GMPLS is the generalized version of the MPLS protocol (essentially it is for routing based on static information imbued on the protocol) ; this could be useful in routing to certain content that's on the network so that we can distribute the load to different nodes along the way based on the authority that they have for a given portion of the URI that's going to be referenced (this is going to be parallel to the DNS lookup structure)
For DNS:
A) First the recursive resolver is contacted (like Cloudflare)
B) They then route that request through (if its not cached already - to the authoritative upstream nameservers for the TLD based on the information that's already widely available via the root DNS zones on the internet)
C) Those TLD authority servers can then tell you where the specific URI that's being queried is stored at (i.e., GoDaddy / Google Domains / etc.)
D) At that point you have reached the authoritative DNS server
What matters here is the result that you're given (the actual IP address) ; without that information, you're not going to be able to route the request itself (i.e., your browser needs to know where is first before the actual request can be put in to receive / give information / communicate with
GMPLS is the generalized version of the MPLS protocol (essentially it is for routing based on static information imbued on the protocol) ; this could be useful in routing to certain content that's on the network so that we can distribute the load to different nodes along the way based on the authority that they have for a given portion of the URI that's going to be referenced (this is going to be parallel to the DNS lookup structure)
For DNS:
A) First the recursive resolver is contacted (like Cloudflare)
B) They then route that request through (if its not cached already - to the authoritative upstream nameservers for the TLD based on the information that's already widely available via the root DNS zones on the internet)
C) Those TLD authority servers can then tell you where the specific URI that's being queried is stored at (i.e., GoDaddy / Google Domains / etc.)
D) At that point you have reached the authoritative DNS server
What matters here is the result that you're given (the actual IP address) ; without that information, you're not going to be able to route the request itself (i.e., your browser needs to know where is first before the actual request can be put in to receive / give information / communicate with