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BACK IN STOCK — Never Say D.I.E. — Second Edition

Occasionally Imperium has to remove titles from availability. Never Say D.I.E. has been unavailable for over a year but we are bringing it back by popular demand in a second and punchier edition.


Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity are the new cardinal virtues of the managerial class. In Never Say D.I.E., George Carroway resurrects an ancient form to examine them—the dialogue. He puts the strongest arguments for each of these “virtues” into the mouths of his characters, but as they are put to the test, all three are shown to be vacuous and sentimental.

Every major argument for wokeness is presented and answered here. This reads like a “how to debate liberals” instruction manual, except far more literary, memorable, and enjoyable. Never Say D.I.E. is a rhetorical masterclass, and an accessible yet philosophically deep entry point into illiberal politics.


The better part of valour is discretion.

— William Shakespeare

Репост из: Remigration Summit
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Remigration Summit 2025

👉In 2024 the vision of Remigration became the hope of our entire continent.

🗻In 2025 we will organize the first Remigration Summit: in May we will gather activists, journalists and politicians to unite our ideas, reach and influence. If we work together, Remigration is inevitable.

🎙On the 3rd of January at 19:00 on this account, the initiators of ReSum25 will present the vision and tell more about the project:

💪🏻 Support Resum25 here:
🎟 Join the waiting list for tickets:

Society in primitive times was not what it is assumed to be at present, a collection of individuals. In fact, and in the view of the men who composed it, it was an aggregation of families.

— Henry James Sumner Maine

The lesson of Leninism is that minimal competence plus maximal loyalty is more effective than maximal competence plus minimal loyalty. Nearly a century of bioleninism has produced a situation where the most competent are shut out from positions of power—it has given them reason to be loyal to a Caesar. Wokeness has produced a powder keg where we are about to see what maximal competence plus maximal loyalty can do.

The Case for a Folkish Elite
Listen to the podcast here

The Case for a Folkish Elite

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Two months after release, The Cultured Thug Handbook remains in the top 30 of its main category. Thousands of men have been redpilled on Amazon alone.

Please rate and review. This will push it up the rankings and redpill thousands more.

It will only take you 2 minutes but this could change someone's political trajectory.


Apologies to all our newsletter subscribers for the extremely belated "White Wednesday 2024" newsletter. For some reason our newsletter program has become dysfunctional and we are going to replace it.

It is from the shadow of a cloister that there emerges one of mankind's greatest very greatest scourges. Luther appears; Calvin follows him... and finally, in our day, from the same source, the French Revolution.

— Joseph de Maistre

Репост из: ᛉ The Frithstead ᛦ
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A few books my family gifted me that I’m sure a few of you will appreciate 😉


The Case for a Folkish Elite

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Репост из: Primordial Path

Btw Mike just launched “Dads Cook” on Hearthfire.

100 fire reacts and I’ll do an episode starring your boy Chef Big Dave

No one thinks Elon Musk or Donald Trump is "our guy", and the recent H-1B controversy made this very public. And this is no surprise, because the whole state apparatus is dedicated solely to stopping any "our guy" elite. But as the competence crisis deepens, opportunities for a folkish elite arise. And the "first mover advantage" of a folkish elite will be enormous.

The lesson of Leninism is that minimal competence plus maximal loyalty is more effective than maximal competence plus minimal loyalty. Nearly a century of bioleninism has produced a situation where the most competent are shut out from positions of power—it has given them reason to be loyal to a Caesar. Wokeness has produced a powder keg where we are about to see what maximal competence plus maximal loyalty can do.



Репост из: [Westfalen]
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Our article on natural law rustled more jimmies than we expected. Everywhere, the question was asked, "what's the alternative to natural law?" This week, Mike returns to answer that question.

Natural law is not the answer to antinomianism, it is at the foundation of it. By contrast, under a folkish worldview, the sovereign is the font of law, but the sovereign is bound by the commands of his ancestors, who were themselves bound by the gods, who were determined by fate, which is unimpeachable in a way that even the “laws” of physics cannot approach.



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Against Natural Law

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