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Репост из: Gender Dystopia
This clown ass runs by himself after women refuse to compete against him in college track

“College-Aged Transgender Athlete Wins Track Events Against Teenagers,” screamed one headline.

“Taking first place from a 14-year-old” screamed another.' this article really laments that this adult man wants to take titles from 14 year old girls because he was banned from the NCAA



Репост из: Gender Dystopia


Репост из: Gender Dystopia
The Tumwater School Board in WA has passed a resolution banning males from girls sports after a 15 year old girl refused to play basketball against a team with a male player.

During a board meeting, a trans activist suggested the decision would lead to suicides.

So this is your reminder that threatening suicide for noncompliance to ridiculous demands is a classic abuse tactic


Репост из: Gender Dystopia
The Wachowski brothers, credited porn for their both being transoids. They were both into the forced feminization bdsm scene in LA

"Dominatrix Karin Winslow, aka Ilsa Strix, ran the Dungeon where the Wachowski brothers went for sexual sessions with trans porn star Buck Angel"


Репост из: Gender Dystopia
Mark's fetish was more important than his wife and six children, so he deserted them and moved to America to become "Abby"


Репост из: Gender Dystopia
Interesting article on this giant fuckin weirdo, Larry wachowski



986 0 12 4 45

Women crime rates are increasing. I wonder what happened that women commit more crimes nowadays?

822 0 21 17 37

Репост из: The Left Can't Meme

Reddit troon shows off his new manicure

Репост из: Gender Dystopia
Sex offender claims he's a woman to flash women and children in changing room, is told to leave by cops but, of course, not arrested

"I understand that they're concerned about my history and that's the reason they're banning me.
Now, my civil rights as a transgender person allows me to use a public facility, including the restrooms or, or changing rooms that identify with my gender. Uh, you could see on my ID that I'm recognized by the Commonwealth of Virginia as female. So exercising my civil rights is not a criminal offense. So them pulling up my information on the sex offender registry and using it to stop me from exercising my civil rights as a transgender person is a criminal misuse of the sex offender registry. They can use that registry to try and stop someone from committing a criminal offense, which I was not doing. I was only exercising by civil rights."


Репост из: Gender Dystopia
Of course it doesn't. You just aren't allowed to play out your fetish on that particular document anymore. Now if we could only end the name changes that sex offenders use to hide their status 🤔


Репост из: Gender Dystopia
British attitudes towards transoidalism, 2020 vs 2024

Is this because of the islamic takeover? Or because the trannies in UK are unhinged? You decide


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