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Репост из: Qurious Kiwi's 🇳🇿
Summary of an Official Information Request about Pfizer - 22/03/21

Q: What due diligence was taken to investigate Pfizer's ethics as a company? Given that Pfizer has successfully been indicted and fined for fraud in the past, what changes to the management of the company were made that reassured you that Pfizer was no longer fraudulent?

A: Our due diligence focused on assessing the performance and delivery of Pfizer’s vaccine. We did not investigate Pfizer’s management team or its ethics as a company.

Q: Were you concerned that Pfizer were so wealthy that any damages caused by their product could simply be seen by the company as a "cost" against their eventual profit?

A: We are satisfied that Pfizer has not been reckless... Medsafe conducted an extensive review of the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine, and granted provisional approval for its use on 3 February 2021.

Q: Can you please state the reasons as to why NZ Government indemnified Pfizer against

A: Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment advised the Minister of Finance to grant an indemnity to Pfizer on the basis that doing so was in the public interest.

Q: What method will NZ government use to deal with harm caused by Pfizer Coronavirus or COVID-19 vaccines?

A: ACC can provide treatment and support for injuries caused by COVID-19 vaccination if the injury meets the criteria for a ‘treatment injury’.

As of 16 March 2021, MBIE is not aware of any deaths or permanent disabilities that were caused by Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.

Full Official Information Request:

Репост из: Qurious Kiwi's 🇳🇿
Here is a summary of a few Covid-19 vaccine polls in New Zealand.

47% out of 255 so far won't get the vaccine. [1]

40% out of 1753 won't take the vaccine at all . [2]

Ministry of Health
16% out of 2.8k will not accept an offered vaccine. [3]

Magic Talk Radio
96% of 1.4k who are on fence, would not get a vaccine if endorsed by a celebrity or a politician. [4]


Репост из: Qurious Kiwi's 🇳🇿
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A New Xiland electronics/ computer store was displaying a statue of Mao on top of a cabinet behind the counter.

Customer: "Why is PB Tech displaying a communist dictator's statue?"

Manager: "It's a company thing, it's a policy"

The manager then proceeds to kick the customer out & says the police will be called.

I have asked PB Tech to explain their company policy, I will update if/when I get a response.

*I applied a blur to respect the privacy of the employees.

Source Video Napoleon Busch - March 2021:

Репост из: Qurious Kiwi's 🇳🇿
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New Zealand average historical mortality compared to Covid-19:

6,453 - Coronary Heart Disease
2,857 - Stroke
2,745 - Alzheimers & Dementia
2,085 - Lung Disease
2,047 - Lung Cancers
1,662 - Colon-Rectum Cancers
1,098 - Influenza & Pneumonia
1,067 - Diabetes Mellitus
842 - Prostate Cancer
826 - Breast Cancer
686 - Suicide
665 - Skin Cancers
664 - Lymphomas
561 - Pancreas Cancer
435 - Leukemia
390 - Stomach Cancer
387 - Kidney Disease
361 - Road Traffic Accidents
353 - Parkinson's Disease
351 - Endocrine Disorders
324 - Oesophagus Cancer
319 - Inflammatory/Heart
299 - Liver Cancer
264 - Bladder Cancer
254 - Hypertension
26 - COVID-19

Which one does Jacinda continue to lockdown the entire country over?

NZ had over 3k cases of Swine Flu during the 2009 Pandemic compared to 2.4k cases of Covid-19 to date. A similar mortality rate, without lockdowns, social distancing, mandatory quarantine etc.

Source World Life Expectancy – as of 18th March 2021:

Video Link:

Репост из: Qurious Kiwi's 🇳🇿
New Zealand Finance Minister

17/03/2020 – Grant Robertson: New Zealand 'well and truly' planning for recession [1]

18/08/2020 - ‘Grant Robertson was upbeat about the future, saying there were signs the recession was over & New Zealand would back bounce back quickly.’ [2]

18/03/2021 - 'New Zealand is probably almost six months into a recession after Stats NZ reported a surprisingly large 1 per cent drop in the country's GDP' [3]


Репост из: Qurious Kiwi's 🇳🇿
“The Government is taking control of water fluoridation from councils and giving it to health director general Ashley Bloomfield.

