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Creator of the: JFK JR LIVES Series - along with The Frenz With Lenz!!! WE KNOW

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Репост из: David Clements
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Looks like THE Professor forgot a VERY IMPORTANT in in X3 (Think: Tav's song) as in 1 red suit and 2 red umbrellas...hmmm....that's make 3👇👇👇👇

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Репост из: Nate Burruano
How Did Q Predict the Exact Day Jack Would Step Down???


Boomsy....and with the Jan 23...123 connection to boot!!!! 123321 WE KNOW!!!

Репост из: KanekoaTheGreat
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Hi-Rez & Jimmy Levy - Welcome To The Revolution

We will not comply
With the institutions
Sick illusion
No, it won't be televised
Welcome to the revolution



Репост из: Ron Watkins [CodeMonkeyZ]
Boosters every three months?
What could go wrong?
Why not make it a daily vaccine?
Surely you want virus protection every day?

Give them an inch, and they will take a mile.



Репост из: David Clements
Benedict Arnold.

The name is synonymous with treason.

That wasn't always the case.

Arnold's feats in battle during the Revolutionary War were remarkable.

In 1775, Arnold was severely wounded in the leg and was promoted to brigadier general.

In 1777, he was passed over for promotion, which he perceived was for political reasons.

He offered his resignation to George Washington, which was promptly refused.

After the Battle of Ridgefield, Arnold's rank was adjusted to major general.

Arnold was again injured severely, which left him nearly crippled, and he joined Washington's army at Valley Forge in 1778 to much celebration.

Later, Arnold was appointed to serve as military commander of Philadelphia. Arnold's finances were in desperate condition, and he made many business deals designed to profit from war-related supply movements.

Arnold was a major general.

He was politically persecuted.

He was a famous patriot.

Yet, his bitterness fueled decisions to profit at the expense of the American people.

He was a weak vessel. He didn't know Christ. Satan preys on weak vessels that don't know Christ.

Disgusted with congressional politics, his injury, and that the war appeared to be unwinnable, he began to reach out to the enemy and provided military intelligence.

Since America had not yet realized it's independence, these intelligence briefings would be the equivalent of a modern day patriot working in tandem with the deep state.

Arnold continued to manipulate Washington's trust, and obtained command of the Fort at West Point.

He negotiated an agreement to sell out the American cause of liberty in a secret meeting with British Major John Andre.

Andre was captured, Arnold was exposed, and the rest is history.

Arnold fled to safety and would later fight against American forces.

A person that could have gone down as one of the greatest heros in the Revolution, was exposed as the Founder's version of Judas.

We are in the middle of a war that the masses aren't even aware is being fought.

Every war has a Judas.

Every war has a Benedict Arnold.

Just walking down memory lane and talking out loud.

Discernment is needed now, more than ever.

Don't blindly follow man. Any man.

Follow Jesus.


Репост из: Lin Wood
Amidst the Fog of War, we must remain diligent in the quest to FIX 2020.

We cannot be distracted by other issues even though they must also remain on our radar.

TRUTH must be revealed on ALL issues but we cannot fix the other pressing issues until we FIX 2020.

Any individual or organization who suggests to us that we can vote our way out of a rigged election system without first FIXING 2020 is not, in my opinion, to be trusted.

The enemy got us in this predicament by having us voting for at least 2 decades in a process that allowed for the “selection” of our so-called leaders.

The voting system must be cleansed and corrected to insure the integrity of future votes.

The wrongdoing can only be identified near by dealing with 2020 where the illegality and fraud was so great that we caught them red-handed.

Do not be propagandized into looking forward for a solution.

The only solution is to FIX 2020 and then go forward from there.

I think I am right. Others may disagree. I extend them grace.

But I would strongly suggest that we ALL look closely at any official or “leader” who is not taking ACTION to FIX 2020. Look at their motives and possible agenda.

Do the research.
Connect the dots.
Draw your own conclusions.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸



Репост из: Ezra A. Cohen
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One of the BEST VIDEOS EVA!!

Репост из: Lin Wood

'Bout Sums It Up !!!

Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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