Locanism Rent : OPEN!!

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Welcome to 𝗟𝗼𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗶𝘀𝗺 𝗥𝗲𝗻𝘁, a place where you can find affection and a place to tell stories @LocanismRent
▪︎Open: 8PM - 12AM.
▪︎Contact person: @IHugLocanism

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Hai everyone, Locanism its still open! Ayo nge rent bisa req IC juga lohh. info lebih lanjut bisa chat @LocanismBot

Репост из: Need ur Help

boleh luangkan waktu sebentar untuk membaca ini? saya punya kucing, sekarang dia sedang sakit, beberapa hari ini coba dirawat sebisa mungkin tapi malah semakin parah, sekarang salah satu anaknya sudah tertular. beberapa orang menyarankan saya untuk membawa ke vet, tapi keadaan keuangan saya sedang tidak baik, ingin meminjam pun tidak ada yang mau memberi. Jadi, saya memutuskan untuk membuat chanel ini dalam rangka open donasi seikhlasnya untuk perawatan kucing saya dengan timbal balik saya akan memberikan katalog saya, dengan kata lain saya menjual icons dengan bayaran se ikhlasnya. Mohon bantuannya.

Репост из: Flaneur Déese : Open
Halo! Selamat datang di FLANEUR DÉESE ☆.
Di sini, kami menyediakan jasa penyuntingan
manipulasi untuk visualisasi karakter, poster
Alternative Universe, dll.

Untuk pemesanan, kritik maupun saran, kamu
bisa mengirimnya ke @FlaneurDeese_Bot
atau @MonoCrocosm.

ㅡ Salam hangat, admin.

Репост из: 𝙈iestery㋡ : Debut.
To all my mutual BA or everyone who see this, i need your help to forward this message to your channel, because it's really meaningful to me. Thanks in advance!

Hoi hoi hola !
Today is @Miestery debut day's.
Capek promosi usn, ba, ch tele atau akun ig? ya sama sih...
Tapi demi kelangsungan hidup bersama, @Miestery telah menyediakan jasa penghilang kemalasan (jastip) & jasa untuk mempersatukan kamu yang tidak bisa bersatu (manips).
Cukup hamburkan duitmu sebanyak 3-5k maka akan kami ubah dunia!
Jangan lupa intip dulu T&C kita yaa㋡.

Репост из: 𝑺tarlet𝐳ୈ-OPEN
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The movie gonna be start be hurry dont be late theres gonna be the freebies special popcorn

Hello everyone,welcome to the cinemaz

Cinemaz merupakan sebuah ba channel dengan theme bioskop dan telah lahir pada tanggal 14-03-2021

Cinemaz menyediakan produk jualan icons dan untuk itu bisa dicek di @cinemazcatalogue

Sebelum untuk mengorder pastikan membaca tnc terlebih dahulu agar mengetahui apa yang harus dilakukan di cinemaz

Репост из: Fairy Garden ʚɞ TOMORROW
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(Dear All of my Bussines Mutuals, will you help me to spread this News? Thankyou so much.)
Finally Fairy Garden debut besok 21 maret 2021 jam 14.00 WIB!! So you can choose our menu ;


And to celebrate our grand opening, we will give two free psd icons to our customers

Репост из: 𝐂leovare 𝐒tore : 𝐎pen !!
To all my mutual BA or anyone who saw this, can you help us forward this message to your business channel? thank you in advance ‹3

Hi all! finally @Cleovarestore opens batch for the first time at 19 March in 10.00 WIB !! start from 2,5k and the first two customers will get a free nokos! there are premium applications, netflix, spotify, joox, viu, and many more premium applications. and number for telegram verification!! There are several lists that make it easier for you to find price lists, testimonials, etc.

