CW, TW, and Tone Tags.

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This channel solely belongs to @GlobalUniverse and it will help you to learn and use content warning, tone tags, and trigger warning correctly.
:: written by @Eyoise and @Yuzuha.

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we have been discussed so many things at that night and not to mention khael ( @kuael ) also lent her hands to help us until we both come to the conclusion that if you do believe that lgbtq+ content that has religion/society things in it is counted as something sensitive, then you can use this kind of warning right away! but if you don’t, then, you do not have to do so. we give the proper credit & the best shout out to anne marie ( @mizuharanoriko ) as someone that has the original and paten opinion towards this case. we honestly couldn’t be more proud to have people just like anne and khael in our community. thank you for being this kind to allow me dropping your insight officially, anne marie! 🥳🖤

guys please do take a look at my smartest buddy’s opinion!

📝 or you can simply say your opinion or your thought about us or anything! we’ll appreciate it so much if you use sentences that are polite ones.

👤 Thank you so much for the information ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ AAAAA ILYALL

👤 I just want to say that some people should put TW for flash warning not CW, because flash can trigger someone.

👤 i hope u guys get enough credits for being hardworking people 😔

👤 this is just.. unbelievable! the fact that some people doesn't give you credits are sickening

👤 keyeeen. it’ll be so much better if anyone who inspired by this channel give the credits :/

👤 Yes keren banget! Re promosi ba disini bleh gak re :*


👤 Kayaknya ini ch paling pas buat jadi patokan para base diluar sana


👤 Wow nemuin ch ini, sumbernya segala cw tw!

👤 Ini keren banget chnya. Kayaknya jadi patokan base tele pas ya

👤 this is really nice

👤 this is actually really great!

👥 13 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

soo ... does anyone want to utter any opinions about our explanation? :o

4. content warning for lgbtqia+.

the actual post was written as “anything related about sexuality (phobia of lgbtq+, phobia of heterosexuals, etc.)” and now we decide to erase it and change it into “all kinds of hatred” for the phobia ones, as it’ll be harming if we do put lgbtqia+ warning on a text/topic. jadi untuk pemakaian warning ini mulai sekarang enggak perlu ditulis even the media is attached, yah. since lgbtqia+ isn’t something that triggering but insteaad, please do use a warning for phobe of any kinds of sexualities!!

3. content warning for racism, disrespectful, discrimination, harsh words, repetitive or uncomfort noises, sexual assults, menstruation, and mental health issues.

also for these ones, we’ve changed the subjects that have been mentioned to be on the trigger warning list only. spesial untuk subjek menstruasi, ini enggak perlu dipakaiin cw & tw yaa, kecuali kalian attach darah bisa pake warning blood ajaa. jadi temen-temen kalau mau post sesuatu mengenai topik (selain menstruasi) yang disebutkan bisa pakai tw instead of cw ya mulai sekaraaang.

2. content warning for foods.

we’ve came to a fact where actually, people with eating disorders didn’t need any warnings for well-cooked food or well-settled drink, they are supposed to build a healthy relationship with foods so by us putting warnings on it won’t be helping in any way. which means, trigger or content warnings for food are only valid and belong to foods that may seem unsettling, disturbing, or disgusting for other people. so you do not have to put any warning for food and drink from now on, yaa!

1. content warning for animals.

we have changed the content warning for animals as we already discussed that warning for animals only belongs to animals that are triggering. jadi untuk content warning yang ini, tolong digunakan hanya pada attached media yang berisi hewan “menjijikkan” seperti kecoa.

first of all, aku mau kasih tau beberapa points yang aku ganti & aku hapus to make it noticeable, yaa.

ㅡ content warning for animals.
ㅡ content warning for foods.
ㅡ content warning for racism, disrespectful, discrimination, menstruation, and harsh words.
ㅡ content warning for repetitive or uncomfort noises.
ㅡ content warning for sexual assults.
ㅡ content warning for mental health issues.
ㅡ content warning for lgbtqia+.

good evening, corporate slaves! hereby i, èloise, one of the admins behind this channel is going to explain some points about changes that i’ve spoke about. some of you surely have noticed that i changed some warning positions & erase some of them, too. likewise, i utter bounds of grats to @mobagengitis as they have helped us to discuss about the things we’re gonna talk about tonight! 💖

udah banyaak banget yang izin sama kita kalau mau up channel ini ke tiktok maupun ke twitter, adapun yang put channel ini ke base mereka terus izin dulu. kita pasti izinin asal kalian chat dulu yaa. sankyu, evewynyan! >...

guys! thank you so much for taking your time to educate yourself and share this channel to your friends so we can learn together about content warning, trigger warning, tone tag, and make ourselves be more consider to other people’s feeling and fear. anyways, this channel is open for public without no certain reason. i, èloise and my partner, kae, made this channel so you all can use and share it through your channel or even base. if you do think that you want to put this channel on your base or any other platforms, please do contact us on @listcwtwbot for permission. hukumnya wajib buat izin ke bot dulu yaa, kalau mau taruh channel ini ke base milik kalian! kami juga open untuk pertanyaan seputar content warning, trigger warning, dan pronouns kok! walau pronouns enggak ada keterangannya di sini, jangan ragu buat text kita lewat bot kalau mau nanya, yaah. ♥


#TT : These are some tone tags that you can learn and use correctly! Please do not use it as a joke.

/j = joking
/hj = half joking
/lh = lighthearted
/s = sarcastic / sarcasm
/srs = serious
/nsrs = not serious
/nm = not mad or upset
/rh = rhetorical question
/g or /gen = genuine / genuine question
/pc or /pos = positive connotation
/nc or /neg = negative connotation
/neu = neutral connotation
/nbh = nobody here
/nay = not at you
/ay = at you
/ij = inside joke
/p = platonic
/r = romantic
/l or /ly = lyrics
/q = quote
/hyp = hyperbole
/li = literally
/c = copypasta
/cb = clickbait
/f = fake
/sx or /x = sexual intent
/nsx or /nx = non-sexual intent
/t = teasing
/m = metaphorically
/th = threat
/ref = reference
/a = alterous
/ma = manifesting


#TT : Just like what we said before, please use it for something that is not clear enough about what it's actually meaning for, if it's obvious, then don't use tone tags.

Seperti yang kita katakan sebelumnya, mohon digunakan untuk sesuatu yang kurang jelas tentang apa maknanya, jika sudah jelas, maka jangan gunakan tone tags.

For examples:
"Ugh, I'm so upset about what they did to my friend. /srs" ❌ because it's obviously serious.

"I hate you /j" ✔ because the word "hate" could be serious depending on the context.

Don't use too much tone tags because it can become infantilizing. You can use 1-3 depending on the context matters.

Jangan gunakan terlalu banyak tone tags karena bisa menjadi kekanak-kanakan. Kamu bisa menggunakan 1-3 tergantung pada konteksnya.

For examples:
"Uh, is he okay? /gen /pos /nm /srs" ❌

"Uh, is he okay? /gen" ✔


#TT : Tone tags or tone indicators are basically functioned as something that can convey the actual point from a phrase, sentence or statement that is not clear enough about what it's actually meaning for. Tone tags also usually help to avoid ambiguity, misunderstanding or confusion from other people (mainly for neurodivergent people).

Tone tags atau tone indicators pada dasarnya berfungsi untuk menyampaikan poin sebenarnya dari suatu frasa, kalimat atau pernyataan yang kurang jelas tentang apa maknanya. Tone tags biasanya juga membantu menghindari ambigu, salah paham atau kebingungan dari orang lain (terutama untuk orang-orang neurodivergent).

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