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🌿Grove Street Families🌿finally did it, the map is mostly green!

And don't forget that the AirDrop goes to the one gang the controls the most turf!

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Homies, we're gonna let you in on a little secret.

What spins 3 times a day and rewards you with one of a 100 rare items?
What is the one thing you've been waiting since summer?

What's new and old at the same time? What's familiar yet still surprising?

Myyysterrrryyyyy........ But the one that will eventually be unraveled right here in this channel

Our homies from Doomer Story making the world less chaotic. CHAOS is fun, but sometimes it’s nice to know, that there’s something in the world you can kinda rely on.

Have some fun: go here and punch CHAOS into the game. See what happens! Were you able to predict what happened? Did you just punched chaos in the throat or was it a pleasant surprise for you?

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Our regular segment "Coin Done Right".

Homies, CATS have now launched claiming their coin, available on @catsgang_bot.

As you see in this lil educational video, it's purrrrfectely legit, impawsibbly easy, so there's no reason not to do it right MEOW =^.^=

Fun Fact: HMSTR's founder is a Russian citizen and a millenial for that matter. Why does it matter? See, here's the thing: Hamsters (or lemmings) used to be a popular online slang, especially prominent on LiveJournal. A hamster is a gullible person that is 100% convinced that they are, in fact, much smarter than others.

Kinda sorta like "sheeple", but with extra arrogance.

So when GTM team first saw the game called "Hamster Combat" that required a lot of networking and that promised an insane, lifechanging wealth, but at the same time mercilessly kicking you right in the FOMO balls.... We were, like, "yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaah, that's gonna end well".

So yeah, homies, knowledge is power, the signs are out there and so on.

(the sign says "Hamster SHRUGGED")

13.6k 0 14 45 225


While rats and other rodents keep fucking everything over, CATS are launching their pre-market listing on ByBit right now.

Hit the link, and see for yourself how it's done. Right MEOW!

GTM is an asset, you hear me, an ASSET. Do yo know what else is an ASSET? A whopping 1.000.000 coins and a case.
All thanks to our homies from Doomer Story.

Do you see any specific word here? Your sharp eye is your A S S E T.

Now go here and punch that word into the game. See what happens

X3 after coll


Sell it

X2 After the call

MICHA launch


If you want something done right, do it yourself.

You wanted hamster? Here's your hamster. THIS IS NOT THE HMSTR YOU'RE RIGHTFULLY ANGRY AT, this is a completely different thing. Got it? Not the HMSTR, nope. We've made our own rodent and this one doesn't shit in your hands and bites your fingers. This is a $SOL based hamster, yall like $SOL, don't you?

So what do you do here? Oh, that's easy. First: join the channel. Secondly, join the game. Go ahead, have some fun, hell, go crazy and make yourself your own personalized hamster avatar.

But most importantly, wait for OUR SIGNAL! The opportunity knocks on your door once, remember that! Also remember, that demanding a second chance is an arrogant assumption that fate owes you the second chance to do something that you had all the time and opportunities in the world!

Once again: Join the game, wait for our KNOCK-KNOCK and then knock yourself the fuck out!

PS: homies, take notice. Not just about this here crypto thing but in general. Take notice on how people treat their words, how true they are to them. Some people will squeeze you dry and fuck you over without so much as batting an eye.
While some people would care enough about you to make somebody else's wrongs right. That's us. That's GTM for you. That's how much we care and respect you, homies


Just a reminder that you can still win $100 per person for adding a folder.

The drawing will take place on October 6th.

25k 0 10 46 745

By and large that’s it. That’s opportunism at its finest: it limits itself with its own greed. There’s only so much you can do that will make you money. And if your ultimate goal is just to make money, well, then your product is…. I don’t wanna say meaningless, but it is ultimately subpar. Because it’s soulless. It tastes like cheap plastic and leaves this weird taste in your mouth.

To end this lengthy post, a quote by Evgeniy Chichivarkin, a Russian businessman, a legendary guy from the early ‘00s seems appropriate:
“All the secrets of motivating people lie on the surface. You have to spend a lot of effort to find a real expert who loves what they do. And then stand back and stay out of the way. It's like when working with an artist - you can't stand behind him and say: add more yellow.
And the second thing is that you have to share a part of the profit. Only you need to calculate in advance and very cleverly how exactly. There is your shared catch, and from it you need to distribute part of it to those who bought the rods, managed the boat, those who will clean the fish, cook it and then remove the bones. Everyone agrees that you, as the owner, should get the biggest share, and if the catch is bad, you should starve, since you organized everything so badly. But you can't determine everyone's share first and then say, “Guys, the catch is too big, a couple of fish's gonna be enough for you". That's gonna be a big mistake.”

HMSTR is a tool for making money for Mr. Gurevich and his inner circle (if he, of course, has one) and nobody else. You’re just a happy casualty of the process.

Some more stuff about HMSTR come gather ‘round lemme spin a yarn.

First and foremost, they’ve announced their listing date. Finally. But here’s something that you should always keep in mind about HMSTR.
Despite the fact that it has become synonymous with a whole ass gaming genre, and it’s been compared to NOT, there’s a core difference between those things. Firstly, this is barely a product inspired by gaming and the idea of spicing up the world. Nope. The primary (and basically the only) motivator of the founders is money.

Secondly, let’s take a closer look at who is HMSTR’s founder, Mr. Eduard Gurinovich. Mr. Gurinovich is a cutthroat money maker, he made it on “30 before 30” list and founded CarPrice, a website that supposedly streamlines automobile trading. Thing is, CarPrice is not what it claims to be, it’s a merciless juicer that twists it’s clients’ arms, essentially extorting them for a good deal, putting a lot of pressure on them and basically squeezing them for the lowest price possible only to sell that car for its honest market value. While this is somehow legal, the moral aspect of this business practice we leave to you.

To quote MMT

His interests include money, money and money, as well as others, for example, money. When he's not making money, Eduard hosts a podcast about money, where he discusses money. He is willing to do something for an idea, but only if the idea is to make money.

Mr. Gurinovich is a hardcore business shark. He’s not about all things crypto, like innovation, for example, he’s in it for money. Like, again, we’re not judging here, business is business, but still. This is a core difference between HMSTR and GTM.

And when you know that, you kinda get it why Mr. Gurinovich basically fucked over all the influencers engaged in his project after less than satisfactory KOL-round? This violates any cryptobro’s sacred right: the right to lifechange. However, from a predatory business standpoint, that’s just another Tuesday for ya, nothing to see here, move along, we’re optimizing our costs.

That should’ve been your first flag (I take it, you can pick the color yourself). If this person can deny even Influencers their lifechange stuff, take a wild fucking guess how high he esteems his regular audience. The only reason for him to part ways with a single penny is to half-assedly maintain his reputation.

However, the success of HMSTR is 100% legit and for real. Mr. Gurevich rode the wave of FOMO and skillfully made FOMO into his own personal bitch. The business model of “If you’re too late for NOT, don’t worry, here’s your another chance” has proven itself to be mind-blowingly successful. This is Mr. Gurevich for you, an accomplished businessman, who saw an opportunity, took advantage of it, fulfilled the demand of “if only I knew BACK THEN…” and made some motherfucking money.

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