Indiana Orthodoxy ☦

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The great US State of Indiana & the Holy Orthodox Catholic Faith.
Faith in God, love of fatherland. Against secularism and the false prince of this age.

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Фильтр публикаций

Репост из: The Apostolic Guard
Members of the Apostolic Guard and the Indiana Christian Conscience gathered in Indianapolis on a cold Monday morning for the annual March for Life event. We came across the New Columbia Movement and had to stop and give them a shout-out.

Репост из: Indiana Christian Conscience
Monday, the Indiana Christian Conscience was proud to march alongside fellow Hoosiers in our state capitol, celebrating the protection of life on the 51st anniversary of the decision of Roe v. Wade. Two years after its overturning, we are proud that Indiana has been a leader in the pro-life movement, abolishing the practice of abortion in our beloved state.

Репост из: Royal Martyr Nicholas II
New Martyr Patriarch Tikhon, friend to Tsar Nicholas II, liked American Thanksgiving, referring to it as "Turkey Day". He arranged a moleben service for the eve of Thanksgiving. St Tikhon was deeply moved that the country he served as a Bishop for 9 years had set aside a national day of giving thanks. The Hierarch would never forget this holiday even when returning to Imperial Russia. He even sent a Thanksgiving letter to President Wilson in 1918.

Репост из: Deacon Justin Miller ☦️
Patronal feast of the Church of Our Lady the Theotokos, Joy of All Who Sorrow at 16th and Delaware in the capital city.

Репост из: Indiana Christian Conscience
On Saturday, young men from across northern Indiana met to spend a day in fellowship.

We hiked miles together - we broke bread together - we prayed together.

We believe in Christian manhood. Pray for us! Get active alongside us!


Репост из: Deacon Justin Miller ☦️
Men and future men of Orthodoxy enjoying a prayer walk around Holy Transfiguration Church property, Crawfordsville, Indiana on a “crisp and sunny mornin’ in the airly autumn days”. October 7, 2023

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner”

Репост из: Indiana Christian Conscience
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🔈On the Banks of the Wabash Far Away, the state song of Indiana

Репост из: Indiana Christian Conscience
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🔔The bells of Nativity of the Mother of God Monastery - New Carlisle, Indiana.

Репост из: Indiana Christian Conscience
Christ is Risen!

This weekend, young men from Indiana were blessed with the opportunity to visit Nativity of the Mother of God monastery in New Carlisle, IN. We met with the nuns, did some yard work, and shared an amazing meal.

The ability to escape to a spiritual haven in our state is a blessing. We pray that our generation and those after us treasure the pearl of great price that lies in monasteries, and we pray that they multiply throughout our land.

Indiana celebrates the Resurrection of Our Lord!

Christ is risen! Truly He is risen!
Христос воскресе! Воистину воскресе!
Χριστὸς ἀνέστη! Ἀληθῶς ἀνέστη!
Hristos a înviat! Adevărat a înviat!

Let us remember almsgiving this Lent.

Репост из: Indiana Christian Conscience
Pro Patria (For Country, in Latin) is a 1929 statue created by Henry Hering, and stands on the south side of the Indiana War Memorial. It is of a young man, draped in the American flag, reaching towards Heaven. On it, Hering said "I have attempted to embody in this memorial, the spirit rather than material concept of a soldier-- to give the figure an expression of all there is in humanity of aspiration, valor, renunciation and the perpetuation of the memory of the patriot fighting for the right. I include peace also, for the left hand raised in exultation also may snatch the olive branch."

As we go forward in our lives as Christians, and as Hoosiers, may we fight for the soul of our nation, inspired by the courageous values embodied in this statue. May we stand for our country and our state in valor, and may we have our hands and our eyes towards Heaven in this quest.


Репост из: Fr. Seraphim Rose - A Tribute
It is true that many of the non-Orthodox hymns contain a teaching or at least an emphasis that is wrong—especially the idea that when one is “saved” he does not need to do anything more because Christ has done it all. This idea prevents people from seeing the truth of Orthodoxy which emphasizes the idea of struggling for one’s salvation even after Christ has given it to us, as St. Paul says: “Work out your salvation with fear and trembling.” But almost all of the religious Christmas carols are all right, and they are sung by Orthodox Christians in America (some of them even in the strictest monasteries!).

-Fr. Seraphim Rose to a catechumen, Nov. 14/27, 1980

Репост из: Indiana Christian Conscience

by Arthur Franklin Mapes

God crowned her hills with beauty,
Gave her lakes and winding streams,
Then He edged them all with woodlands
As the setting for our dreams.
Lovely are her moonlit rivers,
Shadowed by the sycamores,
Where the fragrant winds of Summer
Play along the willowed shores.
I must roam those wooded hillsides,
I must heed the native call,
For a pagan voice within me
Seems to answer to it all.
I must walk where squirrels scamper
Down a rustic old rail fence,
Where a choir of birds is singing
In the woodland . . . green and dense.
I must learn more of my homeland
For it's paradise to me,
There's no haven quite as peaceful,
There's no place I'd rather be.
Indiana . . . is a garden
Where the seeds of peace have grown,
Where each tree, and vine, and flower
Has a beauty . . . all its own.
Lovely are the fields and meadows,
That reach out to hills that rise
Where the dreamy Wabash River
Wanders on . . . through paradise.

Репост из: Indiana Orthodoxy ☦
Saint Varnava (Barnabas) the New Confessor

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