Репост из: Facts behind Terrorism and Telegram by GRT ( ISIS / Hamas / Gaza - Palestine / Al-Qa'ida )
Breivik Syndrom Part 2
Freedom of movement in the ward, where Breivik is the only inmate, is very limited, and the possibility of human contact is small.
Among other things, the mass murderer has complained that he is isolated in prison, which he believes is in violation of his rights. His lawyer has said that if he wins the case, he will not seek financial compensation.
Also gets money
The Oslo District Court has also decided that the state must pay Breivik's legal costs of NOK 331,000.
Again, it's time that human rights for criminals are different than human rights for all other people!
Det desidert viktiste for ham er kommunikasjonen med omverdenen, at han kan skrive og motta brev, sier Breiviks advokat Tord Jordet.
The most important thing for him is communication with the outside world, that he can write and receive letters, says Breivik's lawyer Tord Jordet.
Well, this is even part of his plan, since is not a suicide terrorist. Communication is the A and O for him.
For å ha muligheten til dette, krever han derfor dobling i ukelønnen han mottar i fengselet. Breivik ønsker at hans standard ukentlig kvote på 300 kroner blir fordoblet, spesielt for å dekke kostnadene til brevene han sender.
Han har per i dag så å si totalforbud fra å kommunisere med sine støttespillere. Han får ikke post inn, og kan ikke sende brev ut med politisk budskap, sier Jordet, som mener Kriminalomsorgen tolker jussen for strengt, og dermed feil.
In order to be able to do this, he therefore demands a doubling of the weekly salary he receives in prison. Breivik wants his standard weekly quota of NOK 300 to be doubled, especially to cover the costs of the letters he sends.
As of today, he has, so to speak, a total ban from communicating with his supporters. He is not allowed to post in, and cannot send out letters with political messages, says Jordet, who believes that the Correctional Service interprets the law too strictly, and thus wrongly.
Freedom of movement in the ward, where Breivik is the only inmate, is very limited, and the possibility of human contact is small.
Among other things, the mass murderer has complained that he is isolated in prison, which he believes is in violation of his rights. His lawyer has said that if he wins the case, he will not seek financial compensation.
Also gets money
The Oslo District Court has also decided that the state must pay Breivik's legal costs of NOK 331,000.
Again, it's time that human rights for criminals are different than human rights for all other people!
Det desidert viktiste for ham er kommunikasjonen med omverdenen, at han kan skrive og motta brev, sier Breiviks advokat Tord Jordet.
The most important thing for him is communication with the outside world, that he can write and receive letters, says Breivik's lawyer Tord Jordet.
Well, this is even part of his plan, since is not a suicide terrorist. Communication is the A and O for him.
For å ha muligheten til dette, krever han derfor dobling i ukelønnen han mottar i fengselet. Breivik ønsker at hans standard ukentlig kvote på 300 kroner blir fordoblet, spesielt for å dekke kostnadene til brevene han sender.
Han har per i dag så å si totalforbud fra å kommunisere med sine støttespillere. Han får ikke post inn, og kan ikke sende brev ut med politisk budskap, sier Jordet, som mener Kriminalomsorgen tolker jussen for strengt, og dermed feil.
In order to be able to do this, he therefore demands a doubling of the weekly salary he receives in prison. Breivik wants his standard weekly quota of NOK 300 to be doubled, especially to cover the costs of the letters he sends.
As of today, he has, so to speak, a total ban from communicating with his supporters. He is not allowed to post in, and cannot send out letters with political messages, says Jordet, who believes that the Correctional Service interprets the law too strictly, and thus wrongly.