Happy birthday Jeon Jungkook and Jeon Jungkook rp-ers, especially for :
Morgue, Frastine, Jethro, Shaula, Raegar, Defo, Saint, Niyomi, Ruelle, Chirukie, Jerlaxco, Juviter, Everild, Jie, Dayren, Kookie, Joerdam, Rychie, Calypso, Rachiekoo, Jarka, Miyouka, Jean, Deliko, Grestian, Joane, Aksara, Rean, Gabriel, Hideaki, Theophilus, Athar, Devan, Ragaza, Ddabori, Jouse, Arciko, Fadel, Arshiel, Arion, Fahrezy, Keyibie, Kalan, Kendrick, Juwoyya, Jeviko, Keiko, Mateo, Akio, Koomoru, Dominic, Gizean, Pawchiba, Monsieur, Fardigoz, Jules, Forest, Jungkoko and Lubyefie.
I hope that in the future he will share more inspirations for everyone around the world, and may he will always be happy. Once again, happy birthday!