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As a hardcore election integrity truther who supports single day voting, it hit me like a ton of bricks two days ago WHY Donald Trump supports early voting.

I had been asked that question many times and drew a blank - until now. It has become very clear why he put this plan out, despite the inherent flaws in our elections system exacerbated by countless weeks of ballot gathering.

Thanks for reading this look under the hood:

Florida total mail and early turnout is an hour away from being R+11. It was D+7 Monday morning.

450,000 more Reps have voted than Dems.

Harris’s campaign has less of a shot in Florida than a dried, crusted dog turd against an industrial mower in August.

Same day comparisons in Philly and Pittsburgh.

Doom for Harris if the minority lag holds up.

As a hardcore election integrity truther who supports single day voting, it hit me like a ton of bricks two days ago WHY Donald Trump supports early voting.

I had been asked that question many times and drew a blank - until now. It has become very clear why he put this plan out, despite the inherent flaws in our elections system exacerbated by countless weeks of ballot gathering.

Thanks for reading this look under the hood:

This is undoubtedly the way to expose corrupt voting systems. Someone from New York who follows my work got himself King County, WA, balloting materials by exploiting their system. Talk about David cutting Saul's robe. The press had no choice but to document it. Good work Jim.

I don’t have enough info yet to be certain on my gut instinct. But this county is R+19 and change. I don’t have the figures in front of me but I feel confident the Dems have fewer registered this year than in 2020.

That means these 2500 registrations probably have a lot of “R” registrations in them. And this may be used to accuse Trump/GOP of cheating the vote when he takes PA and the presidency as a means to delegitimize or contest.

I smell shit with the Lancaster County news. Will think on it a little more.

Pickens County, GA (82-16% Trump in 2020) has 99.7% of its 2020 votes in. Highest in the state.

Texas looks like it may be a bloodbath against Harris.

Turnout so far in the five big blues:
Harris 18%
Travis 20%
Dallas 15%
Bexar 16%
El Paso 14%

Most of the strong Trump counties are in the mid twenties in turnout, and rural in the 30s.

Same story as GA and NC - urban disinterest.

Harris can't win NC unless she MAXES OUT Mecklenburg and Wake (and to a lesser extent, Durham), then gets crap Trump turnout in the other 98 counties.

One major GOP suburban county (Gaston) outdid Wake today for net party turnout.

Репост из: Georgia Election Audit Updates
Fulton County Election Board Member, Julie Adams, files an appeal on part of the ruling in her case regarding Certification.

Adams’ notice of appeal says McBurney’s suggestion that county officials can address their concerns through election challenges in court is “improper and insufficient” for her “if she finds fraud and abuse.”

Hats off to Julie Adams and the other Election Board Members who are standing firm on ensuring Election returns are true and perfect! These members are taking their jobs seriously and upholding the Oath they took! They should be commended! 🔥🇺🇸🔥

Sounds like O’Keefe just got Maricopa elections.

Command the narrative, command the election.

For your dissemination needs:

Red = expect Trump
Blue = expect Harris
Purple = up for grabs

GOP lead in AZ expands by roughly 16k net overnight.

The best comp I can find for Georgia is Duval County, FL, which reflects GA like a mirror since 2004.

Duval just hit R+3% in early and mail turnout and is 4% less D in registration than in 2020.

It is likely showing us a 5-6% swing right in GA from 2020. Ethnic and racial demographics between the two are nearly identical.

My figures show Trump +2.4% floor in Duval and Trump +5.6% in GA.

Репост из: The People's Audit
Voted in more than 1 state for the 2020 election.👀

TPA can find these in like 3 clicks now.

Instead of spending weeks churning through the NCOA, and not to mention the costs involved with that, The People's Audit can now do multi-state comparisons to identify individuals registered in multiple states and immediately spot if they voted in the same election.

It's all done automatically along with our voter roll & mail in ballot monitoring.

Our mission is to have the grass roots spending more of their valuable time showing these problems to our election officials than they do digging for them each month.

And the best way to KNOW if your election officials are doing what you paid them to do is to AUDIT them.


Hence... The People's Audit

Thank you for your generous donations!

It is because of our wonderful supporters that we can keep innovating and scaling our reach!

On July 12, I determined there are four light blue states this cycle and I called them “leaners” - NM, NH, MN, and VA.

And it was just announced today that President Trump will be visiting all four before Election Day.

Not a bad call.

Репост из: Georgia Election Audit Updates
Captain Seth Keshel will be joining Forsyth County tonight!!! 7:30 pm!

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