If you are interested in buying an application, please contact @itsscleo or just want to see it can be checked at @cleovarestore

Репост из: ★ 𝘄̸̲𝔞𝔯͙𝔲𝔫̈𝔤 𝒢̶𝔲𝔰𝔦𝔟̣𝔤𝔲̟ • soon
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[ To all our BA mutuals or anyone who saw this message, would you mind to help spread this message to your channel? this really help us, thank you! ]

・・ ✧ 𝓑onjour la précieuse population humaine! 𝔄n uncharacteristically sunny day with a passion for crafting new ໐pp໐rtunities and supplies. Every step towards happiness feels lighter with, 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐔𝐍𝐆 𝐆𝐔𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐆𝐔. Today, on 20 March 2021 we’re officially open! Therefore, take advantage of your pleasant days accompanied by a masterpieces in the form of Upsubscribers, Upfollowers, Upviews, Number verification, Themed icons, Pretty username and also PSD icons.

𝕾o, what are you waiting for? List your unmet needs as soon as possible by checking some of the 𝖎mpor𝖙an𝖙 points below ✬

Terms and Condition

Репост из: Kaki Enam : OPEN ✧
[Help me spread this news, please.]

Reminisce is finally open and there is special discount 10-20% off for all items, only for today and tomorrow!

Jajan yuk! Bisa hubungi @virrgo atau @kaleibot langsung untuk order.


Репост из: Jasa Tulis ; 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧
{ To all my mutual BA or anyone who saw this message, can you help me spread this message to your channel? Thank you^.^🤍 }

jasatulishaechanie is officially open again today! We provide jasa tulis, start from Rp1.500,- (or check this message for more information, TnC.)

□ Send your order with copying this form to @haechanieeeee

Репост из: Gaelic, OPEN!
JAM 19.00 WIB

Saha yang lagi pingin Icons kece, Gaelic debut dengan nyediain banyak Icons ganteng / cantik yang harganya under 10k aja. Untuk sekarang Gaelic ngga ada limited slot ya, jadi hayu ambil banyak banyak. Sebelum itu tong hilap baca dulu Regulation terus cek cek Catalog nya disini atau @CatalogAsh Yuk isi format, jam 19.00 langsung send ke @MadeByAsh. Arigathanks Sadayana!

[ Dear each one of my BA mutuals, please give me five second to spread this message, hatur nuhun ]

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[ To all my Business mutuals, can you help me forward this messages to your Business Channel? That would help me a lot! ]

Today the Locanism Rent is open at 5 PM, for the grand opening we will provide a free 1 day promo for a minimum order of 2 days with a limited slot, We open it for bf / gf and also fam rent with payment via QRIS and DANA, don't forget to read Terms and Conditions first and if you want to ask anything you can ask here @LocanismBot. Thank you and have a nice day!


For Customer

• Customer Name:
• Customer Username:
• Nickname:
• Pair Type: (Bxb/BxG/GxG)
• Account Type: (CA/BA/RP)
• Rental period up to:

For Talent

• Position:
• Ava:
• Criteria:
• Typing:
• Extra request:
• Payment:



• 3k : 1 day
• 7k : 3 days
• 12k : 5 days
• 17k : 7 days
• for extand: 2k


• Movie date or etc : 2k
• Put bio : 1k
• Game date : 2k
• Spotify session : 2k
• Voice note : 2k ( selama masa rent/ max 5 vn)
• Free call/Otp : 1k ( 10 menit ) berlaku kelipatan
• Imagine SFW: 1k
• Imagine NSFW : 2k
• Imagine literature NSFW : 3k
• Stay up late/ begadang : 1k
• Request ic anime or etc : 1k


⠀⠀ 𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐌𝐒 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒 ⠀⠀──────────────────────

• Payment dilakukan diawal untuk menghindari Hit and Run dan sertakan bukti. (available for Dana and Qris).

• Bisa saling menjaga privasi satu sama lain.

• Bf/Gf rent tidak bisa menemani customer 24 jam, terpotong keperluan RL.

• Rental tersedia untuk ( BA/CA/RP/FA/PA).

• Tidak boleh membahas RL kecuali talent bersedia.

• Tersedia untuk BxG, BxB, GxG.

• Kami tidak memberikan refund jika dengan alasan yang tidak jelas.

• Jika talent melakukan kesalahan/tidak membalas lebih dari 12 jam dapat dilakukan penggantian talent atau di refund 50%

• Rent maksimal 15 hari dan waktu perpanjang maksimal 7 hari.


Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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