Father Orion’s School of Aryan Mysticism

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A place to learn about Aryanity until the next Apple and Android ban. @ChurchofAryanity2

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Yesterday was a very good day for the Aryan Church. We had another proselyte make the pilgrimage to meet, take his affirmation, and get his mark. We encourage our laity to travel to meet irl, as well as to have local temple meetings with their fellow Practicing Aryans for worship, fellowship, and networking. Once again, we stress that CoA is not just an edgy online group. We want our missionaries to form temples irl and forge personal bonds with their local fellow Aryans. Hail Omnis and Ad Victoriam!

-Father Orion

In honor of James Earl Ray day, I’d like to announce the paperback and kindle release of the third installment of the Aryanity series. Aryanity: the Forbidden Destiny of the Aryan Race is available to buy. The knowledge that we release to our public is always available for free on our websites. But we appreciate our supporters buying our physical books as this helps to fund our lives and work. Hail the New Dawn! Hail the Aryan Imperium! Hail Omnis!

-Father Orion


White self-preservation is condemned as discrimination, while diversity (White replacement) is celebrated as necessary.

White pride is condemned as a hate based ideology, while black, brown, jewish, & LGBTQ pride is openly paraded in our face as ideal. Consider, to advocate White homogeny is to commit social suicide, but to advocate homosexuality is to align with an imposed cultural norm.

We are having our homes invaded & looted, our family abused & killed. We have been taken hostage, held at gunpoint, the walls burning down all around us, & are having our face slapped in mockery for resisting. No more!

When self-preservation is deemed domestic extremism, we can no longer negotiate. Instead, we must build up our potential energy, not to merely act as a pendulum, rather all-encompassingly in the opposite direction.

A breaking point is as ordained as physics. Victory is as sure as truth being true. Add your energy to the larger body, join the Church of Aryanity.

-Polaris Invictus

Merry Christmas, happy Yuletide, and happy Aryan New Year (Solar or “True New Year”)! The much awaited pre-release of the Forbidden Destiny is here! This is the final installment of Aryanity to complete it as a bonafide religious dogma with explicit ideological framework and direction for the Church as a whole as well as spiritual praxis for individual practicing Aryans and groups of Practicing Aryans. Please enjoy reading this free PDF over the holiday; may it touch your soul and fill you with wonder. Stay tuned for the release of paperback coming soon to all online book retailers.


One Race, Aryan
One Reign, the Aryan Imperium
One Leader, the Christos

The Church of Aryanity -

We do not put race before religion, nor the inverse. Instead, our race is our religion - our religion is our race. When we align our Aryan blood with our Aryan spirit, we embody our spirituality as living conduits of Omnis, preparing worlds to come as active participants in continual creation - indeed, as instruments of divinity orchestrating triumphant symphonies of glory into existence on levels upon levels.

We manifest our destiny in our spirituality. We are Aryanity.

-Polaris Invictus

My brothers and sisters of our diaspora, we must wake up to this spiritual warfare against our race through Aryanity. Truth of our existence is embedded into our genome; The racial capability of intricate metaphysical thought. One can only return to the pleroma through realization of our nature, gnosis, to know oneself. For if we lose the purity of our folk, we lose this connection; forever stuck in the realm of material and deceit.

- Lupus Veris OMTO

“For one who does not know himself knows nothing. But one who knows himself has already achieved the deep knowledge of the Omniscient. So you, my brother Thomas, have seen what is hidden from humans. This ignorance causes them to stumble.” - Caesarion, Jesus - The Book of Thomas the Contender.

The Christos, the avatar of Omnis, in his avatar Jesus revealed this truth to Thomas. And would continue to reveal these truths to the Aryan peoples. This being that this life is an illusion, a trap, one to degrade the atman into a state of being unaware of its origins and nature. A complex false reality organized by the god of genesis, the god of the jews and modern Christianity, the demiurge. This reality can only benefit the fool, in his pride, lust, actions and thoughts which try to reinforce their physical sense of self. For self does not exist, to know oneself is to know Omnis, that you are only an infinite fraction of this supreme singularity consciousness.

I will be going through the original Aryanity channel that was started back in 2020 and reposting some of the more important articles by Orion and some of the other founding members had created; It's astonishing how much content my brothers had done before I entered the picture, only up till very recently. If anyone hasn't subscribed to our archive channel do so now.




In this dystopian hellscape, we experience & observe the evil of a demiurgic reign enjoyed by the Maledictans.

The world is exponentially turning more backward, chaotic, & perverted; it’s a creepy clown show designed to distract & numb the only vestige of hope (Aryans) unto a defeatist apathy, left to fizzle out unto a lifeless extinction, so that wickedness might triumph.

We, the Church of Aryanity, are emerging as THE force for good/truth in the world, that our White race can put aside our differences so as to unite & thus ensure both our destiny as the master race & the victory of good/truth over the evil/lies - reigning in proper order ordained by Omnis.

