The Real World

Гео и язык канала: Весь мир, Английский

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Гео и язык канала
Весь мир, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Roger Stone.

The lawfare OG.

Absolute communism.

I’ve been in America for 5 days.

I sat on my laptop and did a podcast.


I am super disappointed in the United States.

This isn’t the America I know.

This is a sad sad day for America.

Trying to find crimes on an innocent man.

I’m not afraid.

I’m genuinely just disappointed.

Pay back

Back in the game.

We have big plans for every single one of our students.


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We have always been innocent.

The intellectual classes are physically degenerate and this is why everything they “think” is weak willed garbage which destroys society.

I understand you're tired.

I understand it's hard.

But you are being robbed blind while everything you love is being pissed on.

Why does it matter that you're tired???


Government is big mad they’re being asked what work they do for your tax dollars.

Trump is saving America along with the entire western world by extension.

Kash, JD, Elon, Hegseth, Grenell etc are all helping him.

And these people STILL have haters.

Remember -

No matter how much good you do, or how great and important you are, there will always be some no name with shit to say.

You only feel life when you share life.

You don’t even feel rich unless you share being rich.

Battle Fatigue is very real.

You'll never be more tired than at the last minute of the last round of a world champion fight.

You'll never be more tired than the last month of the last year of the war.

You're SUPPOSED to feel tired and exhausted.

This is a sign of BATTLE.

It's a sign of WORK and STRUGGLE.

You will not always feel alive and invigorated in the fight.

War is short bursts of adrenaline as you route the enemy,

Burst of frenzy and joy when you're actively crushing the opponent,

Followed by long periods of grueling labor, sleepless nights and iron discipline.

You are MEANT to wake up and feel exhausted.

It's a sign that you're pushing with all your might.

Battle Fatigue is a sign of Battle.

A universal in War.

In your war against mediocrity, in your war to seize greatness,

Battle Fatigue is certain.

The best soldiers do what needs to be done flawlessly ANYWAY.

Despite being exhausted, can you still throw that punch at FULL power at FULL speed?

Can you force all your chi into that final KO opening that presented itself in the last round?

How good are you on your worst day?

How good are you when you're injured?

What do you get done when you're sick?

Everyone at War is tired.

It's the default state.

Get used to it.

All the best fighters are.

Battle Fatigue is guaranteed in War.

Force yourself to perform regardless.

Or stay a loser.

Your choice.

Do dreams prepare us for life or death?

Do you feel the energy in the air?

The world is different now.

The fear is gone.

The shackles removed.

The cowards' treacherous opinions are finally being ignored.

There will be no mercy for the demons.

Full attack, full speed, no slowing down.

This is the only way to defeat evil.

The internet has opened up the battlefield of influence.

If you're a father, you are required to compete on this battlefield.

It's not enough to pay the bills and say "yes honey"

TIME spent with your kids does not equal IMPACT had on your kids.

You are raising your children's bodies while other people raise your children's MINDS.

You HAVE to become a superhero, you HAVE to outcompete for influence.





The temporary absence is a price worth paying.

You cannot talk or explain your way out of this.

You cannot shun the arena and criticize the dirt on a gladiator's boots.

Adapt to the new reality.

Become a superhero or lose.

Plan B is the enemy of Plan A.

Just dedicate yourself for once in your life and you’re guaranteed to win.

European men have been cucked by their leaders.

European society is toxically matriarchal and femcentric.

There are ZERO men in charge.

Not a single male in EU elites acts masculine.

Every single European “man” is a wifejack for a spiteful narcissistic cunt called government.

Everyone I’m close with is G

Everyone I don't know is a bitch till proven gangster.


"Staving off death is a thing that you have to work at.

Left to itself - and that is what it is when it dies - the body tends to revert to a state of equilibrium with its environment.

If you measure some quantity such as the temperature, the acidity, the water content or the electrical potential in a living body, you will typically find that it is markedly different from the corresponding measure in the surroundings.

Our bodies, for instance, are usually hotter than our surroundings, and in cold climates they have to work hard to maintain the differential.

When we die the work stops, the temperature differential starts to disappear, and we end up the same temperature as our surroundings.

Not all animals work so hard to avoid coming into equilibrium with their surrounding temperature, but all animals do some comparable work.

For instance, in a dry country, animals and plants work to maintain the fluid content of their cells, work against a natural tendency for water to flow from them into the dry outside world.

If they fail they die.

More generally, if living things didn't work actively to prevent it, they would eventually merge into their surroundings, and cease to exist as autonomous beings.

That is what happens when they die."

When you don't stand out in your environment, you are already dead.

Become exceptional.

Yesterday the Argentinian president posted a ticker.

If you got in in the first minute, you made a 3-4x.

If you got in after 5 minutes, you were doomed to lose.


The Trenches require near instant decision making on very little information.

If you are not prepared, if you are not professionally trained and equipped


The Trenches are not pretty.

The Market has gone maximum value extraction.

There is NO PLACE for amateurs in this.

Amateurs go broke.

They lose everything.

If you're going to trench.


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