The Fluoridation Bill as a whole recognises water fluoridation is a health-related issue. Right now only around 2.3 million New Zealanders have access to fluoridated drinking water.

“’Topping up’ fluoride levels allows the well-established health benefits to reach all New Zealanders, especially our children, Māori and Pacific populations and people in our poorer communities,” Verrall said.

The change will likely prove controversial, as the anti-fluoridation movement has successfully lobbied local councils to halt fluoridation in the past.

Some people find the practice abominable, arguing that Kiwis should have the right to choose what medicines they take.” [1]

Section 11 of New Zealand’s Bill of Rights grants citizens the right to refuse to undergo any medical treatment. [2]

Source Stuff 18/03/21:

Windows 10 is a privacy nightmare

From Privacy Tools

"Microsoft introduced a lot of new features in Windows 10 such as Cortana. However, most of them are violating your privacy."

From The Hacker News

"Windows 10 Sends Your Data 5500 Times Every Day Even After Tweaking Privacy Settings"

From Tech Dirt

"Windows 10 Reserves The Right To Block Pirated Games And 'Unauthorized' Hardware"

WindowsSpyBlocker - Open-source tool that blocks data collection.

From The Real News Magazine - Issue #1 page 2

We hope that the information that we present to you in this, the first edition of The Real News will empower you and help to allay any unfounded anxiety you may have about Covid-19.

Quite simply, it’s time to end the unnecessary fear of Covid-19. It’s also time to call out governments that have used Covid-19 as an excuse for massive power grabs and restrictions on civil
liberties and to erode people’s rights to make their own decisions about medical tests and treatments.

Репост из: Qurious Kiwi's 🇳🇿
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Two NZ polls reported on the 9th of June 2019 [1]

1 News:
“This poll... it is measuring the fallout from the budget and the whole leak saga. National are back in front on 44.”

“The numbers shifted around in the polls with Labour going down, National going up. That big 44 for the National Party, that’s going to shield Simon Bridges from any attacks on his leadership for now at least.” [2]

“New Zealand has delivered it’s verdict on Simon Bridges and it doesn’t get much worse.”

“The country doesn’t like Simon Bridges. National has collapsed 37.4 percent... Hitting the dreaded 30’s that MP’s told us could trigger a coup.”

“Labours breaking records... had a poll bump from the budget.”

“Simon Bridges dropping the ball. Why don’t they like you? Thought about stepping aside?” [3]


From One News: 15/3/21

NZ sees rise in gun crime despite Government clampdown after terrorist attack.

The Government's clampdown on firearms and seizures of high-powered semi-automatic weapons has had no impact on a rise in gun crime and violence in New Zealand.

In 2020, gun crime hit a new peak.

Police figures show 2399 people were charged with 4542 firearm-related offences, nearly double that of a decade earlier.

Act MP Nicole McKee said gun owners had been made to feel like criminals and that had led to less safety around firearms than before the terror attack.

Sporting Shooters Association president Neville Dodd said the police had lost a huge amount of trust from firearms owners over the past two years.

"As a result, 241,900 New Zealanders who've been carefully vetted, unlike Tarrant, alienated, no longer support the police and that to me is the biggest tragedy of all because we had a very good rapport with police, and that's gone."

He said the police never admitted they should not have given the Christchurch terrorist a firearms licence in the first place, an error that the Royal Commission suggested could have prevented the attack from happening altogether.

Репост из: Qurious Kiwi's 🇳🇿
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Jacinda Ardern: “Kiwibuild, it’s a 10 years program and we’ve always said that, first 3 years we get 16,000 houses” [1]

“The number of KiwiBuild homes built to date stood at 393 at the end of March, equating to roughly 19 homes built each month since the scheme began in June 2018.

At that rate it would take 436 years to complete the remaining 99,607 houses that remain from the 100,000 target.” [2]

NZ Government takes money from Kiwibuild in a $30 million deal which prevents Fletcher’s from building a housing development at Ihumātao. [3]


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OPCW leaks expose ‘criminal’ Syria cover-up. Bombshell report:

"Leaked documents and testimony from inside the OPCW show there were major doubts about the allegations the Syrian government committed a chemical weapons attack in the city of Douma in April 2018.