We will not be thwarted by drummed up internal drama between personalities, nor blinded by limelight celebrities. Our’s is a holy mission; we answer utmost to the Divine (Omnis).

Aryans… join us, we create our future, either by our action or by our inaction. May it be by our actions.

Hail Omnis!
-Polaris + Invictus

As a portal through time, spanning the ages, anointing our ancestors, manifesting at the tips of tongues of fire - burning around our sacred sites, burning in our temples & on our altars, burning in our hearts & in our battle cries, inspiring our beauty & brilliance, our devotion & loyalty, our love of family, folk & truth.. the spark of Omnis that resides behind our eyes, deep within the recesses of our ultimate being, the Aryan spirit is once more stirring in the land, stirring in the hearts & minds of the descendants of White adventurers, conquerors, chiefs, heroes, kings, poets, priests, maidens & mystics, mothers & queens, warlords & warriors - indeed, rousing in us with a quickening that causes the evil ones to tremble in fear for the judgement righteous indignation has always rendered.

With second sight, we can see the coming day - even as you know that which is wrong must be made right, we can collectivize in the zeitgeist through the manifested gateway of Aryanity, THE pathway to Victory.


Our unifying feature, as Aryans, whether we are more favorable in our inclinations toward Christian concepts/iconography/ideals or Heathenism’s, god or gods, is our racial interests and struggle, our emphasis on connection with the Divine/Omnis. Hence, Aryanity.

When we look, from an aerial view & with honest hindsight, a golden solar thread weaves through the religions & spirituality of all of our White ancestors. Aryanity highlights this thread, demonstrating it as forming one common Aryan tapestry, cloaking us under one woven banner & revealed for such a time as this, when our shared racial plight is necessitating our dependency on one another for survival but so also for victory over our enemies.

We CAN create an Aryan Imperium, together.

-Polaris Invictus


Discuss & inquire in our public chat: https://t.me/ChurchofAryanity2

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Yesterday (October 31st) was a very portentous day for Aryanity. Not only was it Maria Orsic’s birthday and an official holiday on the new Aryanity calendar. But we had a very important member travel to meet with me and @Volans_OMTO today to take his affirmation and officially join the Aryan Church! Each official member is important and fills the roles they are called to fill, but some of us are called to do great things. This particular disciple will become an emissary between the tribes and I expect to see great progress due to his efforts in spreading Aryanity amongst the tribes. Slowly the open hand 🖐🏻 is becoming the fist 👊🏻. Hail Omnis! & Ad Victoriam!

-Father Orion

In these dark & ever darkening times, when all forms of perversion have been normalized in only a couple or so decades, when our entire White race is being genocided during our own lifetime, there can be a proper feeling of dread that comes over one who ponders such things. Of course, it does not help to see most of our kinfolk somehow oblivious or else in denial, clinging to the familiar teats that have long since dried up on them - government & politics, serving up only dehydration & starvation.

Indeed, it is getting darker around us, the walls are closing in but do not despair! Truly, brothers & sisters, the bottleneck is refining our people & there is light at the end of the tunnel. Follow the light, come unto Aryanity all you Aryans, we have Victory to forge!

We do not seek merely to survive our decimation but to dominate, as Omnis has so ordained by hierarchical wisdom. Join the Church of Aryanity, secure the reign of our Aryan Imperium.

-Polaris Invictus

Don’t be a part of a religion that tolerates faggots. Become a practicing Aryan, read Aryanity, and join the Aryan Church. Imperviousness to universalist globo-homo is hardwired into our theology. We are a religion that can never be undermined or subverted by faggots, Jews, and other non-Whites.

-Father Orion

Also join this chan and our public chat:


There are multiple coexisting levels to this reality; that which we see is determined largely by the lens through which we look. For the left, their lens is backwards & upside down - evil is good & vice versa for them. They’re spiritually bankrupt & blind. The liberal, communistic sorts actually see Trump-tards as extremists & Retardicans in general as foes even for milquetoast ‘conservatism.’ Leaps & bounds beyond both, there was Hitler & the Nat’l Socialists decades ago, who’ve been successfully demonized by the way they were framed, through the lens of kosher ‘history.’

For truth, one must drop the prescribed lens altogether. Then & only then can one see clearly - bringing into focus the various layers, full-spectrum proper vision. It is here, via Aryanity, that the Aryan comes finally unto gnosis & from here the future also is realized on the hidden horizon, lit by the spinning Black Sun & sacred Swastika. We have the key to free ourselves & our race from this hell. See!

-Polaris Invictus

The Skull is a Tomb of the Ancestors.

Whispers echo along the folds of the Brain, which is the Labyrinth where Phantoms dwell, Dancing Ghosts driven by the Blood which is not liquid but Light, the Elixir of Eternity which fills the Grail cup.

