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The Civic Minded | CIG #commentary
Conservative White Men are quintessentially civic-minded individuals. Which explains the noticeable behavioural patterns during the Antifa/BLM riots of 2020 and police ushering in protesters during the storming of the Capitol. The so-called insurgents were openly gun-toting on the streets because it is legal. If Biden decided to grab the guns, it is not unbelievable to think that they would immediately turn them in and then use another whataboutism talking point to point out leftists as being incapable of demilitarisation. The current examples have typically been instances where conservatives "discipline-signal". They constantly try to jump through every legal hoop by presenting themselves as perfect little angels. The issue is, the opposition doesn't really dream of "voting" against them. The system just wants them dead. So they kind of operate on two different abstractions of violence. Conservatives think in terms of legalities and democratically "defeating" their opponents and then their opponents will just magically concede, so they say. They engage in the "battlefield of ideas". Meanwhile their opponents are non-voters, more often than not. They could care less about political business. How many rioters last year were probably voters? So when these conservatives react in any shape or form to these people. This is where the narratives come from. The media just sort of invents many narratives out of thin air. Conservatives believe words have power as well, because of their civic-minded affinities. So as soon as they're called lawbreakers, rebels, racists etc. They drop what they're doing and usher in any changes, "just please, stop calling us [word]"! (((Globohomo))) in return just labels virtually anything they could do, want or need as any bad word and that is the end of it. But normalcy is never maintained. Our world has a tendency to spiral into chaos or summon further provocations anyways, presenting endless opportunities for people who just want to protect themselves and be left alone. Men of the west are quickly learning they have to be collectivist in order to achieve their goals.
Conservative White Men are quintessentially civic-minded individuals. Which explains the noticeable behavioural patterns during the Antifa/BLM riots of 2020 and police ushering in protesters during the storming of the Capitol. The so-called insurgents were openly gun-toting on the streets because it is legal. If Biden decided to grab the guns, it is not unbelievable to think that they would immediately turn them in and then use another whataboutism talking point to point out leftists as being incapable of demilitarisation. The current examples have typically been instances where conservatives "discipline-signal". They constantly try to jump through every legal hoop by presenting themselves as perfect little angels. The issue is, the opposition doesn't really dream of "voting" against them. The system just wants them dead. So they kind of operate on two different abstractions of violence. Conservatives think in terms of legalities and democratically "defeating" their opponents and then their opponents will just magically concede, so they say. They engage in the "battlefield of ideas". Meanwhile their opponents are non-voters, more often than not. They could care less about political business. How many rioters last year were probably voters? So when these conservatives react in any shape or form to these people. This is where the narratives come from. The media just sort of invents many narratives out of thin air. Conservatives believe words have power as well, because of their civic-minded affinities. So as soon as they're called lawbreakers, rebels, racists etc. They drop what they're doing and usher in any changes, "just please, stop calling us [word]"! (((Globohomo))) in return just labels virtually anything they could do, want or need as any bad word and that is the end of it. But normalcy is never maintained. Our world has a tendency to spiral into chaos or summon further provocations anyways, presenting endless opportunities for people who just want to protect themselves and be left alone. Men of the west are quickly learning they have to be collectivist in order to achieve their goals.