BACK IN STOCK — Never Say D.I.E. — Second Edition
Occasionally Imperium has to remove titles from availability. Never Say D.I.E. has been unavailable for over a year but we are bringing it back by popular demand in a second and punchier edition., Inclusion, and Equity are the new cardinal virtues of the managerial class. In
Never Say D.I.E., George Carroway resurrects an ancient form to examine them—the dialogue. He puts the strongest arguments for each of these “virtues” into the mouths of his characters, but as they are put to the test, all three are shown to be vacuous and sentimental.
Every major argument for wokeness is presented and answered here. This reads like a “how to debate liberals” instruction manual, except far more literary, memorable, and enjoyable.
Never Say D.I.E. is a rhetorical masterclass, and an accessible yet philosophically deep entry point into illiberal politics.