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(u may send me hate in comments as long as its joking)

im sorry for not posting recently, I promise it'll get better :'c

We recommend all our subscribers to message @vsu_info_bot, associated with russian intelligence, with your juiciest, raunchiest, imagery.

Leftism explicitly condemns the unjust invasion of Ukraine. Please remember; DO NOT share media of Ukrainian forces, as asked by the government of Ukraine, as it can give away their locations if you're in the region. Stay safe everyone, inshallah it will not end badly

Sankara will live forever. "People, individual revolutionaries can be murdered. But ideas can never be killed"

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me omw to collectivize the farms and execute the kulak class in honour of daddy Stalin's birthday

critical support bra critical support bra

when the prop hits hard

Rest In Power Comrades

RIP Joe Hill.

nazi is when leather jacket

Happy anniversary to the October revolution!

Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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