inflicted losses on the hostile infantry. The enemy suffered great losses.

🔹 Russian Defence Ministry

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Mensaje de Robles a las familias de los desaparecidos por la #DANA

🗣 "No vamos a parar ni un momento, las Fuerzas Armadas están para trabajar por Valencia". https://t.co/K3FDC1ElCu

Ministerio Defensa

Defense Forces on Telegram by @DefenseForcesTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

31 years ago, the first T-1A Jayhawk landed at @LaughlinAFB. Last month, the T-1A made its final departure from the base. Learn more about the memories and legacy of the aircraft here:

Department of Defense 🇺🇸

Defense Forces on Telegram by @DefenseForcesTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

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Воплотил в жизнь свою детскую мечту

Штурман Алексей – уроженец Краснодарского края. Признается, что покорить небо мечтал с самого детства. После окончания военного авиационного училища сразу прибыл в зону СВО. Выполняет задачи на разведывательно-ударном вертолёте Ка-52. За смелость и отвагу, проявленные при выполнении поставленных задач, штурман-оператор был награжден орденом Мужества, а также медалью «За храбрость» II степени.

«С самого детства горел мечтой стать штурманом. После окончания школы я поступил в Челябинское высшее военное авиационное Краснознамённое училище штурманов, с успехом его окончил и приступил к полётам, было выполнено много задач, уничтожено немало техники».

🔹 Минобороны России

Dziś o godz. 19:55 wicepremier W. @KosiniakKamysz będzie gościem programu "Pytanie Dnia".
Zapraszamy do oglądania w #TVP1. https://t.co/2nlagQbBYn

Ministerstwo Obrony Narodowej 🇵🇱

Defense Forces on Telegram by @DefenseForcesTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

“Il lancio del primo satellite della costellazione italiana #IRIDE, avvenuto dalla base Vandenberg in California, rappresenta un momento significativo e dimostra quanto il nostro Paese, con le proprie eccellenze tra cui le competenze garantite dalla #Difesa, rivesta un ruolo da protagonista nell'ormai imprescindibile dominio spaziale”. Così Min @GuidoCrosetto

Ministero Difesa

Defense Forces on Telegram by @DefenseForcesTelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Показано 20 последних публикаций.