Inspectors who were on the ground in Douma complained that their findings were distorted and excluded. According to one OPCW whistleblower, this censorship was conducted under direct US pressure.

Репост из: Qurious Kiwi's 🇳🇿
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Dr. Bridle Interview - 22/02/2021

Peter Williams: Can we excuse the super fast time from development to rollout because this is new vaccine technology, or is this rollout really a continuation of the trial?

Dr. Bridle: “In the past the fastest vaccine prior to this that got through the vaccine clinical trial pipeline... was an Ebola vaccine & at the time we thought it was at a record shattering pace of 4 years.”

“Pfizer has admitted in their documents to the health regulatory agencies... that they continue to monitor for potential unanticipated longer term side effects of the vaccines. That data collection will be occurring over the next 2 years. These companies won’t be able to publish the complete results of their phase 3 studies for another 2 years.”

“The people who are taking part in the current rollout are in essence participating in an extension of the phase 3 clinical trial.”

Source Magic Talk Radio:

From Newshub: 16/3/21

“A 60-year-old Danish woman died of a blood clot after receiving AstraZeneca's COVID-19 vaccine.

Denmark and Norway have reported isolated cases of bleeding, blood clots and a low platelet count after the AstraZeneca vaccine.

Spain will stop using the vaccine for at least 15 days”

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On the COVID-19 Vaccine: Bombshell interview with vaccine expert Dr. Sherri Tenpenny. - 11/03/2021

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Mike Hosking - 15/03/2021

“Once, a murder was something of horror, upset, and sadness. And it came, at times, with a debate as to whether there were issues to be addressed.

But that has been replaced by Ms Jones, whose suggestion is that men need a curfew, men not allowed out at night... within 24 hours the headline was to be found in a local outlet here, "Why a man’s curfew isn't such a bad idea."

If you're on the right side of the PC ledger you can literally say anything and get away with it.

I also saw over the weekend stories about the Oprah memes, post the interview.

Sadly, if you were part of that, and you aren't black, you are a racist. It was deemed so, by some tragic social media warrior that you could only post those memes if you're black. Because if you're not, it's the equivalent of digital black face.

How long before we wake up, grow up, and get back to some semblance of normality?”

Source Newstalk ZB:

Репост из: Qurious Kiwi's 🇳🇿
🇳🇿New Zealand Telegram Channel Directory - [Updated 14.3]

🇳🇿Voices for Freedom:
🇳🇿Qurious Kiwi:
🇳🇿NZ Liberty Movement:
🇳🇿Free Media New Zealand:
🇳🇿Eyes Open New Zealand:
🇳🇿Sarah Speaks:
🇳🇿Innocent Bystander:
🇳🇿Coronavirus Plushie:
🇳🇿Liberate NZ:
🇳🇿Big Daddy's Light Warrior:
🇳🇿The Q Files: Covid, Vaccines, Censorship:
🇳🇿Truth-Seekers New Zealand:
🇳🇿Wake Up New Zealand!:
🇳🇿NZ Liberty Alliance:

New Zealand Chat Groups:
🇳🇿 New Zealand Free Speech:
🇳🇿Community Project 5D:
🇳🇿 The White Rose New Zealand:

New Zealand Radio:
🇳🇿NZ Free Speech Radio:
🇳🇿Radio Eketahuna:

ANZAC Content Channels/Groups:
🇦🇺Chef Pete Evans:
🇦🇺Wake Up Australia:
🇦🇺Australia Awakens:
🇦🇺🇳🇿Live Free or Die:
🇦🇺🇳🇿 Donald's Nightshift:

Free Media Network is a directory of online New Zealand based publishers and journalists.

Репост из: Qurious Kiwi's 🇳🇿
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Peeni Henare - 11/03/2021

“The approach towards vaccination must take a whanau centered approach.”

“It’s no good going in to vaccinate nanny, who lives in a house with her whanau of 8 other people.”

“The assessment needs to be made by that person who is doing the vaccination, to ensure that we can protect not only nanny, but the whanau. With a focus on South Auckland, I think we will capture those of high risk.”

Are they planing on ‘going in’ to vaccinate people in their homes?

Source One News:

Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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