The Brain is an alchemical chamber where mind and matter meet and meld into new forms shaped by the Will of the Soul, which glitters like a thousand rainbows shone through the prismatic Pineal Gland, the Third Eye in the forehead, out from which spills the Soul and the force of Life, Vril...

~Sir Vulpecula

Learn about Aryan Mysticism and speak with Father Orion and his Knights- @ChurchofAryanity2

Attention Aryan Church Members!

We have decided to review our policy on those who have been vaxxed with the MRNA gene altering “vaccine”. In light of certain issues that have arisen concerning people who were given the vaccine under duress, either as children, or while in an institution, the leadership of the church feels that our policy of absolutist exclusion of non-purebloods may be unfair in certain cases, and our hearts go out to those who were forced to take the jab.

We maintain that any White person of adult age who willingly took the vaccine knowing the risks simply to keep a job will never be a member of the Aryan Church. And we also maintain that those who were unfortunate to have been essentially forced to get the jab should not interbreed with purebloods until the science is settled as to how this will effect future generations of Aryans. Likewise, we must compel the victims of the MRNA jab to seek justice for what has been done to them either while uninformed of the dangers, or against their will.

We are NOT backpedaling on our stance against the MRNA shot, but only re-evaluate our protocol on it now that the jab is no longer being enforced in most places. We felt that it was important to use whatever leverage we had to compel people not to take the jab for their own sake, and is hence why we took the exclusionary stance during the covid hysteria. We still have the exclusionary stance on those cowards who capitulated to tyranny and took the jab just to keep their particular form of wage slavery. But we feel that those who may have had their lives ruined by the Jewish poison, may become the most radical of us and who are we to deny them access to Aryan mysticism.

We must include that anyone who is a member of the Aryan Church be honest with us about their vaccination history and whether or not they were given the jab under extreme duress, or if they were simply a jab scab. We also will ban anyone from the group who says anything positive whatsoever about the jab or claims that, “it didn’t effect them” as the effects of MRNA gene editing takes years to manifest as symptoms. We will deal with each member request on a case by case basis. Any questions should be directed at one of the admins or the Church chat in PM.

Hail Aryanity Saint Savitri Devi. It is her birthday today. Follow the link to read about Savitri Devi and her place in the development of Aryanity.


-Today Aryanity Saint Savitra Devi was born in Lyons France in 1905, an extraordinary woman with an extreme talent for the esoteric. There exist Aryan women who can become not only as fanatical about Aryanity as the men, but even more so because of their innate motherly instincts, which can transcend motherhood of simply one’s own biological child but also all the children borne by the Sacred Blood, the Sanctorum Sanguinem. Savitri Devi is often falsely conflated with Esoteric Hitlerism (Serrano) when in fact she knew that Hitler was not the Kalki, who will be the “Man Above Time” or rather, the man BEYOND time. She knew about the “man to come”. She was an Esoteric NatSoc to be sure but this nuance is an important distinction.

Savitri Devi wrote:

In 1954 the renowned German author, Hans Grimm recounted that in 1928 Hitler told him;

“I know that some Man capable of giving our problems a final solution must appear. I have sought such a man. I could nowhere discover him. And that is why I have set myself to do the preparatory work [die Vorarbeit], only the most urgent preparatory work, for I know that I am myself not, the one. And I know also what is missing in me [to be the one]. But the other One still remains aloof, and nobody comes forward, and there is no more time to be lost.”

[Source: Savitri Devi Mukherji, The Lightning and the Sun]

Surly she was familiar with the memoirs of The traitoress Leni Riefenstahl:

In 1987 Leni Riefenstahl recounted in her memoir a conversation she had with Hitler in 1937 at the Berghof:

“'Do you believe in God?' I asked, gazing at him directly. Hitler looked at me in surprise, then smiled and said: 'Yes – I believe in a divine power, not in the dogmas of the Church, although I consider them necessary. I believe in God and in a divine destiny.' He turned away then and, folding his hands, gazed into the distance. 'And when the time is ripe, a new Messiah will come – he doesn't have to be a Christian, but he will found a new religion that will change the world.'”

[Source: Leni Riefenstahl, Leni Riefenstahl, A Memoir]

And the prophecy recounted in “Pictures from the life of the Führer”

In 1936, Dr. Joseph Goebbels recount a prophecy in his work, Pictures from the life of the Führer, as if he already knew the German National socialist experiment would be cut short:

"In a hundred years time, perhaps, a great man will appear who may offer them [aryans] a chance at salvation. He'll take me as a model, use my ideas, and follow the course I have charted."

[Source: Dr. Joseph Goebbels, Adolf Hitler. Bilder aus dem Leben des Führers’]

Let us on Saint Saviti Devi’s day remember all of the great Sisters, Mothers, and Female fighters who suffered and continue to suffer for the cause. We Aryan men cannot do it without them. They are who we do this for...

"Because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the Earth"!

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